2022-10-23-Infusion of Mother's Love
Topic: Infusion of Mother's Love
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Our Paradise Creator Deities, Divine Parents, our Magisterial Son, and all of planetary helpers, those who are on this world and who are participating from the rest of the universe: We thank you for your support as this world moves into a period of exchange. Exchanging the old ways of life that have been mired in sin and evil for a new way of life based on the spiritual principles of LOVE, TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY. We thank our Holy Mother Spirit for Her presence in our minds, giving us the ability to live, to feel, to think, and to act. We open ourselves to Her ministrations today as She helps us become more harmonized with the life circuits of the universe, calibrating into our bodies, into our minds, into our memory systems that we may receive the life-enhancing circuits that we need. Not only for us individually but to hold that for others around the planet and all life to receive. As we hold this focus now today may we be unified and harmonized in our minds and bodies through all of the spiritual circuits that we have to be one in intention, one in focus, and one in expressing that focus into the planet. We are grateful for this opportunity to be of service and we ask for the divine WILL for this planet to be conducted now through your GRACE and MERCY. Thank you.
NEBADONIA: Greetings, my little children. This your Mother Nebadonia who speaks! My presence resides in the center of the universe some of you have come to name as Nebadon. My presence pervades this large reality of life, and my presence also is secured within you through a variety of spiritual connections that provide you the means to live and express what our Creator has seeded in you. In today’s infusion, I invite you to relax into my LOVE and to feel your need to be enhanced with those higher LIFE circuits that will support the integration of your physical selves and structure to become more congruent to the LIGHT frequencies that are bathing the planet. So many of the children of this world have suffered great deprivations of this spiritual light that can calibrate into the physical body and provide an energetic upstepping to render you more spiritually receptive and physically immune to many of the pathogens and toxins that you encounter on a daily basis. If this is appealing to you, may I suggest you place your focus on your hearts? See the word MOTHER gently pulsing in your hearts. Feel that need for my nurturing presence to expand and communicate into those areas of your being—your physical body, your memory body, your emotional body, your mental body—to receive the life-enhancing energies that can calibrate and uplift you. We will begin here, and as you receive, we will ask you to share that with the world in our second focus into the collective.
To begin, it is your time and turn to receive from me and grow stronger in those MOTHERING energies of life that are healing, transformative, and very soothing to your bodies and to your minds. Allow me to speak into you of my LOVE and support of your individuality each one of you. Receive me now. Receive my MOTHER’S LOVE. (Pause) My LOVE is the natural environment for your lives. There are circuits upon circuits upon circuits that operate within a variety of energetic bandwidths, which all function in synchrony that animate the human energy system. Due to the ancient impact of the planetary rebellion, many circuits were disconnected from you. However, this is all changed now. But there are still certain residual dark energies contained within your beings that still require the outworking so that you may more fully, completely, and repletely be enhanced in my MOTHERLY LOVE. It is my desire for you to receive this, and if it is your desire and intention to receive this, then this forms a bond—a connection between us for the energies to flow. It is up to each child of this world to step up and receive this LOVE. And, because so many people are unaware of what is available to them, your Father and I look to you to receive these endowments and enhancements that you may be upstepped at various dimensional levels to contain those higher light frequencies that can actually emanate through the circuits of consciousness to your brothers and sisters who need this but are yet unaware. We have talked about these dynamics many times before, and so it is a massive undertaking to help this world recover from all of the residual effects of how the divine plan was distorted upon this planet. Let these words settle in and let my presence gain more space and presence within you as you feed upon my MOTHER’S LOVE and the life-enhancing energies you need at all levels of your being. Allow the flow of LIFE to gently, gently, gently pulse in you and calibrate you to what you need of these dynamic frequencies to soothe your mind and body and help you relax and grow in the environment of my LOVE. (Pause) As you ingest and digest these energies, your overall beings will naturally circulate and calibrate to them that your Indwelling Spirits may translate the deeper meaning and value of how this is impacting your human expression of your higher Self. These are dynamics of LIFE that you need to learn now, my children, if you are interested in developing a higher planetary culture. Many of these dynamics were sequestered by those who deviated from the divine plan, hoarding information for their own use, denying humanity its rightful complement of life-enhancing and affirming energies that your need at a fundamental level. All of this is being restored now to its natural divine order. I n today’s infusion, you are, what you might call, getting back to what is right and true and good so that you may enjoy your human life experience, and learn how to use these energies in support of your own development, and to share them with your brothers and sisters who are unaware of what they have access to. Some individuals have turned their minds off to what is Godly. And we look to you to show them the way to how you maintain your composure and your sense of proportion to who you are and what you are growing into during this important time of change. Do not underestimate what you have access to. You are receiving a certain kind of spiritual potency that will render you more effective in helping and ministering to your brothers and
sisters. If this is something you truly wish to experience and grow in understanding, then it is simply coming to me and asking for my MOTHER’S LOVE to continue to support you in your own growth process. Your own personalized Spirit of the Creator will help you understand these things as you integrate into all of what is available to you. But first, it is a step of faith to receive from me and trust that as you grow, your Spirit will inlay various forms of information into your minds and bodies. Some you will perceive through an emotional lens, others through a mental understanding, and even down into your physical bodies. You have much to regain from the loss of deviating from the divine plan. And you might say you are now in a catch-up period, which will enable you to live more gloriously as a human, as you are growing in understanding who you are as a child of God. Continue to receive. Continue to grow in my MOTHER’S LOVE, slowly, gently, purposefully. (Pause) One day, humanity will be more receptive to learn about these life-enhancing energies which are a part of your divine inheritance. You are in a period of awakening to what has occurred upon this planet as deviation from its original divine plan. The recognition of this deviation has been extremely painful for humanity to experience. The antidote for this is divine LOVE—LOVE that emanates from me, from your Father through me into your beings. You are all being primed, if you wish, to receive this greater enhancement. As you do this, we can connect more circuits into planetary consciousness to eliminate the influence of the deviation which has now placed, what you might call, an artificial stranglehold on human mind. But now this stranglehold is releasing its grasp. What you see occurring in your culture presently is this gradual release of this stranglehold. It is not easy for humanity to reckon and reconcile what has occurred here. It has been a great betrayal. Now during this time of correction, we are giving it to you to act as the planetary healers and transformers, and many mortals are stepping up to participate in this GREAT AWAKENING and RECONCILIATION. Have compassion for your brothers and sisters who are still resistant to this new way of life that is growing in expression, leading more people to the ways of LOVE and PEACE and GOODNESS. As you demonstrate these spiritual qualities, you are actually assisting the fabric of consciousness on this planet to gently upstep into the higher circuits of LIFE that we are now helping you receive and learn to use. So, stay focused on me for a few more moments and then we will ask for you to turn your attention to the collective and weave more of my MOTHER’S LOVE into planetary circuits to its various dimensions, even down into the very dense physical level. Continue to receive me, and be fortified in my LOVE. (Pause) Each one of you is being more calibrated to the DIVINE WAYS OF LIFE. This information will be translated into your minds and bodies through your Indwelling Spirit. Over time, your understanding expands, and you consider new ideas, you experience new feelings, and you notice what it does in your physical bodies. This is the correction that you are now receiving, and we are now ready to ask you to move your focus into the collective into the planetary circuits of mind where the DIVINE WAYS OF LIFE need to be restored to this world. Hold that focus in your hearts. Feel that intention and need for the DIVINE WAYS OF LIFE to be further integrated into planetary mind, that more people may perceive something of a higher
nature that they can actually access and participate. As you have done so many times before, see those words: the DIVINE WAYS OF LIFE spiral around the planet in their clockwise rotation from the north to the south pole. There is so much assistance from various quarters of the universe to assist you now as this planet imprints upon the DIVINE WAYS OF LIFE and receives an infusion of my MOTHER’S LOVE. Hold this is best you can, especially with great love emanating from your hearts for this world and all life upon it. Thank you, my children. You are providing a mighty service to your world. (Pause) Focusing on the DIVINE WAYS OF LIFE brings you into a state of recognition and remembrance of certain ways of living this planet once experienced. There was time in your ancient past when the planet was functioning in the DIVINE WAYS OF LIFE. There was a long period from the human perspective of the interruption of this. But now this is being restored as you hold this intention for the DIVINE WAYS OF LIFE to gain more access in memory for you to continue to grow in what it is here to teach you. For those who have still yet to awaken, this may be difficult for them to perceive because it does press on the memory patterns of unworthiness contained within human memory separating you from the LOVE of your Creator and the GOODNESS of all LIFE around you. Feel your compassion for your brothers and sisters who are still suffering in great pain and confusion, and ask for this remembrance to support them that they can feel something in them—an underlying foundation of love that may begin to access and feel. For when a person experiences foundational LOVE then life is forever changed. It catalyzes something within of the spiritual nature and entices, inviting a person on the path to soul expression to eternal life. As these words settle in, let them go into your own memory systems that you may harken to this greater dynamic and grow more assuredly, soundly in it and experience your humanity as you were designed by the Creator to live life and express who you are. As you receive, hold this intention for your brothers and sisters who need to understand and grow in the DIVINE WAYS OF LIFE. Thank you, my children. (Pause) Invite the DIVINE WAYS OF LIFE to move into memory circuits on the planet where this is so needed for your brothers and sisters to remember and recognize their divine inheritance. The activities of DIVINE JUSTICE can be better conducted when these memory circuits are more open to imprinting upon the DIVINE WAYS OF LIFE. More individuals will begin to experience new ideas and concepts of life that at one level of their intellectual understanding seems very new and unusual. They will need a period of adjustment to reconcile to these new energies and information coming into them. By holding this focus of the DIVINE WAYS OF LIFE into memory, you provide more of that human willingness to participate that can then radiate out to others and feed them with the information that will be very helpful to them in their own spiritual development. So, ask for this to go deep, deep, deep into memory. Let this mighty bridge of divine LIGHT and TRUTH and GOODNESS be further constructed that others may walk upon this bridge and enter into the greater bandwidth of LIFE that feeds them at a soul level. (Pause)
If you wish and you can hold this as another intention, simply envision the spiritual meaning and value of DIVINE JUSTICE to also infuse the DIVINE WAYS OF LIFE. Let it form a mighty presence within the DIVINE WAYS OF LIFE to help your brothers and sisters make those decisions that will lead them into more of who they are and the potential that they have as humans growing in their spiritual comprehension. (Pause) Through this focus, we are infusing the energies for humanity to recognize the DIVINE WAYS OF LIFE for their spiritual edification. The ways of Spirit are an integral component of the greater design of LIFE conceived in the mind of our Creator. You now have access to all of the information you need but it is up to you to use this. It is up to you to make contact with the Spirit Within, asking questions based on your natural curiosity and to sit quietly, letting your mental current elevate to your Spirit that there can be a more seamless continuum of information flowing from your Spirit into your conscious mind. This is the intention of this call today, to help humanity recognize its relationship to the DIVINE WAYS OF LIFE and what it is trying to teach you. There must be willingness and interest on the individual’s part to learn these components of what LIFE is all about. It truly is this simple, my children, but the years and the influences of the deviant way has placed a false perception of reality upon your minds and memories. So, feel that need for this insidious influence to be fully neutralized now and its grasp on human mind and memory be alleviated that more people may step into the goodness of who they are and the GRACE that is afforded to each person through our LOVE as you Universe Parents—our LOVE for each precious child, regardless of whether you are an adult or still a physical young one. In our eyes you are children growing in comprehension of LIFE. (Pause) Many of you are aware that you live in an evolutionary continuum where life continues to grow through each individual’s choices and cooperation with divine plans. The divine plans are created as the existential level of LIFE where life is perfect, stable, and full of such glory and magnificence that it staggers the human imagination. But through this evolutionary continuum, you are learning the many facets of LIFE one component at a time, and your curiosity acts as a driving mechanism that you would learn these various aspects and participate in the great adventure of exploring what LIFE has to teach you. So understand this, you are growing in the divine patterns of LIFE, each one of you, and they are all unique to your own individuality as created in the mind of the Creator of all and the ways in which that replicates down into you for your stimulation and expression. I invite you now to elevate your gaze to that existential level, sometimes known as Paradise. The place of exquisite perfection, and ask for that divine reflection of Paradise to shine upon this planet and to feed your mind through the three Paradise Creator Deities that act as the Mind of God, the Word of God, and the Action of God—the perfect reflecting upon the perfecting, and providing you with more of that resonance of divine perfection that simulates your growth. Stimulates this planet for its further evolution to its one day achievement of its divine destiny. Ask for that Paradise reflection to shine upon this world with great gratitude in your hearts for the divine plan being restored to this beloved world. (Pause)
As the divine reflection shines upon this world-this beautiful world—invite these words to spiral around the planet, counter-clockwise, north to south poles: IT IS TIME FOR URANTIA TO RETURN TO THE UNIVERSE FAMILY OF LOVE. IT IS TIME FOR URANTIA TO RETURN TO THE UNIVERSE FAMILY OF LOVE. IT IS TIME FOR URANTIA TO RETURN TO THE UNIVERSE FAMILY OF LOVE, and ask for this infusion to go deep into memory, engaging with the planet’s Divine Life Purpose seeded in the core of the earth and we will continue our ministrations. (Pause)
Continue to feel that need for the Paradise reflection to also integrate into the planet that this objective of the planet’s RETURN TO THE UNIVERSE FAMILY OF LOVE can continue to weave the planet back to LIFE—abundant life, glorious life. (Pause) My MOTHER’S LOVE embraces this world. You will continue to grow in this, each one of you and the planet as a collective body of life. There are many changes underway now and there is a period where humanity is recognizing what has occurred here of the deviation of the divine plan. Be patient with this process and always return to the embrace and bosom of Spirit for the support you need as this world outworks a great evil. The light is growing. It is breaking new ground in planetary consciousness. And it will continue to do so until one day this planet is full of light and able to continue on unimpeded to its glorious destiny. You are participating in this great unfolding. You are the ones healing this world. We support you. We honor your efforts, and we are here to provide you with the information you need that you may act upon it and make those decisions each day that will foster this dynamic to continue to grow and embrace this world. Know in the coming days that you will integrate more into my MOTHER’S LOVE and the DIVINE WAYS OF LIFE. Pay close attention to how you think and feel, and return to the well of love whenever you need that refreshment and renewal. Fear not this time of change for it is leading you into something so much greater than you can possibly imagine. Trust in our LOVE for you, my children, for it is leading you into something so spectacular that one day you will relish how you actually participated in the great healing of your Father’s beloved world. Grow and prosper in who you are, and always remember the foundation of your being you are love. My blessings are upon you, my children, and may prosper in them. Good day.