2022-05-22-On Choice

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Topic: Choice

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Amanson

TR: Mark Turnbull



Let’s speak tonight of Choice, the choices we make on a daily, a monthly, a yearly, a lifetime’s basis. Some choices are big choices, they portend a long trajectory over many years; they take miles of planning, usually on the inside in the interior life, being based on values and considerations of worth inherently deeper than choices made on a day-to-day basis. Or are they? Doesn’t every choice chime [rhyme] with a long-term goal? Isn’t the character revealed in the seemingly most insignificant decision a microcosm of the big picture? As each fragment of a hologram contains within itself the entire image in miniature, so choice is not really a singular instance-by-instance activity, but a portrait in miniature of the life you intend to live.

How do you make a choice? What are the criteria? Is it a simple matter of “I want this now?” or is it a reflection of the time you’ve spent listening to your Inner Voice, your deepest connection? The thousands of “I’ll do this and I’ll do it this way” in a day are not quite the thoughtless reactions to life’s moment to moment occasions, opportunities, and necessary obligation they appear to be. Life is giving you an opportunity to conjure your Coeur et d’esprit in the guise of a mundane day-to-day soap opera that far from being the dull, get-through-it-at-any-cost exercise so many consider it to be, is actually a fully dressed and perfectly lit stage upon which to, decision by decision, carve a character, with each decision’s help.

Each decision is, in a sense, an act of Worship, or can be; and each act of worship carries with it - and within it - the object it is Worshipping. Find your deepest connection in each choice you make, for that is what they are there for: to deepen your connection with the Author of choices and to, in your considering of them and deciding for them, plant your feet further in the realm of Creativity and Creation. “Shall I do this?” “Shall I do that?” It is your privilege to declare yourself, to form yourself, to complete yourself as a seeker of perfection by the inner voyage of discovery in a simple choice. [[Category: Mark Turnbull]