2020-08-05-Seeing Beauty in the Passing of Life
Topic: Seeing Beauty in the Passing of LIfe
Group: At Large
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vicki Vanderheyden
Session 1
Vicki: “Dear Monjoronson, I am beside myself with the passing of my younger sister and now as the last surviving sibling, I ask: Why is it that there has been so much loss in my family and at such young ages? Is there something I must learn?”
Monjoronson: “Perhaps, that there is beauty in life… not only at its conception, or throughout the act of living and but at life’s end as well.”
Vicki: “Tell me more please…”
Monjoronson: “Let us first talk of beauty. It is truly through the acknowledgement of beauty that we can access heartfelt love. Seeing life through the eyes of beauty, opens your heart to feelings of love. As you observe the flight of a hummingbird when it hovers in one place as if frozen in time, anticipating the nectar of the flower below, it is that vision of beauty that fosters the love you feel for it.
“Love is often hard to generate on its own. Something can be seen, stated, written or proclaimed… but unless one captures its beauty, love may be difficult to feel. Yet the potential to feel love is abundant. From every aspect of life, one can define its beauty and unleash a burst of love.
“So much is missed in life’s demands, obligations and the daily existence of busyness, that it may take the death of a loved one, to jar you from your current path. As you are halted in your tracks by the sudden shock of it, you are forced to slow down. And at that moment you find yourself awakening to the beautiful aspects of his or her life and yours as well. It is at this time that you contemplate the beautiful essence of the one you lost as you celebrate a material life in its fullness regardless of its length. And when this occurs it is as if all that surrounds you is magnified and distorted enough to give you a unique view of the beauty that only days before laid dormant and undisclosed.
“The beauty and love you experience from the loss of a dear one is not confined to you. It is contagious. It passes on to others and inspires all to see the beauty in the loss you share, while you feel and express more love for each other. It expands your vision to view everything and everyone around you in a different light. It allows you to look beyond the finality of one’s passing and feel how your lost loved one touched the lives of so many others in unique and newly discovered ways. Beauty stimulates gratitude and love for the other blessings in your life as well. And through the loss of your dear one you gain a first-row seat to the beauty of growth that occurs in those around you at that time.”
Session 2
Monjoronson: “Beauty has a universal quality that encompasses all aspects of living in both life’s unity and its separation. It does not exist in happiness alone. Beauty can be seen and love can be felt in the sorrow of pain, misery and death. It can be unleashed through a most cruel affront and from the most endearing gesture. It requires that you look for it, acknowledge it and then feel the love it unfolds. You need only to ask, “Where is the beauty in this situation, where was the beauty in that experience, where was the beauty in that human being?” Was there beauty in the people, in the disclosure, in the aftermath or in the lesson learned?
“Within human struggle lies the wholeness of life. And in the wholeness of life, beauty awaits to disclose truth and transform it into love. When you center on beauty it provides you with the opportunity to observe, to discriminate, and to appreciate the dualities of life. It can empower you to recover from the distortion of a lie that burns deeply within you because at times, the stark contrast of falseness can best highlight the beauty of truth. And if at that time you struggle to see this from the deep wounds that you feel, be assured that there is indeed, love and gratitude in knowing the difference between fact and fiction.
“And before long you will discover that love engenders beauty as well, for there will come a moment in time when the love you feel for your dear ones will remind you of the world they have passed into. One that is free of physical burdens, free of the veils, and free of the many limitations of material life. And you will realize that your love for them transcends the loss and will eventually settle into gratitude. For though you will physically miss each other, you will find beauty and peace in knowing that their life is now richer in other ways by the nurturing nature of the afterlife.
“Life is about the choices we make. It is about the way we tend to our inner landscape. The quality of our life improves with our ability even in the saddest of circumstances, to see its beauty, and feel the love that lies below the surface. So, when you find yourself in the throes of loss, try to step away from your grief and allow yourself to access the beauty of your precious loved one, the beauty of that moment, the beauty of a cherished memory, the beauty of the past and the beauty of what is developing around you. And remind yourself that no matter where you are, you have the ability to engender an aspect of beauty from every experience and gather the nectar of love from it.”
Vicki: “Thank you Monjoronson. The ‘beauty’ of these words comforts me. They fill me with much love. This, I will share with others.”
Monjoronson: “You are most welcome. You have my condolences and my love.”