2022-07-28-Who and What Are the Life Carriers

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Topic: Who and What Are the Life Carriers?

Group: Marin TeaM


Teacher: Michael




Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, these are such wonderful sessions that re-establish and reassure our daily contact in this special way. Being able to have live conversations with the two of you reinforces our awareness of you in our lives as you help us live to the fullest of our abilities.

Michael, I want to thank you, as well as Mother Spirit for being very deliberately informal and talking to us in our regular everyday language, not in any stilted, “overly-religious” way. I’m sure it’s the way you talked to your disciples and followers when you were here as Jesus, being able to express the deepest, most wonderful concepts.

So, Michael, tonight I would like to ask you to talk about a great mystery of us. This is life itself, and especially the Life Carriers of our Local Universe. Just who and what are they? We are all definitely grateful recipients of their handiwork here on Urantia. Amen.


Michael: Good evening. everyone. This is Michael, and I’m delighted as always to be with you this way. It is wonderful for me to manifest myself so physically through a living voice. And yes, Mother Spirit and I do enjoy speaking to you in your everyday language with nothing “extra special”--except in the concepts themselves we hope to convey.

(Who and what are the Life Carriers?)

I welcome the opportunity to talk about our Life Carriers. These are the wonderful sons of Mother Spirit and me who serve throughout our Local Universe. They hail from right here around Salvington, the head planet of our Local Universe. They have their own satellite spheres surrounding Salvington with forty-nine worlds, seven major worlds with each surrounded by its satellites.

They are a special order of spiritual being, created by not only Mother Spirit and myself, but also by liaison with an Ancient of Days, one of the three heads of our Super Universe which contains over a hundred thousand Local Universes. This gives you an idea of the cosmic value placed on life, that an Ancient of Days joins with us to create this order of Like Carriers.

They now number over a hundred million throughout our Local Universe and are very closely associated with the Melchizedek order of spiritual beings. They are overseen by Mother Spirit and our first son, Gabriel, as well as by the Father Melchizedek and Nambia, the very first of the Life Carrier order. Other than that they are a self-governing group.

(They Study life throughout the creation)

Like I said, they hail from Salvington here. Their headquarters world is engaged in the study of life throughout all of creation. This includes all seven Super Universes, and especially the over four-hundred-billion-year history of our own Local Universe. The very first of their order dates clear back to the beginning of establishing life on our evolutionary planets. As you know, our Local Universe has just shy of four million inhabited planets like your own now. And so they went forth to establish life on the evolutionary planets.

Life is not a spontaneous occurring thing in the material/energetic universe. Life only comes from life. Mother Spirit and I came from the Paradise Trinity, and the Life-Carriers come by way of us. God is the first originator of life as it exists throughout all of creation.

The Life Carriers have separate worlds dedicated to the advancement of life where new patterns are evolved and tried out. Other worlds explore the association of living beings with mind. In this they are very closely aligned with Mother Spirit and her Mind/Spirit Adjutants that, along with them, direct planetary evolution.

(Life Carriers and physical reality)

Life-Carriers themselves are a special order of spiritual being insofar as they are able to directly handle material reality. They have their own worlds with what you would think of as laboratories--chemists and physicists dealing with the basic atomic and molecular structure of living beings.

Here they are able themselves, just by their presence, to create living material--living protoplasm. This experimental life has all the living attributes, except the ability to reproduce, and mind. This is only a pre-minded kind of life, so when they go to an evolutionary planet like yours to initiate life, they can create the original germ plasma, but it takes Mother Spirit’s touch to actually start living, reproducing organisms that can respond to her Mind/Spirit influence.

(All animal life is somewhat minded)

Think of the most primitive, microscopic one-celled creatures. They are not only alive, but they are also--to a degree--minded with the very first of her adjutants we call intuition--the ability to be aware of, experience, and respond to their environment. Then, as planetary animal life continues to evolve, one by one Mother Spirit’s Mind/Spirit Adjutants are able to make contact with them in the realm of understanding--the innate ability of living beings to immediately correlate and associate different aspects of their experience of life.

This builds up a repository of knowledge of what they experienced and how they reacted--what worked and what didn’t work. This accumulation of experience of life is true for all personal, experiential beings. That is both their, and your purpose. The purpose of all living beings is simply, but profoundly, to experience being alive.

In doing so they gain a further aspect of mind given the name courage because it is the curiosity-motivation to go out and explore, to constantly supersede and go beyond what each has yet experienced of life. This leads to greater knowledge and understanding.

Finally, among the higher forms of animal life, you have Mother Spirit’s Adjutant of Counsel, the gregarious instinct of animals to associate with their fellows. This includes everything they are able to share with, and learn from others.

(All further evolution is potential in the first implantations)

This is all pre-planned and potential Life evolution is not only controlled by the hundreds of Life-Carriers on a planet, the very first implantation of life they are shepherding towards greater complexity and mindfulness had this potential intrinsically. They are also assisted by Mother Spirit’s personal presence and abilities.

Life evolution is not in any way haphazard or accidental. It is directed by the Life-Carriers and by Mother Spirit, especially as her Mind/Spirit Adjutants make ever greater contact with this ever evolving life. Yet this evolutionary potential comes right from the Life-Carrier’s laboratories on Salvington.

(Wisdom, worship, and God’s personal presence)

On Urantia, when life reached the stage it became receptive to the mind/spirit qualities of worship and wisdom--the ability to be aware of, and thankful for, being alive--that moment God himself established a personal presence within the mind of the very first human beings on your world, continuing down to all of you.

About a million years ago, when Andon and Fonta crossed over the threshold of being capable of receiving Mother Spirits adjutants of worship and wisdom, they acquired God’s presence within their minds and became fully human. They became “creatures of will-dignity”--creatures because they were definitely created--and now they had crossed the threshold to having the spiritual/creative ability to create their own choices--free-will.

(Free-will choices are sacrosanct)

It was right at this point the Life-Carriers themselves stopped their administrations of evolution. This signifies a most important fact that spirit—all-powerful spirit--does not interfere with the choices of free-will beings such as yourselves. Free-will dignity is completely respected by the whole spiritual community, including the presence of God in your mind. Even your loving guardian angels hold your free-will choices sacrosanct.

Upon the evolution of genuine human beings, Urantia’s Life-Carriers got a message all the way from Salvington where it had instantaneously registered: “Congratulations to the Life-Carriers of Urantia. You have evolved creatures of free-will dignity. You will now retire any further influencing life evolution.”

So right from the very first human beings--Andon and Fonta--almost a million years ago, all human beings are on their own to fulfill their own individual destinies. Of course Mother Spirit and I will forever be with you. My presence is ever surrounding you with my Spirit of Truth encouraging greater discoveries. Mother Spirit’s adjutants are ever with you as a huge part of your mentality--your intuition, your understanding, your knowledge, your courage, your counsel and your associations with each other, your worship and your wisdom. Through all of these, Mother Spirit is very much a part of your lives.

And so, once again, Life-Carriers from the center of our Local Universe established life on an evolutionary planet and guided it to human beings like yourselves.

Now if there are any questions or comments this evening, feel free to ask me about this, or anything else. Go ahead.


Student #1: So Michael, a fascinating talk, fascinating and it brings to mind the saying, “As above—So below.”

We now on our beloved Urantia have a group of scientists who are perfecting AI--Artificial Intelligence. You might say they are secular artificial-life-carriers evolving it to a nuance level of perfection--I suppose--in their own scientists’ eyes.

But it seems very much to me like a doubled-edged sword, having machines with this sort of intelligence they are now claiming have emotions. The question is, is this a good thing? As--I suppose—it’s a natural thing for man wanting to expand his or her mind and create new things, it’s also a very natural thing we would want to create robots with equal capacities. They could do our “dirty work” for us and give us more time for leisure. But they are becoming so advanced now there is talk of them taking over with a mutiny as it were. What is your take on this phenomenon of AI?

(AI will never be alive)

Michael: Oh yes, my son. I think you are right on the mark in that it is a very natural evolution as human mind constantly seeks to manifest itself in material reality, right from the most primitive tools to get through the day. Again, keep in mind that, just like the Life-Carriers make living protoplasm in their experimental laboratories, so you can experiment with ever advancing complexity artificial intelligence. But, like their creations, it will always be devoid of mind and the ability of independently reproducing itself.

No artificial intelligence is in any way self-evolving. It takes the creative spirit of a human being to make the next generation of evermore complex, sophisticated, and delicate kind of machine. You even have marvelous machines now competing with chess masters, but it took a greater chess master to program that machine.

(Machines are intrinsically amoral)

Machines--in and of themselves--cannot evolve. They are not creative spiritual beings like a human being. They do not have free will as such and, as such, they are totally immoral. Morality comes from a truly personal being. Machines are used where they are put. Your understanding of sub-atomic reality, and human choices, led to the two times atomic weapons were used on your planet. So a machine--no matter how sophisticated and subtle--is still only responsive to the people who are using it. All morality comes from them. It’s their responsibility. Does that answer your question?

Student #1: Yes, that is interesting--the morality angle. Very interesting. Great. Thank you.

Michael: Keep in mind they are not in themselves alive. They are not living, reproducing free will beings. They will never achieve that state, just like no matter how sophisticated your own scientists are in studying living protoplasm, they can never create it themselves.

So there is no worry, though your wonderful science fiction movies recently portrayed machines becoming self-aware and taking over. Their motivation is interesting: why would they want to take over and attack their “parents.” It’s similar to when your earlier movies portrayed the first contact with alien beings, they were always trying to concur the world. Yet why would other beings intelligent and powerful enough to traverse the massive expansion of space be interested in colonizing some little planet like your own? But back to machines: they will never achieve life. Even when the Life-Carriers themselves who actually create the original protoplasm on a planet like your own, it takes Mother Spirit’s touch to actually create genuine self-reproducing, minded life.

Student #1: Ah-hah!

(The enormous contribution of electronic “intelligence”)

Michael: But certainly you can appreciate how what you call Artificial Intelligence helped develop your electronics, your computers, and your inter-net. It has had you standing on the moon, living in outer space, and transplanting living hearts from one body to another.

Yet you are only a few thousand years along in terms of genuine science. You can only imagine what the more advanced planets--millions and millions of years older than your own in terms of intelligent human beings—have achieved in technology. The use to which technology is put will always involve the moral dimension.

Are there any other questions or comments this evening?

Student #1: Thank you for answering mine.

Michael: You are welcome, my son.

Student #1: It is a Brave New World.

(Life Carriers are also unique personal beings)

Michael: I enjoyed talking about the Life-Carriers this evening. I should mention that as you think about them, always keep in mind they too are personal beings. Every single one has their own unique personality. Some day you will enjoy meeting and associating with them as part of your own individual evolution.


Well, if there are no further questions or comments, let me invite you to open your wonderful Urantia Book and look up the chapter on the Life-Carriers. It goes into great detail about the truly enormous varieties of living beings they initiate on all the vastly different planets of our Local Universe. Keep in mind they too stem from the very beginning of our Local Universe, and have what is equivalent of a human soul. They don’t have or need the presence of God within their minds in order to co-create a soul, but just being spirit in nature, they have their own near-perfect memories and traditions of their very special order.

(Urantia is a decimal/experimental world)

As their name signifies, they generally carry life from one planet to another yet, as in your case--one planet out of ten, they initiate a slightly newer pattern of life. So in one way, Urantia being one of these decimal/experimental planets, you are all living examples of their new and expanded experiment in ultimately evolved human life.

Student #1: We are honored.

Michael: Mother Spirit sends you her love, and I bid you to Be in my peace. Good Evening, dear ones.