2022-08-23-Good Overcomes Evil
Topic: Good Overcomes Evil
Group: Zoom Contact Group
Teacher: Machiventa
TR: Simeon
Machiventa: Where to begin? In the center within you, that spirit within. Trust that connection. We work within that, for our Creator is the tie that binds, the cord that connects.
We are engaged in a process of reclamation. Understand that although many inroads have been made on your world, there are still many areas which need to evolve toward a higher focus, and more enlightened perspectives. This does not stop us from acting within the parameters that have been set for us. While you believe that many difficult things may occur in the time ahead, we do not subscribe to the fatalist belief that things must crash before they transform. Not all conflict is a sign of destruction. Growth comes from conflict. Learning to understand one another can emerge from difficult circumstances where the choice is to either give up, give in, or to seek clarity on how you can proceed with those who may not hold every idea that you would hold.
Some of the greatest coalitions in human history have emerged from the darkest of circumstances. People seek to ally with those who can help to achieve common goals even while having differences of perspective. If the choice is destruction or making compromises with those who can help to avoid the destruction, often the pragmatist will choose the latter.
Good overcomes evil in a similar manner, for goodness unites and coalesces around commonality and seeks brother and sisterhood, drawing all into an ever widening circle of compassion and care, sometimes with sacrifice, while evil sits like an island, trying to swallow up space, but it has limited boundaries, limited by the lack of its unifying qualities and inability to compromise with others to achieve beneficial results.
While it may seem that evil grows larger and larger and the good gets smaller, this is often the phase where evil is puffing itself up, destined to overextend and run into the resistance that results when the space is filled with cooperative agents seeking to expand what is possible on behalf of the true and the good.
Eventually there is no place to go for evil except to cave in on itself, quickly losing its perceptive quality that makes it appear larger than it is. In the universe, evil appears puny. Here on your world it may appear large at the present time, capitalizing on the uncertainty and the fear, but when those with resolve choose to exercise their gifts and penchant for cooperation, these seemingly darkened times may appear brighter rather quickly. Even your World Wars seemed so devastating with all the destruction and death, but in a few short years the conflict dissolved and the desire for cooperation and community and doing something of value rather than doing something that lacked value took hold.
What I am approaching you with this evening, my friends, is the understanding that all may not be what it appears. It is too easy to say that things must crash and fall before they get better. This dismisses your responsibility and ability to make a difference, to encourage a different perspective and to build cooperation and community around ideas that will achieve a more harmonious and integrative relationship between participating agents and agencies who will utilize the platforms resulting from this engagement to undergo a vast effort at problem solving, to address the various deficits.
Have hope. Believe those beckoning calls from the prophets and seers and writers and artists who tell you that sometimes it can seem darkest right before the dawn, or that out of the ashes a Phoenix can rise, or that in the ugliest of circumstances, pure beauty can be seen and achieved with intention.
Yes, it is possible that cataclysmic or destructive things can happen, but this is not a certainty. Trust me, Machiventa Melchizedek, when I tell you this is not a certainty. What is certain is that when the children of God accept their responsibility and relationship with the very source of their seeking, the ability to transform and follow a different path and create and forge a different future is quite possible and even probable.
So the question exists, how do we accept our assignments to bring this awareness to the children of God on your world? We have come to you, all of you friends, who have accepted and who will accept the responsibility to be a willing participant in this effort of reclamation. You have the tools, the resources, and the support to help you in your endeavors, personally and collectively. Trust me when I say we know what potential lies within you, each of you and all of you.
You are the children of Michael, our Creator, on the planet he chose to bestow himself upon to let you know that although you have suffered double misfortune, you are seen and you are part of his family. Rise up and know that if it is indeed possible to achieve enlightenment without suffering and destruction, then Michael would see it done, with the likes of you, with the likes of us, working together, administering and ministering, working to achieve understanding and cooperation and resolution to the manifold problems that exist. I am called to this, just as those who have accepted their role in my administration have been called to this, just as those they have reached out to and brought in to fulfill various roles have been called to, and just as those that they have reached out to beyond the veil to make contact with - you, in your perceptions and receptions - have been called to.
And now you go about making your efforts to expand that calling to whoever will listen so that they too can understand there is a process and a procedure to be involved in that will achieve a different outcome, a hopeful outcome, one that will ultimately bring about planetary awareness of the origins and destinies of all who exist here. Feel strengthened in that.
Know that as you seek within and apply yourselves to understand what it is you can offer, you will have an equal measure of response helping you and supporting you. This is a certainty, whether you know it or not. We are here to respond to the faintest flicker of hope and faith and the desire to do good and be righteous and spread love and kindness and understanding. That is why I am here. That is why we are here. That is why you are here. I look forward to the opportunities in the days to come. Thank you for listening