2020-08-20-Higher Grids of Awareness
Topic: Higher Grids of Awareness
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Inner Voice, Michael
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: My internal petition while I get in alignment is that I wish to be the truest, most accurate instrument of the peace and grace from our Divine Parents. That represents my petition, my prayer that I can most genuinely and sincerely assist them in the process of communicating with us, their children. Let it be so.
Relationship,Thought Adjusters
Inner Voice: I am here to respond. I am this ones Inner Voice but I go by many names as you all are aware. There will be no two names which will be exactly the same because word symbols simply cannot capture an aspect of your being. I am so greatly pleased that you all have decided to direct your gaze in our direction, that your curiosity has brought you to search for us. We have been on the same vessel with you. We have been onboard since a very early point in your lives. We have been stowaways on your experience. You have sailed your vessel as you have so pleased and we have been occasionally on deck with you observing and making assessments.
But you have reached a point where you would like a more active relationship, more participation between us, more working together towards a common goal. And since you have declared in your lives and to the universe, that your goal is to seek the highest values you can find, these values will invariably lead you and take you where you want to go. When you increase your capacities by expanding your perspective you are afforded a much better view of the relationships that you are trying to assess. By asking for my assistance or confirmation or presence, you bring an entire field of energy into play for as you have chosen in your lives to follow your Father just as His disciples were requested to do, you have volunteered willingly unasked. And so as you proceed to follow Michael, you may turn to me as a representative of the Father, of the First Source and Center and at some point you may concede to fully embrace this action of following me as you would the action you can conceive of in following your brother or following your Father as He leads you towards The Father.
This is what our relationship will grace you with, this connection to higher and higher grids of awareness, of energetic reality. As your capacity expands, so will your horizons and all because you have chosen to be on this search and to find for yourself this onboard partner who is attempting to guide you home and you are attempting to make a serviceable relationship so that you may benefit from such cooperation. And this is your destiny, this is the path you are on even now. This is the stage you are at on this path and your persistence is what will drive your progress. Your desire to make this connection so will be honored as your prayer because you will allow, you will accept, you will embrace that this is part of your being, part of your destiny, part of your heritage, indeed, part of your composition and integral to the whole.
I understand that we are engaged in a public offering at this time and so by definition I speak in broad terms but I encourage your efforts at rooting out the details and walking the walk and presenting yourselves in class for instruction, for practice, so that you may perfect your skills and embrace your spirit component. I understand that there is on the agenda, to recognize and celebrate the offering made by Michael in his role as Jesus. Truly, we all are impressed by this example, by his willingness to steadfastly adhere to his highest spirit principles, his grandest vision and was consistent in attempting to represent them in his actions, to live his values in deed. This was an incredible example to have left you, the depths of his commitment to his Father and to the spiritual principles that would guide him, to the sacred connection that he shared with his Father. Continually revisiting was a key component in the success as he locked on to his mission and his target.
Perhaps His greatest offering to all of us was the demonstration of his steadfast faith, his everlasting true faith which was made into his actions and turned from a spiritual belief into a material manifestation. This ability to create, to transform, to alter and to manifest is what he demonstrated over and over again. And everlastingly he would encourage that we fear not, only believe, only have faith. And all these gifts that he left us, these inspirations, these examples, were a gift to all the universe, a gift to the First Source and Center, a gift to each and every one of us as his Spirit of Truth was dispatched. I am sure you will join me as I offer our gratitude to Micheal for his example, for his effort, for his choices, for his faith and we request to reaffirm our commitment to follow his lead, to go using his spiritual bearings, to follow the path that he had begun.
I stand in gratitude with you all, we stand in gratitude with you all for this relationship, us together here and now for this circuit we enjoy, for this fellowship that we cherish. It is always good to enjoy gratitude. Farewell to you all.
Mark: I would make vocal petition, though I understand it is not necessary, to commune with Michael, to wish him a happy incarnation day and to thank him for everything. Michael, this is the time of year we enjoy gathering in remembrance of you, to honor you for your service, to learn from your example and to attempt to follow you in your footsteps on your path. We come here once again with the same intention. In gratitude and in love we desire to share this peace with you, this grace, thank you.
Michael: I am He who you seek and I am always touched that you would remember me. It has been quite a few calendars that have gone by since the times that you are remembering and yet this thread has been present through all the turning of the pages and all the calendars that have been used up. That is because there is contained within my life’s representation a thread of the Father’s love. This thread that runs through my life example is what is so powerful and potential. It is why you recall my life today. It was distinguishable as divine and when you contact it, you are drawn to seek it out and connect with it. It is the power circuit that all seek to connect to and the fact that it was present back in my time and it is still recognized as a key component, signals that it is of great significance.
All of you who know of me and know of our relationship know that we are connected individually and as well, I am connected to all others. Therefore, when you connect to me, you in a sense connect to all as I may be a hub of connection. I may be a source of energy and presence in various ways at various times all because you are aware of me and of us and of our relationship. Now you are in your attempts to follow me. You are exploring other aspects of your spirit component and it brings me great pleasure to see that you are exploring the dimension between you and your Father Fragment, your divine piece of the whole. When you explore this dimension you will find that you have a big helping hand in the process that you may have never welcomed.
During my life experience, I call you to witness with me that it was my connection to my Thought Adjuster, my Internal Fragment that was so important in my ability to know the right way, to confirm the right choice, to even consider the right options. This was so greatly significant in my life earth experience, going off as I did numerous times to commune with The Father and with my Internal Guide, to utilize this guide's abilities and therefore be able to follow Him towards The Father. So as I was asking those around me to follow me, I was is silence and in gratitude and in relationship with my Inner Guide and my confirmation by The Father. These were my rocks, my foundation on which I leaned as I made my way through the process and as I exercised my faith in the process.
I am so greatly pleased to witness you all here and now engaged in the same process, seeking your direction and the guidance you so desire and finding where to connect to get that which you seek, your answers, your direction. This will serve you well my dear ones and time spent exploring this dimension will be greatly rewarding. This gift of grace will manifest in your experiences and change everything. You will become literally a different being as a result of developing this internal relationship. Such is the grace of the plan, such is the grace of The Father. I am so pleased to accept your gratitude and your gesture in my direction toward a service but I do not have to tell you that service such as that, when rendered, becomes overwhelmingly satisfying because we have followed The Father, we have chosen the path and therefore executing the steps along the way is transformed. Love in action. My love to you all, each and everyone. This is not beyond my capacity to develop and maintain a relationship with each and everyone. Rather it is my desire, it is my prayer.
So thank you for the part you play, the roles you play in the fulfilling of my prayer. I desire to be a close family for all those who would accept this truth and embrace this reality. Let it be so as we both will choose. Go in peace, be in peace, stay in peace even though the waters around you may get choppy. Remember, I have been here for you all along and I assure you, I will be there with you throughout and insomuch as you will allow, I will fellowship with you and counsel with you from my perspective and grant you greater perspective to make your assessments. Fear not, only believe, only trust that with God, all things are possible. With your connection to God, all things are possible. Peace to you all, farewell.