2020-07-07-He is a Brother
Topic: He is a Brother
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Damascus Scribe
TR: George Barnard
The Scribe: “When somebody slams a book onto your desk within which the author calls the Correcting Time the Quickening, that particular somebody has identified your brother. And when he, the author, Anthony William, reports to get medical information from the Spirit of the Most High, he is saying he is a Medical Medium – a Receiver or even a (back to front) T/R. What blew you away – admit it, my friend – was his story of a Celestial visitation at a family dinner table and the advice that his grandmother – present at the dinner – had lung cancer.
The fact that four-year-old Anthony William heard a distinct voice, but saw nothing and that at that same age you clearly saw the messenger standing between your mom and dad but heard not a word spoken, makes no difference. You travelled with the Midwayer on your healing journeys, each time. Anthony William was getting an education and authoring the same information was always his main purpose. And what a book it is! You were kept busy, set aside for later, the year 2000 and organization and varied languages.
We’re one step closer to Light and Life!
To all subscribers, I recommend you purchase the book MEDICAL MEDIUM by Anthony William, published by HAY HOUSE, INC.