2022-02-01-Teamwork Born in Heaven
Topic: Teamwork Born in Heaven
Group: Unknown
Teacher: Amanson
TR: Mark Turnbull
I will speak with you this evening. Welcome back, I am always here for you. Your journey is of great interest to many of us here, for now is the time for great influence to be levied. The truth you are after is of course right at your fingertips, and your ability to grasp it grows ever firmer with each attempt. The "Holiness Encounter" you seek is one of reciprocal agreement, and for every ounce of energy you post going forward it is matched ten-fold by that which you are reaching for. All the energy you place at Its disposal is used a hundred-fold in your dual pursuit. It is a teamwork "born in Heaven"; shall we say, and it benefits all those within reach of such a place, which is to say all creation. Your response to the behests that summon you is the bedrock of your existence.
Your life "such stuff as dreams are made on"; (to quote your beloved Mr. Shakespeare) and these dreams are the stuff life was made for. As long as you follow these leadings you will find yourself always at the right place at the right time. Good to know, eh? He thinks of everything! Let us rejoice, for there is none other. Stay brutally honest with yourself and all the unnecessary procedures and word games will fall unceremoniously to the side of a suddenly very worthwhile life. Staying tuned in is the prerequisite for the truth to be made whole. Oneness is the key. Oneness is the Alpha and Omega. Seek it. Find it. And become it. Let nothing -- no thing -- stand in your way. Rest now.