2020-05-28-Becoming Healing Practitioners
Topic: Becoming Healing Practitioners
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Dr. Mendoza, Monjoronson
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: I’d like to condition this space that we share, that we have between us all and between you our Divine Parents. Condition it with our desire to be with you, to associate with you, to find you in our seeking. I offer these words as guide posts for our desires as we seek to be instruments of your peace and your grace in our lives. That is why we are here tonight as you well know, and that is what will insure that our desires to be of service will be embraced and will be utilized. Thank you Divine Parents for this connection.
Dr. Mendoza: I am here to accept your invitation. I am Dr. Mendoza and as much as you consider me a teacher in your perception, I also consider you an associate in my perception, that is I attempt to extend to you my vision of reality and my awareness of higher ways. In this way you are my associates because then you may go about attempting to master these suggestions and become master healers in your own right. It is this observation of your abilities and skills that is simply an act of the mind to make structure and sense because I am here to affirm for you all that those who are aware of the flow of energy and the circuits used to connect to, are already serving as conduits for healing. Those who have practiced these skills at all, while they may not be masters, are certainly proteges. I invite you to authorize yourselves when you hear that something may be possible to those who are aware. I encourage you to try it, to see for yourselves, because you are aware enough to try it and see for yourselves.
I say this to encourage you in your learning process because that is what we’re all engaged in at this time. Each circumstance will be different, every experience had will be unique, but all are founded on the great principle of love, on the great desire for health and healing, for abundance, for righteousness and as workers in the field, you are learning the skills to be of maximum service and greatest benefit. You are learning how to speak the language of your brethren which allows them to embrace these principles of love, of peace and of grace of which you speak and refer to.
I have spoken before about the valuable position you hold as conditioners of the environment around those individuals or circumstances or situations that you encounter and how you are learning you can modify and change the very reality and certainly the outcome of any process because as the observer, you modify it simply by bringing your expectations. So bring your highest expectations, your grandest notions, your most open minded response. Bring that to the equation so that it may be worked with, guided, directed, informed and chosen.
This is but one of the valuable services you may provide. Each one of you may show yourselves as the link between the material reality we both observe in the moment and the reality you have observed in spirit. And, you may flavor the material experience with your spirit vision. You may bring the truths, the reality, the peace, the love, the grace with you from spirit into the material dimension. In this way you certainly modify the environment when you bring your own attitudes to the equation. So perhaps practice to see how many different environments surround you and how many different contributions you might make, should you so desire which will in effect, change the very reality you are observing.
In this way you begin to see how the game works and if you desire a specific result, then you must first create a link to get to it, create a pathway from your vision of what you would like to the condition necessary for it to exist. This is co-creatorship at its finest because as you choose your way to accomplish closing this gap, you are ever being guided and given the opportunity to choose with your Inner Guide. Always they are there with you, for you, for your universal career. They are there assisting at every opportunity and as you make your way through this maze of progress you find many times you may need to consult with a higher source to choose a way forward and unerringly your spirit guide will assist you as you so request.
So here you are determining that you can influence circumstance by influencing the environment in which it exists. And, you are wondering if so, what then should I do? This is where you come to request counsel from your Indwelling Fragments of Divinity. It will unerringly show you the way if you but ask. So in this process you are asking for procedure and protocol and you are discovering that you need to also embrace the connection between your Inner Guide and your personal being. This is far superior to asking a friend, a teacher, an associate, a dictionary. This is a personalized gift to you from on high to guide you back home. Your questions can all be answered in the light of spiritual values, divine values and your choices will be made clear. So while I appreciate the opportunity to act as teacher, I also register that the training that we are undergoing is as well to train you to, to use a modern phrase, phone a friend anytime within to contact that Indwelling Fragment who is always eager to assist and then be willing to receive the guidance and go with the instruction. Your entire body responds to these energy frequencies and you will actually feel good when you do good.
Thank you all for your interest in coming together and learning more about your spiritual dimension, that aspect of yourselves that meets here now but is timeless, will exist into eternity. That is what makes it so special about when we assemble as a team, as a unit. We are all bringing our timelines together and sharing this common experience in so far as we are able. Thank you for reporting to class and I encourage you to be about the field part of the training, to experiment with different environments and influences that are had and what their effects are. It is then you truly learn the importance of focusing and harnessing the power of your creative thoughts for they will change reality, they will condition your space and perhaps the space of others. They will manifest because that is your destiny as a creature who can manifest reality. Embrace this role that you play and seek only to do the will of the Father. Walk only that line, take only that direction and in so doing you are truly an instrument of the Father’s peace and grace and love. When you desire to follow Him and be like Him, He grants your desire. Make it so in your lives. Go now and be in peace as you are so well loved, good day.
Comment: Thank you Dr. Mendoza.
Dr. Mendoza: Certainly my associate, it is my pleasure and privilege to be here now with you at this time.
Monjoronson: I would greet you this evening, I am Monjoronson and I would delight in taking this opportunity to be with you once again. You all are familiar with the phrase and term, the hundredth monkey syndrome, in which there is a tipping point which when realized, dictates that there will be a grand shift and that this will necessarily happen when the last is added to the load and the change falls into place.
So it is with the current times we are observing and experiencing. There are wide flowing ideologies and there are groups positioning and taking sides and there is an air of change, an air of the sense over what will be next. So if this phenomenon of the hundredth monkey is accurate, then would it not be the most beneficial course of action to forward your visions of the new way out to be examined and chosen and adopted. There are many voices being raised with directions and ideas and choices and now is the time to be strong in your faith and active in your commitment to stand up for what you perceive to be the better way.
Grant yourself in this process that there is no such thing as perfection on this plane. It’s simply unattainable in terms of your species. You are in a transitionary time frame and there is much advancement that can be made. And so you must settle on the best version you can find and the best version may be up to you to introduce, may be up to you to suggest, for truly, what do you have to lose? With the disruption to your culture, many have been disturbed in their approach about embracing what might be a new reality and what it might look like. Certainly that would be the time to offer a new original vision, a new higher version for consideration.
And as you have seen, these things may go viral, thus the hundredth monkey falls and you never are certain which of these acts of boldness, of truth, of revealing the beauty, of testifying of the love will be taken up, but you are certain that by offering them, you are in fact being an instrument of peace and of love. You are bringing the possibility and the presence of these things with your offering, then they may be chosen, then they may be accepted, shared and chosen again. No act of genuine sincerity in providing your own testimony of faith is ever fruitless for your simple statement of your testament of faith demonstrates your faith. So as we continue to observe the mechanics unfold, the principle of spreading love, of offering peace in your awareness, in offering the grace of your understanding, in offering the love of your desire to help, you have modified the environment, you have changed the condition. You installed this divine energy and without you, it would not have happened.
Thank you for your role you play in this process, for the instrument that you are in the peace that comes through you. Maintain your alertness as to where you may best be utilized and remain willing to serve, and most certainly, you will be called to service. It may be different for you than for anyone else, individual and personal or it may be joining a voice to add support. Nevertheless, each act you do conditions that environment. Let’s be about this process with greater intention and purpose for it is wielding a divine trait and a divine ability. Certainly we should maintain our respect and our desire to be of service. Let it be so for all those here, all those who hear these words and all those who desire to seek for the truth, may they find what they are looking for. Farewell to you all, good evening.