2021-01-02-Feel My Total Acceptance
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Topic: Feel My Total Acceptance
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Beloved One
TR: Lytske
The Beloved: “Yes, stand in awe before Me – I, who give everlasting life to each of My children. Allow the self to be totally saturated in My love.
It is I, who abides in, and with you. All the days of this life count as nothing, compared to the life I have prepared for you.
You are My child. Even before I created you, I had a special plan and purpose for your life. Your life is meant to sing praises unto Me, and in your doing so, you sing praises unto yourself.
For, know this, My child: I am you and you are becoming Me. Together we are becoming one. You live your life to become one with Me.
Feel My total acceptance of you. Let Me flow through you. Let Me guide you into life everlasting.
Oh Joy. Oh Love. Oh Life.”