2020-07-09-Practicing with Circuitry
Topic: Practicing with Circuitry
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Inner Voice, Dr. Mendoza
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: I would like to pause to add some notes of gratitude for our Divine Parents for all that we experience, all that’s around us and before us, all that’s within us, all the expectations we have as the young ones desire to grow up to be like their parents. So it is we come to you tonight desiring to grow up to resemble you, to be like you because it is our choice to do so. We would exercise this free will choice and choose you, our Divine Parents, choose the direction back to you, to embrace you in this grand journey home. Let it be so, even now.
Inner Voice: I greet you all tonight on behalf of your Inner Voice, your Inner Guide, your Inner Partner in the process of tackling our eternal career. I speak to you tonight as I too am “onboard” with you. I also share this circuit between all my other associates in this exercise, all the Divine Fragments, all the Thought Adjusters. We enjoy a circuit of communication between us that relies on our judgment of the capacity of the individuals we are associated with. We are certainly there to foster any and every effort to find spirit and communicate with spirt and to relax into spirit. But there will be no coercion, no cajoling you to a particular direction. Each and every step must be one that you choose and I am here to support your decision, to honor your choices and whenever permitted, to shine some more light on your area of understanding, your area of concern. I can cooperate with you and do this as a partner if you but simply ask. I can use the circuitry available to me to assist in the circuitry that’s available to you so that when you have a question of where the divine values lie in the circumstance, turn to Me and I will illuminate them for you so that you may the more easily choose them.
I come to you tonight because you have permitted thus far our exchange and you have shown your willingness to adventure out beyond standard boundaries and to those who will seek, they will be made to find and the fact that you are here now, brought to this awareness and realization in this segment of your evolution, brings with it the enhancement of your capacity you have in very real terms, grown your ability, fostered your efforts and developed new techniques because you have chosen to do so. I remind you that I will always attempt to put out a lead, a direction, an inspiration and sometimes you are flushed with these sentiments and feel this surge of inspiration. That is my doing, those higher thoughts that you are seeking are being presented to you as you are ready and I have the divine privilege of embracing this journey with you since the very beginning. I know you as well as you can be known and I am always eager to assist when you seek the light and want to pursue divine values.
Now that we are becoming more acquainted, I would request of you that you find more opportunities throughout your journey to consider Me and what my response might be to your position, what my reaction might be to your direction. This is how it works. I will attempt to bring you new standards, new levels of awareness and as you grow, you stand firmly on these standards that you embrace throughout the journey. And this, in fact, creates who you are and even who we are for in the end, we will be as one. I have chosen you to complete this journey with and I have every faith that we will see this journey through and with the awareness that we are building of each others presence, our journey will be made richer and more dense with experience. I am pleased to take this opportunity that you grant Me to attempt this form of communication with you now, to exercise the implementation of my circuit, the Thought Adjuster circuit, introduced and alongside your circuit of human will and intention. In this way, all circuits are charged, all circuits are enhanced through this commingling of energies.
As I mentioned before, I would offer the instruction to practice. Practice is walking the walk. My words now are talking the talk but one must take the time to actually practice any skill if they desire to master it. So perhaps, with your allocation of your energy in terms of your time, your focus, perhaps this new direction may bring new fruits into your life. It is not often that I may make such a direct request and so I treasure this opportunity to express in word symbols that you might understand. I pray my exercise has been acceptable and I have a real sense that we are answering the calling of a lifetime. We are responding to the most basic, most elemental aspect of your creation, of our creation.
I express my gratitude for this opportunity and now I would recede into the background behind the simple curtain of awareness, just behind and underneath where it is visible and obvious. I appreciate that you are looking for Me. I will make every effort to assist you in finding Me as we go forward. We are meant to be together. So be it, farewell.
Dr. Mendoza: I would take the opportunity to greet you this evening, I am Dr. Mendoza. It is hard to follow “The Voice of God”, as it were, but I will do my best to stick to my level of awareness and join you once again in this classroom. We have spoken before of the various circuits available that may be used and directed and channeled for the purposes of health and healing and now we are experimenting with yet another circuit that has been there all along though perhaps dormant until it was chosen.
As we keep building these layers of energy fields and circuits, we become more combined in the totality of the range of energy that exists and when we turn our focus to the efforts of healing and being a conduit for healing energies, it is very important that we bring our association with these other fields of energy, with these other dimensions of which we are aware and that we infuse every equation with the highest value that we can manifest. This is what we are doing when we are projecting healing energies out to an individual or a circumstance. We are projecting the energies of health and healing infused with our free will choice to create, to make it happen and exercising this choice and pursuing this option is then fostered by the association we have in the awareness of these associations, the association with the different wavelengths of energy, the different dimensions that we know exist and that we are a part of, and as a part of these circuits, we may bring the dimensions of the circuit into the equation. The grandest circuit, of course, is the will of our Divine Parents and aligning ourselves to facilitate their will is the highest form of devotion and worship.
But as physicians assistants, we may all assist in the practical applications of the manifesting of energies necessary to be conducive to activating the proper circuits and manifesting the highest possible reality because our intention is focused on just that. We project that truth out before us in the process and all this is learning how to use these fields of energy, these circuits that come to you and touch you and are a part of you and are an asset to you for now you have connection to a great web, a great many alternatives that you may choose. And this is the result of you forming these relationships yourselves, seeking to know your relationship in these regards and develop it.
So this is where you find yourselves, determining your role and your position in the universe as the sons of the Son of Man and growing even in one lifetimes journey, to understand that you are indeed far more than material man. You are spirit individuals as well and you may even come to a point of being relaxed about the journey ahead even though you must give up one bridge as you cross over it. To those who believe in their position, they will be comforted to know that it is not the end of anything but this single short experience called the earthly life.
I just thought I would take the opportunity to draw the comparison for you about using such energy fields in all your endeavors, even desiring to implement them for health and healing. I would be so bold as to suggest that you explore the new avenue of approach of this circuit of the Indwelling Divine Guide for this circuit runs throughout all mankind. It is a thread that binds you all and it is an avenue of approach for your prayers and your intentions, a way through another door, a different route and in this way you enjoy the wholeness of this energetic field and will embrace your place in it, the role you play. This might be a good pursuit when concerned about how to approach an individual. It is possible for you to approach them on this Thought Adjuster circuit, or rather have your Thought Adjuster approach their Thought Adjuster to exchange what needs might be there, what obstacles might be there because these Thought Adjusters are the gate keepers to making this contact and they will always favor the interests of their charge over any other request.
I know this may sound far afield, but if you’re able to 'phone a friend,' in a sense, by asking that your Adjuster participate, then your Adjuster can use the circuit to ‘phone a friend’ and connect and see where compatibilities may lie. Just another tool in your tool box, off to the side, you may enjoy practicing with it from time to time to see the extent of its capacity. Thank you for the opportunity to converse with you, it’s always a pleasure to join you in these exercises. There is so much expansion and growth happening that it’s always a joy to perceive. I take my leave now unless there are any questions or dialog from the group.
Comment: Dr. Mendoza, thank you so much. We read the life carrier papers today about the seven adjutant mind spirits and when we were done it was as if we just remembered that we have our Thought Adjusters and we did have all the tools, that we weren’t just dropped here and at the end we discussed what was missing and what we seem to be so far away from these days and instead of arguing, that prayer for your brother, for the planet…like the worldwide prayer and like you said, we have those tools. I am just grateful that you are on Lightline and that you are speaking truth to us, reminding us who we are, I appreciate that.
Dr. Mendoza: I accept warmly your appreciation but no teacher is of any value without the student and all of you have brought me so much satisfaction because you’ve been steadfast in your pursuit. You have gone where spirit leads you. No one could ask for more in a student and so it is my great pleasure to be here to bring you that which you seek, answers to your deepest questions, directions to illuminate, perspectives to share. But, as I say, I am the one joyed that you would have me, that you would make the space and create this entire experience because you so choose, we so choose.
If there are no more contributions this evening I would take my leave and assure you that I will if you will. If you come to the well, I will draw up the water that you may drink, that we may be nourished by the water of life. This is my commitment to you. A good day to you all, be in peace.