2020-05-17-The Capstone of Your Training
Topic: The Capstone of Your Training
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Uteah
TR: Chris Maurus
Teacher Uteah: The “I AM” is the “God of Action” in your personal triunity consisting of: The Indwelling Presence of the Universal Father — the Thought Adjuster (TA); you, and the I AM — the unified, consecrated will of you and the pre-will of the TA acting in a conjoined way with a supreme desire to manifest a reality that contributes, in part, to the Great Plan. Understanding the I AM is the capstone of your training as a student of a Trinity Teacher, and once you begin to experience the power of the I AM in your world, your trust, faith, and belief in this divine triunity shall move you to achieve greatness as it did for Jesus more than 2,000 years ago having mastered His mind with the Indwelling Spirit of the Father.
My dear students, if you shall sincerely do the work required in self-mastery to prepare your temple for the unification of the divine and human will, you shall unlock the Great Mystery — to “receive, believe, and achieve” a divine outpouring of gifts and manifestations that are available to all children of the Creator Father that are Indwelled by His Spirit. It is your birthright, but you must claim it for yourself. Every one of my students are capable of walking the path and achieving some degree of success in mastering this divine relationship, but it requires a constancy of mind and a consistency of determination and desire for this depth of attunement with the TA.
In the days of Light and Life — after the days of the agondonter has passed, the Trinity Teachers shall engage your world directly and begin the advanced training of the “I AM” with their students to insure the advancement of that world into the successive stages of Light and Life. You see dear ones, even in those days where you shall “see and believe,” the celestial presence will not directly solve your problems — we shall only show you the way and so it is that there shall be a need for students of great ability to engage complex problems and devise solutions to move the planet ever further toward the goals of the Great Plan.
It is through these advanced teachings that the first humans achieve fusion with their Indwelling Spirit at the planetary level, and as the world becomes witness to these great events, many shall follow and sit before these advance students for instruction — not as gurus, but as way-showers, just as you are way-showers to your fellows who are sincerely seeking greater understanding of how Spirit works in your lives through your experiences.
The Trinity Teachers of Jerusem are exceedingly joyful to engage agondonters in this Correcting Time and to plant the seeds of a great harvest to come — paving the way for future generations — to stand on the foundations laid here today with you students! How many of you shall dedicate your lives to the pursuit of this great attainment? I can see that some of you are by the brightness of your spirit? This pursuit does not require an exclusive club; a secret society; nor a monastic conclave, but an “open-arms” gathering of souls that are desirous of having a quality life and having it more abundantly — and to share in that joy and teach it to all their fellows.
Students, in the sincere pursuit of this attainment, your “inner world” must now become more focused.
Will you stay with me on the Path? I AM Uteah.