2021-01-24-As Always
Topic: As Always
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Beloved One
TR: Lytske
The Beloved: “Enter fully into My embrace, My dear child. As you express your gratitude to Me, I now affirm My satisfaction with you, as both our longings are answered when we are together as one.
“Always remember that I too, look forward to these moments when nothing else of importance exists – just you and Me together – for together we climb that mountain towards perfection to the summit of glory and praise of the Creator.
“You have traveled an often disenchanting and difficult road, and yet you carried on, for unbeknownst to you, it was I, who time and again prompted you to pull yourself together and carry on.
“In your darkest moments a feeling would come over you that somehow, you were never quite alone, and you would look up into the starry heavens and see an orderly procession of stars, which returned each evening to their appointed places.
“There was order.
“You pondered these matters and decided that somewhere the Master Creator was at work, even looking after the birds and the flowers, and all other visible signs of creation.
“In doing this, the greatest gift you gave yourself was to start searching for Truth.
“For you, as for so many, it has been a long road towards the discovery of your Creator’s Spark of Life within.
“Keep on learning, My dear one, for the door remains open to further discoveries, within and without.
“As always, I shall be there with you.”