2020-12-17-Closer to Your Internal Fragment
Topic: Closer to Your Internal Fragment
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa, Inner Voice
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: I’d like us to create our inner environment to use our individual construct of thinking to bring us to the relaxed state where we can embrace awareness, where we can have an open heart and mind to receive spirit. We actively take steps to do this in recognition of the importance and the value in creating the environment conducive for such an exchange. Thank you Divine Parents for this gift of grace. Help us to practice with you receiving this gift and to increase our ability to accept it and embrace it in our lives. Let it be so.
Machiventa: I am Machiventa Melchizedek and I am quite pleased to accept the gesture of your offer and of your energy in my direction. I am happy to have an opportunity to respond to your petition in this way, in this method that we have, you and I, created this very moment. We’ve signed on to this circuit between us and we have connected in this effort. We've met on this frequency and now we may co-mingle our energies. We may share our gifts of grace. We may join together in service, as we do even now. I appreciate the effort to maintain our relationship. It is very true, that in order to keep any relationship strong it requires maintenance, it requires persistence and the donation of your energy over and over again.
I would like to acknowledge this direction of seeking to work more closely with your Internal Fragment and thereby increasing the magnitude of your experience and the pleasure of your journey by realizing that you are sharing it with another and you are sharing the entire experience together. This is a grand design that you are fulfilling in your time/space experience, this growth of spirit in mortal flesh to spontaneously seek to find and embrace the divine. When efforts are made such as the efforts you make to come back to class, come back to the gym and dig a little deeper, try again and practice. I am always happy to join you at the gym, that’s where we choose to meet to do a little exercising of our spirit awareness muscles, our spirit perception, tone that we maintain.
You all have felt the calling of a great shakeup of sorts and that it will be necessary to stay in touch, to stay focused, to stay in contact. This is a very good inclination because no matter what transpires on the outside, you are determining that you are the ones responsible for controlling your environment on the inside. You are the one who decides what is planted in the garden and what is weeded out and your fruits are clearly evident and displayed in glory. I encourage you to experiment and use that very property that has brought you to this place to propel you forward into trying different things, new things, things which are not repeating old patterns but attempting to create new. You are well learning the value of preparing the environment, of conditioning the environment so that the work goes well and is received and the energy that is transferred is successfully received.
Thank you for asking to hear from me and keeping our connection alive and well. I have given you my commitment to see you through on our project and I will never forsake you. It, as you are becoming aware, will probably not look like anything you ever thought it would but whatever it is, we will function with the same values, the same divine principles and we will navigate the challenges using these as our landmarks. I bid you all a good day and allow for space that you have conditioned to be afforded to the speaker of your choosing, good day.
Inner Guide: Thank you for making this opportunity available, I am this ones Inner Guide. I am aware of the human reference for one to say I am their better half and jokingly I offered this reference. I am the other half and I certainly am most pleased to have this relationship. I am in service to this expansion of awareness that is required for mortals to embrace their other half. The past experience of mankind has been spotty and uncertain when it comes to recognizing the influence of their Inner Voice and so there has been much misunderstanding leading to the general lack of awareness. It is time that we change this perception, or rather, lack of perception because the circumstances around this phenomenon have changed. We are seeing an expansion of existing circuits and amplification of frequencies bringing them much closer to human perception.
But, what will make the difference is this phenomenon referred to of conditioning the space, making right the environment by infusing it and charging it with spirit. This is how you manifest such a change. You create a new scenario, charged in advance with the qualities of love and peace. You stage the experience in advance because you have the creative prerogative to choose this to do as you please. So, what do you please? By choosing to spread truth, beauty or goodness you are assisted by all the forces of good. This act of service is recognized and assisted as it represents the material manifestation of the desires of the Creators, of your Divine Parents.
It is this preparation of environment which I would like to shift the focus of gaze upon and bring up its relationship to another environment. You are aware that a lot of your mental processes occurs actually in the sleep state, the state when your mind may function under its own intention and it is very concerned with sorting and categorizing and in this time of organization in your rest state, much is accomplished. Answers may rise to the surface when you are available in the sleep state and much of our contact is done when the restrictions of conscious awareness are not imposed. If this is true, then preparing this environment, readying the stage, the arena, the place of spirit and then directing and granting that it is your desire to augment this environment, to enhance it and to infuse it with the highest spirit frequencies you are aware of.
I invite you to practice this little exercise before you submit to the loss of your consciousness. For your rest period, engage in a prayerful petition to infuse this time of sorting and structuring to be infused with the highest frequencies, the highest principles, the most divine aspects and grant your willingness to follow where inspiration may take you, to entertain suggestions at these times, to open your heart and be willing to commune, be willing to simply connect. Do this in advance, make this your petition for what might transpire in your restful state and you will see that this is an environment that is well worth it to condition, to prepare, to direct so that growth may be sponsored and awareness may be increased.
I offer this exercise because you asked, you asked by coming to the gym and looking for another exercise to strengthen and tone your spirit muscles. So here is another area, another arena for you to create, invent and supply with intention and purpose. As well, I would like to revisit before leaving you this evening, the exercise in reestablishing connection with this healing grid that we have been forming each time we get together with this purpose. There is an everlasting desire to focus in service and so we present ourselves again this evening for direction and I would like to resubmit the prayerful petition that it is the desire of the healer to support and comfort those who are engaged in the struggle of change. We offer them our support for their strength, for their ability to persevere, for the opportunity this represents to strengthen their faith and for peace in the transition of life.
As we have become aware, life is the series of one transition after another. Let there be peace, let there be grace in our prayer. We would bring them the comfort of our parent’s love as well as ours, the sense of connection and being there for them. And we are learning to invite our Thought Adjusters to include their circuit which is our circuit shared and we invite them to help us project out, even on this circuit, this prayer for support, strength, peace and the submission to the unfolding of life, to accept the grace that abounds. This represents the will of our hearts to be of service. This expression is but an attempt to put words to thought so that we may express the deed of extending the grace of prayer to any and all we may bring into our awareness. The vibration of energy involved in worship is the same energy involved in service, plugging in to the wavelength of higher frequencies, that is why we all meet here. We all come back to this well to embrace this truth, to feel it for ourselves, sense it and to be in fellowship for the joyous experience of having found these gifts of grace.
I bask in the glow of service, of love in action. I thank you all for joining in this process, in this exercise, in this opportunity that we all have enjoyed. It has been a pleasure once again to co-mingle energy signatures. I take my leave but I always remind you, I only turn aside and give you back the voice. Thank you for allowing me its use, farewell.