2021-02-09-The Rearview Mirror of Hindsight
Topic: The Rearview Mirror of Hindsight
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Anyas
Thought Adjuster: “My omnipresence is an absolute fact. Yet, it eludes those who go through life absent-heartedly. Chronic obsession about the past or excessive preoccupation about dreaded future potentialities diverts their attention from what truly matters: the concrete operational platform of the heart- and headquarters we share in the timeless present — our connective tissue that constantly sheds the dead cells of the past, replacing them with vital ones that act as a launching pad for an evolutionary future that will show up in due timing.
Your life will be far more productive and on target, if you devote it to actualizing the rich potentialities held in the present. A Carpe Diem attitude will prompt you to leave the sidelines to enter as a star player the great playing field of life.
It is how you reinvent yourself under the Father’s benevolent mentorship, thus making a valuable contribution toward an improved state of worldly affairs. Instead of getting hung up on past mishaps, put their experiential wealth to good use. You will be surprised to find yourself expressing gratitude for the trying lessons meted out by the School of Hard Knocks, as you will have turned them into catalysts for more fruitful initiatives.
“Man’s wisdom grows out of the trials and errors of human experience. . ..” (UB, 4:3.4) Often, the divine all-wisdom is imparted by contrast through the natural backlash of ill-advised free-will choices.
You may fail miserably at first but rest assured that other windows of opportunity will present themselves. The rearview mirror of hindsight will greatly enhance your navigational skills.”