2020-06-11-Protection From False Information
Topic: Protection From False Information
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Dr. Mendoza
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: I’d like to present vocal petition to establish this network of associates, of teachers and students, of children of God. I’d like us to connect together and make special invitation to Michael and Mother, to Monjoronson, to Machiventa and to Dr. Mendoza. I’d like to set a place for you all at our round table and invite you to join us as you so wish. Let it be so, thank you Divine Parents.
Mark: How can we protect ourselves from all this false information that is bombarding us? How can we cling to some island of truth in amongst all this? I’d like some comments about how we can safeguard truth, how we can stand strong with righteousness and not be led astray by fearful directions?
Dr. Mendoza: Greetings this evening, I am Dr. Mendoza and after observing with you the preamble to tonights session, I would like to seize on the opportunity to train the microscope on this co-creative relationship that you enjoy with spirit. It will be ever true that anything you are associated with in this material dimension will have a material component to it. It will necessarily be “not perfect” because this material dimension is imperfection growing into perfection. So anything that is manifested or attempted on this plane is the evidence of stages of growth and evolution. This process of building your awareness one block on top of the other is what is so valuable about this mortal experience.
You attempt to build your structure and you learn in the process what it really means to be active in its creation and construction. You learn what your parts to play are in the process and you even learn that the entire process is left up to you. You are the creator. You become the co-creator when you work with the elements of spirit and faith in association with your Divine Parents. In this way you move your physical actions into the realm where they may be guided and directed by your spiritual component. It is this grand mix of both that constitutes who you are, the material starting from the dust of creation and gaining the awareness that is within you. There lies your key to eternity, your liaison into infinity. You move through this process learning how to work more and more closely with your Divine associate until you reach a point where you are so close you literally fuse together as one. So when you notice that something you have engaged in is reflective of your own experience, you are challenged to discern what the divine aspects, principles and values are that are inherent in your own lessons.
That is distinct from this process we are engaged in now, of transmitting/receiving. This process is its own unique circumstance and we rely in this process on establishing a wavelength of communication, an energy field of transfer that occurs between one dimension and another. This then must be translated into the currency of your realm, the language of the realm and must be accurately portrayed to the degree that it is possible to do so using word symbols. So I encourage you in consideration of this technique, to always be vigilant to observe when the human component may attempt to steer or dominate the direction and to be ever ready to let go and let God come through. Be steady in your faith that this is your birthright, this is your destiny and be secure in your awareness that there will be mistakes, there will be inaccuracies even with the best attempts. But all in all, your efforts to keep things in order are well taken and provide you with the assurance that no mistakes may be too radical. We will insure that the worst offenses are addressed in this process of transmitting/receiving.
But in your own individual process of discernment, you have a great challenge, you have almost too much “information” available to you. You are bombarded by many angles and perceptions and narratives that might all seem quite legitimate. What you are learning in this process is to be cautious. Be aware that just because you heard something, that it may not be the truth, it may not be accurate. Just because you heard it or saw it or read it somewhere
The contrast arises because this is also how you must go about verifying your truths. You have to actively search out which of all the narratives you have been exposed to represents the closest version of truth. What you will also notice as you are trying to make your way through this maze of understanding and awareness is that when viewed through the filter of divine values, all questions take on a different light. When you shine the light of awareness and truth, it will illuminate that which can withstand the light and the darkness will be driven away.
So seek verification of whether what you think are truths are really truths by letting them be co-existent with your divine values. Are they compatible, do they co-exist peacefully? You will be given signals that it either is true, it works, it's good, it's beautiful, it's positive or you will feel uncomfortable and uncertain and unsure. This is your Spirit of Truth letting you experience the contrast of pursuing the direction of light in all things or succumbing to the narrative of fear and darkness. This is the glory of your role as a human, you get to choose. You decide which narrative you will follow, which truths you will take up and all of these make up your index of experiences.
Be careful what gets put in the index, be certain it is worthy to be maintained as truth and be ever ready to ask whether a given idea, truth, principle or narrative is currently true. Does it stand up to the moment or is the truth of yesterday now outdated and must be replaced by your current awareness and understanding? To replace the old reference in your index with the new updated one is a constant opportunity for you.
I hope this discussion encourages you to be about this business of discernment, it is your primary task. Witness the contrast, ask the questions, see how the answers flow to you and establish this connection of verification. Ask your Inner Guide any questions of your heart and then step out in faith that you can and will receive a response. That is the purpose of this relationship and of this circuitry that you are part of. Avail yourselves and you will reap the benefits of this connection. Always realize that there will be your personal, individual component added to any equation that you are involved in, it cannot be otherwise. You are the first source and center of your life and your philosophy, of your motivations and actions. You are aware this beginning of an eternal career happens. You set the stage, you create the environment. You choose what environment you will create and what stage, and once you have put such wheels in motion from the child of a Creator Son, then you will receive all manner of assistance from your associates on the other side of the veil. But, I do not need to assure you all of this, merely to reference it.
I would conclude my remarks there unless there is any dialogue or questions anyone might have at this time.
Comment: I just wanted to say thank you and how hard it is yet to discern the truth without inner balance. Is there a way, I mean you talked about asking, aligning what we are hearing, testing its flavor for truth, beauty and goodness and then if we have fear or negative feelings. I really liked that lesson so thank you very much.
Dr. Mendoza: As has been stated in the past, the simple formula of conditioning your internal environment, perhaps even through your prayerful petition to your Divine Parents and to your Internal Guide to be assisted in your process of growth and learning, this is a task that you are doing and they are happy to assist you. Once you are in motion, then all manner of assistance may be afforded. [nice] And as we have mentioned before, one of the components to the successful completion of this formula is one must not only consider that it is their right to get a response, but to condition the environment for such a response by entering and maintaining the stillness.
The stillness is your citadel of spirit that you enter for communion with spirit. It’s the opening that you give to spirit to connect with you, it’s the circuit that you establish. And so, having formulated your heartfelt petition and committed such a petition to words translating it into the wavelength of your understanding, then allowing that this request that you have made may be granted and even so, preparing by being in stillness awaiting the response, calming all other influences and allowing the connection to be. This is the process from beginning to end for you to receive clarification on any subject you desire.
Comment: Thank you, I would say one more thing if I could. We listened to last week’s transmission this morning and were so inspired by Mark Rogers letting his Inner Voice speak to him that we both attempted that ourselves and when he said someone told him about it being a 'bridge too far' because of course the Urantia Book has that old probably garbled or old fashioned message prior to the circuits being open where it says something about we can’t talk to our Thought Adjusters, but I had already done that before in the past.
Anyway today what happened was we made a bridge and we met half way on the bridge because a bridge too far was only half way across and we met half way across the bridge and then we sat there and reached towards each other and this is the part that really made us cry because we both simultaneously said: What may I do for you? It was like me and my Thought Adjuster reaching each other half way across, not a bridge too far. And so it was just a beautiful experience and I so appreciated being inspired by what Mark had done and wanted to share that and tell him thank you and thank him and thank all of you, okay, I’m done.
Mark: Thank you for sharing, that’s very nice and it pleases my heart, thank you.
Comment: Fruits of the spirit multiplied.
Mark: Yes, I thought of something in reference to contacting the Thought Adjuster that the point which was profound for me and helped get the perspective on what was going on, and that was the realization that the Adjuster that is with you the entire time that you can remember, has no personality. This is critical in our understanding and awareness of this. We only know each other by our personalities, our unique combination of being turns into an energy signature and then that energy signature is recognizable as us. So we use that reference constantly when we talk to anyone anywhere, we are trying to dial in on the unique energy that is them.
That is how I dial up the teachers, that is how I know which teacher it is, I feel their unique energy signature which is a result of the fact that they have a uniqueness. They have personality traits and your Adjuster does not, so there is no otherness. So you can’t feel the otherness because it doesn’t exist. There is an empty place where we would be looking for some recognition, some signature. And so what happens is, the only cross communication is done when you translate if there are words or concepts, you have to express them and then you have inserted your personality in there and instantly you just trust the message or can distrust the message because you see signs of yourself. The expression, the mannerism, the vocabulary that you’re familiar with is what you are going to hear from your Adjuster because how would it be otherwise? There is no other one to register it to.
It is the most difficult transmitting I do because you feel as though it is so much you. It’s hard to trust that it’s not you because it’s surrounded by you because you’re expressing it, you’re the instrument. So it is going to sound like you. You have to get over that, yes, it sounds and feels like you but there’s something else, something more. So that to me is the single biggest thing that needs to be communicated to humans that are looking to make contact with this Indwelling Fragment of God, that it resides with you hoping to adopt your personality and become one with you but it has none of It’s own, therefore it is so hard to distinguish. When the desire comes to let this Inner Guide have expression, then It’s going to use your voice and your words and your vocabulary and your understanding, that’s just the way that it works.