2020-12-20-Value of Camaraderie
Topic: Value of Camaraderie
Group: S. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Michael
TR: Simeon
Michael: My friends, I am Michael. It touches me whenever my children choose to listen for my call, for the call of my ministry and the far-flung associates who I involve in the affairs of the universe. You may have heard the phrase, "whenever two or more are gathered" and, indeed, it is true there is a growing energy in the combining of forces, in the sharing of your intentions together toward spiritual reception. The love of God meets you each individually within, and yet the familial desire to connect brings forth the love of the family of God in addition to that pouring out of love from our First Source and Center to each of his creatures.
Recognize that I do hear and know the yearnings of your souls, the desire for your world to be enlightened with our presence, for the clouds and the shadows and the distortions to dissolve in the spiritual embrace of the family of God here on your world, the world of my bestowal,which I know intimately. Everything has its season. Recognize the turning of the leaves, the shorter days and longer nights, soon to be the lengthening of days. And so it is that ahead there will be longer periods of light incrementally, opportunities to bask with your fellows in the presence of God.
I hope for our world to turn the corner from distorted values toward seeing the value in brotherhood and sisterhood of all, not broken up into small insular units, thinking these small groups are special and somehow better than the others, but the recognition that the commonality of all humans is more important than feeling special or distinct from others.
There may still be difficult periods ahead but realize that your involvement allows you to be a part of the solution, a bringer of the dawn, so to speak. Finding ways to speak of the ideals of light and life will provide vision. Bring forth your understanding not so much in a dogmatic fashion with specific beliefs that people must adhere to but the possibilities of living value filled lives that think of kindness, service, brother and sisterhood, community and connection with God or spirit, before you would amplify your own needs.
It is my pleasure to speak with you tonight during this time of transition. Know that energy is swirling on your world in many forms. Look for the opportunities to engage with that energy. Be committed to the engagement with our Father within, for you will find an amplification through that presence to know what and how you can be of service, what you can share, and who may be open to it.
I appreciate your sentiments, my children. I do recognize the connection and honor what is in your hearts. Be at peace and look for the way forward. The opportunities are there and are coming.
Q1: Thank you Michael. I feel this every year at this time of year - the celebration of your birth and the kindness of helping your neighbors and the joy and the excitement to carry on into the new year - and I try to keep that childlike openness and joy. This year it's like the pandemic has brought us to a point where we are listening and looking for you and there's more stillness time and more time to connect without the bustling around. So I hope we're turning the corner. Thank you for everything.
Michael: I would like to share a vision of many, many people sitting on a hill looking out at the wonders below and despite the panoramic beauty, they are realizing the most beautiful thing about the situation is the camaraderie they share with each other, sharing an experience together, and knowing the feeling that the things we share with each other will always be more powerful than what we can merely look at and see.
I share this vision with you because I know you feel camaraderie with each other and with your other friends and associates in this mission and the various missions you have been a part of. My hope is that we can all come together and unite in brotherhood under my Father to provide that experience for all who would seek Him. I leave you with these thoughts tonight and look forward to touching with you in your prayers, my friends.