2022-10-10-The Pursuit of God
Topic: The Pursuit of God
Group: Zoom Contact Group
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Simeon
My friends, I am Abraham, here once again to share with you. It would be easy in this world with all of the possibilities and distractions, to become confused or paralyzed, not knowing where to place your efforts. But quite honestly, the keys are the same no matter who you are, what your background is, what you have faith in, or don’t. First and foremost, do you believe that what is real and true is the most important discovery to ascertain? This holds true for the dogmatic believer, the atheist, the scientist, the philosopher, the teacher, the garbage man, or the little child. What is true? What is real?
This is the pursuit of God, the pursuit of Michael and our Mother, for they represent the genesis of all that is real and true. So if you ask yourself this question each day you have taken the first step to continue the journey to uncover, to discover. Once you have that underlying pursuit then the qualitative factors of goodness and love and beauty play a part. How does your pursuit for reality align with what you feel is good and beautiful?
As we re-establish, from a very basic level, what the patterns should be as we come out of quarantine and open the circuits and re-engage with your world, this is where we start - working toward getting everyone on the same page in their pursuit of truth, beauty and goodness. It wouldn’t be to declare kings or princes or bring forth the spiritual energy of the universe with power and dominance. No, it would be a gradual shifting toward sorting through the confusion and the turbulence to continually redirect each person, each group, toward this pursuit. What is true? What is real? And how does that inform a life that desires to be kind and good and loving?
Many would like us to do away with this sort of person or that sort of person, to eliminate the fundamentalism, to eliminate politics and politicians, and just tell you what to do and who to follow. But you know this would not produce the highest levels of awareness and understanding. Rather, the fundamentalist mindsets, the disbelieving atheistic mindsets, the partisan politicians, the ungrounded spiritualists, all of these and more will be transformed by this simple pursuit of reality and truth. And instead of viewing division and animosity from their mindsets, instead they will wonder how all of these views can fit together, can inform the overall pursuit, what needs to be left behind, what needs to be added, but always with that eye for what will produce, at the highest levels, truth, beauty and goodness.
So we encourage you, as you view all of the things occurring on your world and as you engage, to utilize this simple redirect, not only for others, but for yourselves as well, as you have been doing. You must realize the basic tenets of this mission have been to do just what I say this evening, to ask what is real and true, and then to seek it with the mind of goodness and love and beauty. As you look to be more dynamic in your words, in your actions, know that this foundation is where the highest level of resonance can occur. For if you ask anyone of normal mind, the truth and reality are their desires, despite however they interpret it. How you creatively make this more and more alluring based upon your actions and your words, this is the challenge.
I did promise that we would be back to entertain questions at this meeting, therefore we are open if you do have any inquiries regarding this or our previous lessons.
Q: Abraham, since 2015 I’ve held a lot of anger inside over politics, people getting away with things or doing terrible things, so it seems. Through our lessons I’m having a different reaction. I’m praying for those I see this way now, there’s no love or hate, but neutrality. I recognize I am surrounded by truth and beauty and goodness and somewhere in their lives they haven’t had that. So I look at dictators without a loving family and a mind that goes on and on and on, and a recent President, and North Korea, and stuff. I don’t know if it’s compassion. but I know they are God’s children also and they’re not just going to disappear overnight, so prayer and understanding is my reaction now.
Abraham: Yes, your awareness that it is your reaction and your perspective that matters, first and foremost, in how you will manifest in the world - this is a key element of awareness. Understand also, we are not preaching pacifism here, for characters have sat on the world stage throughout time immemorial, and although the potential of their relationship with God is real and true, this does not always mean they will accept it. So we are more of the mind to ask you to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves, knowing when to stand up and when to smooth the ruffled edges.
This perspective on living a life pursuing what is real and true also demands or compels recognition of what can be possible and what may require more assertive measures. Many high minded tribes of people have had beautiful visions of how to live in harmony and to incorporate their societies in ways that lift the lower while still incentivizing the higher achievers, and yet, the tendency to be peaceful and to focus on the beauty and the kindness and being helpful caused them to be overrun by those who would take advantage of their peacefulness and their desire for goodness at the expense of recognizing what was true and real.
If the weight is to always be kind and loving and good, but not knowing how that plays a part in a society that still deals with battle and war and conflict, then it is too easy for the aggressor to continue their path towards dominance. Where is the balance in the pursuit of truth, beauty and goodness, to know what needs to be done as well as what you would like to see be done, to pray for your enemies, your people with differences and conflicting natures, but to still be practical in protecting those values and communities so that this is not washed away when some would decide to play by a different set of rules. I hope this gives some perspective.
Q: It does. I just knew I couldn’t pack the anger and hate around any longer. It was affecting my health and keeping me from my grandchildren. I tried to understand how some can be so evil. I still don’t, but I’m not going to let them take up the time in my mind. I can’t live in hate and anger any longer. With the short time we have, that’s now how I want to spend it.
Abraham: Yes, your awareness of these things has been inspiring. One does not have to be filled with hate and anger to still defend that which is good and beautiful and true. It comes down to where your motivation is, where your heart is, and if your heart is at desiring the best for everybody, you will still be able to do what is needed when the time comes, just without the chains that bind you (anger, hate).
Q: Thank you very much.
Abraham: Know that you are not alone. These questions are filling many minds these days, on both sides, on all sides. Few like having the feeling of anger and frustration and hatred gnawing at them. Many seek the very answers you have sought on how to manifest more purely. These are the opportunities we have at this time to try and inspire those asking these questions toward similar realizations and hoping those we have inspired, such as yourselves, also take up the task and spread the good word when they can.
Feel the presence of our Father Michael here with us tonight. He answers the call when one is pursuing truth. Let his spirit fill you as we conclude this evening, and know that your communion daily is possible.