2022-12-08-The Attitude of Gratitude
Topic: The Attitude of Gratitude
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa, Inner Voice, LIGHT
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: I am pleased to be here with you all in service as we approach this citadel of spirit that we create. The surest most successful approach is always the gratitude for such, the gratitude for our experience, for our chance, for our life, for our connection that we are discovering of belonging to our spirit family as spirit. Gratitude for these things brings us into their presence, brings their presence into our awareness and brings with it the tone of spirit, the tone of love. Thank you Divine Parents for this gift of grace, for this moment in time, even now shown with gratitude for such an opportunity. Thank you so much for this life, for this chance, for this moment in time, such a gift. I’m so very grateful.
Machiventa: Thank you for setting the stage and creating the space wherein there was room made for me, for us and for others to join you. I am Machiventa and I rejoice to see the reference made to the avenue of gratitude, the attitude of gratitude. Gratitude is love returned. Gratitude is the result of love having been shared and having been embraced. Gratitude is the recognition of your position, your role in this gigantic enterprise of living a life even as a mortal of the realm.
We have discussed that even as a mortal of the realm it is only a temporary address, a temporary experience provided and when your conviction of this truth is strong it propels you to want to take advantage of the situation, to not let anything go by. This sense of yearning that is under all your pursuits is brought to you by your Indwelling Component. The inspiration to seek connection is always affirmed and strengthened by your Inner Associate, the guardian of your evolving soul. As such a guardian, they are keenly aware of your needs and your restrictions as pertaining to your spiritual career; after all, they have been observing you since the very beginning. Since your first moral choice they have been with you, they have been encouraging you and they have been suggesting and inspiring and you have responded. You have sought out their guidance. You have followed their leading as is evidenced by the fact that you are here now in recognition of such efforts.
To continually return to the posture of gratitude, the part to the whole, then this revisiting makes this connection stronger and stronger and easier and easier to access and respond to. So when you go about this process, remember that the easiest way for you to still the organism and befriend the spirit frequency is to choose gratitude as your approach, as your posture, as your discipline because it brings you back to the moment, brings you to the gratitude for the time, the gratitude for this experience, this opportunity in time and space to reaffirm your gratitude for such and each and every experience. This plugs you back in to the circuitry each time. Returning your gratitude in acceptance for the grace bestowed certainly aligns you with the right frequencies, the right wavelengths, the right direction and a sure approach.
That is why I always express my gratitude for all of the efforts you make to condition this process, to create it, to form it, to maintain it. Gratitude brings us together. Being grateful for the same experience bonds us and so it is we enjoy such a bond, such a relationship, such an experience in your time, in your space. It is a thrilling pleasure to share this journey with you, to observe your navigation through the material plane while attempting to bring spiritual values in focus and into your everyday lives. This is the path to enlightenment. These measures that you take to seek and find are the steps necessary to the enlightenment of all. To play your individual role in the process and guide yourself through this journey is the game at hand and it’s always a pleasure to watch you manifest your paths and maintain your trajectories following the call of spirit, the vibration of love as you have become familiar with it.
And so I leave you now standing in gratitude for this opportunity. Perhaps we share this and enjoy this same experience through our different levels of perception but each one, all of us, in gratitude for the experience and each one of us in a posture of gratitude for finding after all the seeking. Good day to you all and be of good cheer. There is much to be cheerful about as you are scheduled for wonderful expansive things ahead. Be in peace and go in joy, farewell.
Inner Voice: Greetings, I too join the gratitude circle, grateful for being given this opportunity, being offered this voice of expression and this volunteer to make it so. I am this one’s Inner Guide and as Inner Guides we are in fact custodians of your inner spirit health. We are aware of your degree of awareness, of your limitations of perception and of your desires to be spirit and connect with spirit with your spirit family of which you are a part. This very awareness changes everything. The gratitude for your connection to the whole changes everything. It allows you to be in the posture of receptivity. As you are in the posture of gratitude you are in the posture of expressing love in the form of gratitude to your Divine Parents and all their associates. When you portray gratitude out for your life it is shared by all those associated with your life and this bond that you form by making consistent recognition of this truth, of this goodness, of this beauty, to be grateful for these things conditions your vibration and brings you closer and closer to the vibration of pure love.
Gratitude is love expressed back to the Creators. This connects the circuit, completes the circuit. They have issued forth you and your life and you furnish them with the signal back that you are grateful, that you know, you are aware of their gift to you of your connection to them. You appreciate this connection and this gift and you are driven to pronounce your gratitude. From thought, to word, to deed you make real this gratitude, you invest yourself in this reality and you are changed, you are conditioned by this act of love, this response of love to the act of love that is you. This is why this approach, going to gratitude, is always such a positive connection, is such a positive effect. You are choosing to create the circuit and maintain it, of the recognition of the part to the whole and the gratitude for such an expression of love.
Just as you can condition your inner environment to secure your approach through this method of gratitude, you may also secure your approach through the avenue provided of your Indwelling Guide. Your Fragment Within will certainly provide you with all the connection ever needed. Perhaps consider making the approach to this avenue through the approach of gratitude for it. Recognition of it and gratitude for it creates it, allows for it and conditions the space to accommodate it. Through pursuing thought, word, and deed towards being in gratitude for your Inner Guide implies you are aware, implies you believe and you have faith and certainly such things are responded to by the matrix of spirit. Yes, gratitude will get you very, very far: gratitude for what you have, gratitude for what you want, for what you are seeking, for what you hope to find, for your overall growth, gratitude for the very existence perceived. So much gratitude, so many things to be grateful for and each one a pathway to connecting with the Creators who have provided all that you are grateful for.
I will leave you now with a prayer of gratitude for the growth that is occurring and that will transpire in advance of its arrival. A prayer to be grateful for this gift of grace, to be humble and accepting. To be appreciative and responding in love creates the very circumstance and creates the very reality of such as the process has been implemented, the process of your creating your next growth experience. I am grateful in advance, in conviction and in certainty of the growth that is occurring, has occurred, and will occur as a result of this approach of gratitude, returning love for love received. It’s a pleasure to join you in that loop, in that feedback loop to the Creators. I join you in sending my gratitude for all that we share in this process that we make, even now. The growth is vested as the players are in motion and they are in motion on the field implementing gratitude for the grace of the experience, thereby transforming the experience and bringing stages of enlightenment. So be it, it is, even now. Go with God, go within, find God there and then express your gratitude and complete the circle. Farewell to you all until next time.
Light: I would seize this opportunity. I am Light and I am drawn close by the expression of gratitude for your lives, for your experiences, for your spirit growth that you are aware of or perhaps unaware of. I would join you in this sense of gratitude for my existence, for my being, my experience as was afforded to me by my spirit family. It is with deep gratitude that I respond to this trend and jump in with some contributions of my own.
Simply the acknowledgement of connection sends a profound message and it is my desire to send this message now to those responsible for bringing me my experience, my life. I am not afforded much opportunity to get on this wavelength but the opportunity was provided here and I so strongly desired to participate that my wish has been granted to offer you these words of gratitude to you as well as to our Divine Parents who have in fact made it all possible. But there are many parents involved in such a life experience and I would choose to honor all of them so that I do now in thought, in word, and in deed, in fact in truth, with beauty, and inherent goodness all contained in this vibration of gratitude, such a powerful and potent force to reflect back love to those who have given you life through their love.
It my pleasure to join you on such a frequency, such a path that we may share and create an even closer bond. I stand in gratitude for this opportunity and this embrace we have indulged in, the spirit embrace of love, of gratitude for each other, of peace in the love that we have come to know and share. I know you join me in such sentiments and it is lovely to bask with you in the glow of such bonding efforts. So it has been my pleasure to do so and to be afforded this opportunity to connect and to share the common sentiment of gratitude. Feel the love, feel the bond, feel the connection, feel the vibration, the wavelength, the frequency, the feeling, and drink of this cup of love. It is to be shared as we do even now. All is well my dear family, all is well, even all is well with you. I hope to bring you the conviction of this truth so that your journey may be eased, your suffering diminished by the very realization, the very awareness that this is so. All is well. Peace be with you, farewell. We shall certainly speak again. We share bonds and cords between us that bring us back together at will. I leave my love, farewell.