2022-11-27-Focusing on Jesus and His Second Coming
Topic: Focusing on Jesus and His Second Coming
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Our Paradise Creator Deities, Divine Universe Parents, Magisterial Son, Planetary Seraphim, and all of our other helpers: we open our hearts and minds to collaborate with divine WILL in what is necessary for our world and its system of consciousness to receive, that we may make more forward progress in bringing the ways of LOVE, LIGHT, and LIFE to this world. We appreciate that this is an individual by individual undertaking, and we recognize that many of our brethren are still very fearful and weary in their spirit, not knowing where to turn, not recognizing that the Spirit Within is the path to victory. We ask that you guide our thoughts today as you unite us as one—one in mind, one in spirit, one in soul. You know what this world needs now at this juncture and we thank you for allowing us to collaborate with you to co-create more of those pathways for human spiritual rehabilitation and redemption. And may your WILL be done. Thank you.
MICHAEL: My PEACE is upon you, my beloved children. This is your Father Michael. Today I come to you as your brother Jesus. In my human life, it was my personal objective to become more Father-conscious and to reveal a path of salvation to humanity and to the children of the other worlds of my universe to reach their human potential. This is the divine objective for all human life and I was here to show you the way. This way is open to one and all. There are no barriers to qualify you to step on this path and follow it where your Spirit leads you.
In today’s fusion and focus, I invite you to simply place your focus on my name: JESUS. Allow my presence speak into you of how I was able to craft my divinity through the development of my personality potential. Each one of you has this same opportunity to cultivate this if you so desire and are so motivated. But this is your choice, as you know. What this world needs most is to remember what are the spiritual objectives for human life. And today I wish to support you and your brethren to open to this now.
As you focus on my name, let us move into a memory circuit resident on this planet of how I crafted my humanity to reach my divine potential. Now, my potential is different than yours. But you each have wonderful, imaginative, creative gifts within you that are yours for the development. Allow me to support you as you continue to make strides in this manner. Simply focus on my name and ask for my human memories as JESUS to support you, especially in those areas where you struggle in your own development. Yes, there are challenges to face on this path, but with each one you surmount successfully, you grow your soul and gain more spiritual stamina in faith.
So, here is where we begin today. Allow my presence as JESUS and the memories that I deposited here energize you in my LOVE. Receive me now, my beloved children. Receive me as your brother JESUS. (Pause)
I am well acquainted with the sorrows and travails that you must face. While I am your Creator Father, I also am your brother who understands the conditions of humanity. I too remember the times when I felt sorrowful, weary. And I invite you to call upon me when you are at those places of emotional vulnerability. Ask me to fortify you with my courage and strength and perseverance that you may surmount any obstacle that is before you. Recognize that there is victory in the Spirit, and you only have to call upon me and I will support you with what you face. Together we will walk through the experiences of your life and help you find greater meaning and value in what you must learn as a part of your soul growth.
In this present moment however, continue to focus on my name. If you wish, let it pulse gently upon your heart centers and allow my presence to gently speak into yours. Allow my human memories as JESUS to also support your memories as you look at your lives with great open mindedness and open heartedness. (Pause)
The experiences of my human life exist as memories in the field of consciousness. This is a living circuit. You have access to this through the Spirit of Truth that connects us as Father and child, and you also have access to these memories through my Personalized Indwelling Spirit that you can call on and seek guidance and support when you are in a difficult situation. I know what you experience for I shared in such a wide range of experiences in my human lifetime, always seeking the WAYS and the WILL of the Paradise Father to guide me in how I handled each situation.
I understand the challenges that you face, so do not hold back when you falter or feel constricted in any way. I am here and it is my delight to help you receive the spiritual momentum necessary for you to overcome each challenge and obstacle. If you wish, to further help you understand what you have access to, invite my Personal Indwelling Spirit to also come close to you and help you recognize what it is you need to move forward on your path of Father consciousness and soul development.
Make use of all of the spiritual resources available to you. In so doing, you not only help yourselves but you place your consciousness in a direction that fortifies the circuits of planetary mind and memory to help your brothers and sisters open to what is available to them. I stand at the door and knock, and it is my desire that my children would answer the door. But they need help at this stage of planetary evolution, and I rely on you to demonstrate those fruits of the Spirit that may encourage them to open the door to me and my LOVE for them. Continue to receive me through the Spirit of Truth or through your own Indwelling Spirit communicating with my Personalized Spirit. (Pause)
Pray for my SECOND COMING. The world needs to perceive a higher spiritual truth that can only come about when more people recognize who I am and the path of salvation. Many individuals of this world are expecting a physical manifestation of my second coming, and at some point, this indeed may occur. But there still is much preparation to undertake before the world is indeed ready to perceive me. Nevertheless, praying for my SECOND COMING adds to the spiritual vitality and begins to stimulate something within human mind for the divine intervention needed at this time for planetary transformation.
Praying for my SECOND COMING is through the Spirit of Truth, where I can reach more individuals because there is more interest and motivation for divine wisdom to guide you through the challenges you face on this world. Take a few moments to set that as an intention. Pray for my SECOND COMING. Pray for it to speak through the Spirit of Truth and to fortify more individuals with the fact that I am alive and I am here to guide you on your path. Your brothers and sisters need to perceive this, to experience this more deeply within them and to especially help them in their own memory experiences to perceive that I understand, and I am here to help you make sense of the conditions you face and to move forward with courage and faith and strength to overcome what is before you. If you wish, envision the words the SECOND COMING OF JESUS to speak into your hearts and to fortify you in my presence. (Pause)
Let us now shift your focus to the mind and memory circuits of the planet’s system of consciousness. This world is held in the circuits of your Holy Mother Spirit, and She and the seraphim and the other helpers are now ready to provide more spiritual energy to move into these mind-memory circuits. Feel your desire for my presence to become more pervasive. Focus on my name. Invite it to spiral around the globe, north to south pole, counterclockwise. And then from the south pole up to the north pole in the opposite direction. This forms a more complete circuit to move into the memory dimensions of my life, helping more individuals open to what is available to them through their own Spirits of Truth that they may perceive me and my LOVE, COMPASSION and WISDOM to share with them. (Pause)
As this spiritual energy engages with the planet, invite the SECOND COMING OF JESUS to also imprint. It is time for your brothers and sisters to recognize not only who I am, but who they are as children of our Paradise Creator. I can show them the way. What you are holding as an intention provides for more of this objective to unfold, to help more people experience and know that they have access to a divine intervention within their own lives. Feel it in your own hearts more of this intention and desire for my SECOND COMING to become more heartfelt and motivated. (Pause)
This is an opportune moment for us to weave in your motivations and inclinations, intentions and desires. The Christian world is moving into the season of Advent where people are preparing for the celebration of my birth. What this world needs most is to experience the birth of my presence within their hearts. So, hold that as best you can, sending that forth from your own hearts into the planet where the seraphim and many other helpers are ready to weave this into where it will produce the most good.
Invite these energies to go deeper into the planet into mind and memory and to also intersect with the planet’s divine purpose at the core of the earth. Invite this energy to help more people recognize and remember what the objective is for human life, which is what I was able to develop in my human life and show you the way. Invite my path to move through these memory circuits and to feed human consciousness with what it needs to learn during this very important time in your evolutionary process. (Pause)
My children, you have much knowledge and wisdom to gain during this particular time of the planet’s evolution. I know that many of you still struggle with your faith, succumbing to fear and weariness at times. I understand. I, too, faced many difficult decisions. But when I was fortified with my own Indwelling Spirit, I was able to overcome them. Now you not only have your own Spirit but you have me helping you achieve great things. Allow my presence to continue to support you and as you also project this into the planet. For as you receive you give, and you strengthen that bond within you, and help the way in which you think and feel and respond to life’s situations to become more loving, compassionate, forgiving, and your fruits of the Spirit will multiply bountifully the more you do this. (Pause)
Let us now engage in thanksgiving. Elevate your focus to Paradise and the Creator Deities who have given you life and the ability to grow and express who you truly are. You are all growing in a self-awareness where you make real in material form the many gifts and abilities you have been given as created in the mind of our Paradise Father for your unique individuality. Be grateful for this exquisite learning process, for this is the way in which you have been created—to grow one day at a time and experience what life has to offer you. Take a few moments to express your gratitude for your life, for who you are, and allow the image of God to reflect more mightily upon your mind through your Indwelling Spirit. (Pause)
Father, I lift my children up to you. Thank you for reflecting into their minds a more comprehensive picture of who they are as your sons and daughters. May they become more consciously integrated into what you have poured forth of your ESSENCE into them—very right to exist and to grow. May they be more integrated into their paths and purposes. May they perceive more of what they are capable to achieve through your MERCY and GRACE. May they remain steadfast in your BEING, and may they be fortified in your LOVE giving them more of the spiritual motivation to grow in you as I support them on their evolutionary journeys. (Pause)
Drink deeply of the divine reflection, and let us now focus that into the core of the earth. Project the words the SECOND COMING OF JESUS directly into the core of the earth to feed human mind and memory with what this a truly means from the divine perspective and to help your brothers and sisters open to who I am and what they need to support them through this very challenging time.
My yoke is easy, my burden is light, and I encourage you to not only reflect upon this, but to ask me to help you experience this at a very deep and even cellular level. For it is good and Godly to return love and goodness for evil. And let all of these energies and dynamics now fortify your mind and memory. Let all of these energies feed human mind and memory, opening you to the love that is your divine birthright. And let my SECOND COMING speak to each heart, helping your brothers and sisters remember, recognize their path forward with my assistance. (Pause)
Beloved children, thank you for your faith and your continued commitment to healing this world. There is much to accomplish, and as your Mother and I have many times informed you, you are the ones who are making this world a better place. Yes, this is a tall request to ask of you, but we would not ask this of you if you were not capable.
So, rely on that inner wellspring with courage, perseverance, forbearance, love, compassion, and forgiveness. Keep your end of the circuit open that you may continually receive what you need in these days. The seraphim continue to build these circuits into mind and memory to help more of your brothers and sisters recognize their spiritual potential. And remember to come into meditation each day and ask for these changes to occur all around the globe in the places where there is great need. I leave you in my PEACE, my children, and may you thrive and prosper in the Father’s LOVE each and every day. Good day.