2022-11-18-On Death
Topic: Amanson On Death
Group: Unknown
Teacher: Amanson
TR: Mark Turnbull
Tonight, at your request, the always timely topic of ‘Death’.
Death is the most misunderstood rite-of-passage in your world today. Its accomplishment can occur in so many different guises – grisly, peaceful, mysterious, welcome – that understanding its significance can be a challenge. The truth of the matter is its Simplicity: it’s merely shedding one set of raiment for another, as the original raiment, the one worn in the physical reality, when it becomes worn, stretched to the point of no repair, has to be abandoned – what suit of clothes wouldn’t? So, the subsequent raiment, that which replaces the familiar body of flesh, blood and bone, is of such a finer material as to be unrecognizable to its former eye, [which is] the present eye of the mourners and attendees to the newly arrayed but now invisible subject. But just because one set of circumstances is too subtle to be perceived by those in another circumstance does not mean there is nothing to this new unperceived reality. It merely means it cannot be seen, recognized, addressed.
Death is the one universally acknowledged event in the process of living that holds all feet to the fire – it cannot be circumvented and yet it is an illusion, so the joke, as you might say, is on circumvention itself. To boldly question the very notion of ‘death’ is the first step in seeing through it. There are two modes of disbelief, though only one is the true one, the fruitful path. You can deny death’s existence by asserting [that] it’s entirely too real – the proverbial ‘final curtain’ (as Hamlet put it so succinctly, “No more”); or you can disbelieve the very notion of an end stop – which is the true way – and find the Light now that continues on then – the Interior Illumination providing Life itself within each of us living - who then, when the time comes, shall step effortlessly across as Life continues its flow, you being part of it – you practiced it here, and with nary a bump or hitch you now practice it there.
And is there an order of hierarchy at play? Does one need to be amongst the ‘Anointed’ to take advantage of so Royal a treatment? No! Those who have an inkling of the process, who practice its foreknowledge consciously now will likely have an easier time facing ‘the great transition’ but the transition’s amenities are afforded to all: the frightened; the prepared.
As I say, ‘death’ is probably the most misunderstood aspect of the long ritual of living on so rough-and-tumble a planet, and yet in the end (which would seem to be what we’re talking about, but understand – it isn’t!) it is far Simpler for the disembodied than for the bodied - those fellows, colleagues, friends and family left to imagine where their cohort has gone; although were their eyes sharp enough, their imaginations rich enough, their faith strong enough, their grief would be assuaged instantly and their confusion lifted, lifted higher than their understanding of earthly things had ever been. For how much here can really be understood other than there’s a grand agenda, a far-flung curriculum at play, which death, in all its misunderstood grandeur, actually represents.
Follow the path as it’s laid out lovingly before you and know that it is all for your benefit. Which benefits all. It’s quite a system.