2021-02-21-Sweet or Sour Grapes
Topic: Sweet of Sour Grapes?
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Anyas
“The religions of revelation allure men to seek for a God of love because they crave to become like him. [ . . .] Sooner or later, God is destined to be comprehended as the reality of values, the substance of meanings, and the life of truth.” (UB, 5:4.1-2)
Thought Adjuster: “How could one fear a God of love Who continuously sets in motion from His heavenly abode myriads of perfectly premeditated chain reactions — matches made in heaven?
“By its generous nature, love exerts an irresistible pull. How else could your prodigal soul find its way from its temporary earthly habitat back to the hearth of the divine heart — its birthplace?
“All share Paradise as the place of origin, function, and destiny, as regards values, meanings, and factual existence.” (UB, 0:4.11)
“Love is both the motivator of excellence and the most worthwhile and rewarding pursuit. Its passionate prompts motivate the creatures to express their godlike essence — uplifting them, never disheartening them.
“At its Antipode, hate is an extremely disturbing emotion that traumatizes the tender heart, causing it to shut down. It terrorizes its victims, and its vicious intensity short fuses the complex cosmic circuitry of love — tampering with its natural flow.
“If given free rein, hate, anger, fear, resentment, and their toxic by-products will pollute your heart, cannibalizing the good in you. Hate is an acidic emotion that erodes your emotional heart — just like an excessive intake of acidic nutrients becomes the breeding ground for the proliferation of deadly cancerous cells. The scornful facial expression of a ‘hater’ instantly prompts you to divert your eyes away from its repulsive ugliness.
“Stand firm against the malignant takeover of violent emotions, refusing to give them your voice and your body as surrogates to enact their destructive rampages. Form the emotional hygiene habit to stand back to assess the adversarial hold they will claim on you if you give them free rein.
“Hate is a downer. Why then operate under its spell while love forever remains a sustainable option? Lovers thrive. Their persona emits a beautiful glow, a tell-tale sign that they have found ‘the real thing.’ They go about doing good — as Jesus did — thus spreading the love bug.”