2022-12-11-Focusing Self Actualization

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Topic: Focusing Self Actualization...

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER:  We appeal to our Indwelling Spirit to elevate our mind to the highest levels of consciousness, Mother and Father, as we collaborate with you, our Magisterial Son, our Planetary Seraphim. And we thank our Paradise Creator Deities for their reflection of the plans of perfection into our planet. You know where we are on our transformational journey personal and planetary. We thank you for encircuiting us in a unified field of LOVE, LIGHT, and LIFE, weaving us together as one body, that what we may produce from our intentions, from our hearts and minds be put to good use in service to this world and its spiritual needs. We center ourselves in our Spirits and we ask for your WILL to be done as we hold focus today through your MERCY and GRACE. Thank you so much for this opportunity to participate with you in this great time of transformation.


MICHAEL: My beloved children, greetings to one and all! This is your Father Michael and I will be guiding you into the realm of spiritual focus today that you and my children of this world may benefit greatly from what is about to transpire upon Urantia.

Many of you are aware that the world is now witnessing something that is unprecedented. You are at a time where you are being called internally to make a decision: Will you turn to the Father Within and begin the magnificent journey of growing your souls? Or will you stay beholden to the Luciferian sophistries that have long beleaguered this world?

Now I know that you, who are on this call, have made that decision. However, there still so many of your brothers and sisters who have yet to choose. They do not know the Father’s presence within them. They have not yet tasted the potency of divine LOVE. Your Mother and I have made many appeals to you to encourage you to grow in Father-consciousness that you may represent the Father as living examples of TRUTH and GOODNESS, MERCY and COMPASSION to those who have still yet to awaken.

We continue to support you. This is an ongoing journey, and you will continue to grow in understanding of who you are and what you can achieve through daily living experience when you are aligned with the WILL of the Father within you.

In today’s infusion, I invite you to now focus on the words: THE PERSONALITY CIRCUIT. Each one of you exists within this circuit of the Paradise Father which provides you the right to exist. We all exist in the greater SELFHOOD of the Father in Paradise, and it is through His GRACE and MERCY that the whole evolutionary trajectory is created. And it is my delight and my responsibility to help you grow in that evolutionary unfolding of your potential as a son and daughter of God.

As you focus on the words: THE PERSONALITY CIRCUIT, keep your gaze also directed toward your Indwelling Spirit. Take a few deep breaths, and invite the words SELF REVELATION to gently stir in you and help you experience more of the Father’s LOVE that stimulates your growth and gives you more of that momentum to continue on your faith path of becoming what our Creator Father has placed in you to accomplish. This is your divine birthright and it is your inheritance to grow in who you are.

In today’s infusion as I minister in your mind through the Spirit of Truth and through your Holy Mother Spirit, let the PERSONALITY CIRCUIT communicate into you through SELF REVELATION from your own personal Spirits of the Father. Take a few moments to settle on these energies, focus in your heart and feel the need to be upstepped in more revelation of your own selfhood in Father in the PERSONALITY CIRCUIT. Your Mother and I will minister to you as you hold this focus now, my beloved children. (Pause) Your human nature is great gift given to you to navigate the material level of life. Your Personality forms the greater container for your beingness as a son and daughter of God. You evolve in your understanding of who you are one day at a time when you align your minds and your hearts with the Indwelling Spirit and the plans and purposes for your lives. You grow your soul, and your soul is part of the entire continuum of your overall Personality. Very few humans of this world truly experience and achieve their potential.

In today’s infusion, your Mother and I wish to support you as you make a deeper commitment to yourself and your Spirit to develop yourself in this way. It is part of the gradual unfolding of the mystery of becoming more than who you think you are. Truly, you are destined for greatness, but this is not something that will be accomplished in a short human lifetime. It is achieved time and time again by that continued expression of your willingness to become like Father and to follow the divine guidance for your lives.

If this is appealing to you, continue to focus on this intention that you may receive more SELF REVELATION from your Spirit to guide you on this process of coming into the greater beingness of your own Personality that exists within the MIND of the Father. It is so beautiful and it so truly thrilling to observe as a Parent how you grow and mature in this great mystery of SELF expression. I am here to support you as is your Mother, so you can only succeed. But it is by your own effort and striving. So, feel that intentional motivation. Be sincere and honest with yourself. Lift any doubts to your own Spirit. Let go of fear, and trust in what has been given to you to come forth and express one day at a time. (Pause)

What is underway in you now is the process of SELF ACTUALIZATION. This is the means by which you have been conceived in the MIND of the Father to grow, to actualize the greater SELFHOOD in which you exist as a unique expression of the First Source and Center. It is joyful journey that you undertake, but it is also your choice whether or not to go on this magnificent adventure of becoming more of who you truly are. Some Personality orders are created to already understand this. At your level, you are designed to grow incrementally in understanding day by day, moment by moment, decision by decision.

I well understand this journey, my children, as I lived as your brother Jesus. You can always come to me with your questions and concerns about this becoming process. I will share my experience and wisdom with you. I am here to help you achieve what has been given to you by the First Source and Center and it is all very beautiful and good. Yet, it is part of the mystery that you will not truly understand until you have experienced what it is your Spirit is encouraging you to accomplish.

What is most relevant is your willingness to cooperate with this beautiful becoming process. If you are ready to more fully devote your time and attention to this, may I suggest that you simply focus on the words SELF ACTUALIZE. Feel them in your heart and know that you are given guidance and assistance to help you achieve this, especially during your human lifetime of what you can maximize as a human of your spiritual potential. Let your motivation gravitate toward SELF ACTUALIZE as your Mother and I continue to minister in you. (Pause)

Invite the energies of SELF ACTUALZATION to circulate through your human mind and body energy system. Let the Father’s LOVE embrace you, deepen in you, especially into those memory circuits where you still may harbor feelings of fear or unworthiness. Invite these energies to light- over any of those lower emotional forms, bringing you into a greater embrace of the LOVE in which you truly exist as a child of the Father—a faith son and daughter. (Pause)

Taste the goodness of your own Personality. See the beauty within and know that your human nature is becoming more aligned in Spirit, smoothing out the rough edges of the human nature to become more divinely harmonized in GRACE and BEAUTY. (Pause)

Feel your willingness to become more expressive of your unique Personality given to you by the Father. Yes, at times you will make mistakes and missteps, and that is expected of you because you are growing in your ability to comprehend who you are. What is most significant is your willingness to cooperate with the plans and patterns within you. They are rich and multi- dimensional, and little by little you will bring them forth and participate in the growing expression of Godliness into the greater bandwidth of Deity expression in the grand design of LIFE. This is part of humanity’s purpose. It is part of your personal responsibility and privilege as a son and daughter. It is the unfolding and development of the Supreme aspect of Deity which you are participating in—each and every one of you. (Pause)

Continue to focus on your willingness to SELF ACTUALIZE for a few more moments before we move the focus into the planetary circuits of mind with this intention today. (Pause)

Now in conjunction with your own Indwelling Spirit, feel that desire for your brothers and sisters of this world to also have the willingness to actualize their own selfhood which exists within the Father. Project these words from your heart centers to spiral around the globe north to south pole, counterclockwise: SELF ACTUALIZATION IN THE REVELATION OF FATHER. SELF ACTUALIZATION IN THE REVELATION OF FATHER. SELF ACTUALIZATION IN THE REVELATION OF FATHER. Feel your love for this world and for your brothers and sisters who need to feel that deep revelation of the Father’s LOVE within their own being, within their own Personality.

We invite you to convey this from your hearts since your brothers and sisters are so ignorant of who they are. Help them in this manner by feeling that deep intention for them to open to the revelation of their own unique beingness that starts them on their journey of becoming what the Father has seeded within them. When more humans of this world recognize this, this is the beginning of the blossoming of human spiritual potential, which this world is being encouraged to achieve. It is your choice whether or not to participate in this. You are helping your brothers and sisters have the glimpse internally of what is possible within them to achieve. So, hold this as best you can as the ministering spirits collaborate with you now in this most important and sacred intention. (Pause)

Continue to focus on SELF ACTUALIZATION IN THE REVELATION OF FATHER to embrace this world and to imprint deep upon mind and memory, going deep into those places where there is receptivity to make an indelible impression for humanity’s healing and upliftment. (Pause)

Invite the dynamics of SELF ACTUALIZATION IN THE REVELATION OF FATHER to imprint at the south pole and to spiral up in the opposite direction to help the memory circuits within the planet’s system of consciousness to perceive this greater role for humanity’s evolution that contributes to the healing of this world, leading it to its destiny of Light and Life. (Pause)

Deepen your own willingness for human memory all around the planet to open to the Father’s LOVE and the REVELATION of each person’s selfhood existing within Him. (Pause)

Invite the circuit of the Indwelling Spirit that connects each individual to their own personal Spirit of the Father to also engage with what you are focusing on of SELF ACTUALIZATION. Invite my Personalized Spirit to also engage in the ministry of the Father into human mind and memory that more of your brothers and sisters may experience the great revelation of the LOVE in which they exist. Your brothers and sisters need to feed upon this LOVE, and you can hold that intention for them to experience this at a fundamental level of their own unique selfhood in the Father. (Pause)

Invite the energies and activities of DIVINE JUSTICE as personified by Monjoronson to also engage in this great unfolding of SELF REVELATION AND SELF ACTUALIZATION IN THE PARADISE FATHER. Allow yourselves to become expressive of the love and grace that exists within you to express and hold this as an intention for your brothers and sisters to also receive this now. (Pause)

My beloved children, you are participating in something far greater than you can possibly imagine. By holding the planet in a field of SELF ACTUALIZE, you are encouraging and supporting your brothers and sisters to recognize their status as faith children of God. This is an awareness that humanity needs in order to make the changes necessary to heal the social problems that have beset this planet for many, many millennia. And you in holding this focus today are operating at some of the highest levels of human consciousness. The Spirit within you takes this level of awareness and amplifies it.

So, you have much to gain from this experience today, and you will continue to open to the depths of your being where you begin to experience more of the foundational SELFHOOD in which you exist. From this place you can continue unfold in this natural process of becoming

more of who you are, bringing your human nature into new ways of revealing the Father’s LOVE. Yes, this is a very monumental undertaking but you are up to achieving this. Your Mother and I are supporting you every step of the way.

Continue to hold the world in this SELF ACTUALIZATION IN THE REVELATION OF FATHER for a few more moments as all of these other elements combine, communicate, and integrate in bringing you closer to experiencing your own Indwelling Spirit in new and refreshing ways. (Pause)

I invite you to elevate your gaze to the Paradise Creator Deities, lifting this world in your mind’s eye up to their embrace. Take a few moments to express your own gratitude and love to them for this wonderful adventure of the becoming process, not only of who you are, but of what this planet can become through human endeavor collaborating with divine WILL and the WAYS OF LIFE. Open your hearts with sincere gratitude for your ability to participate in this great adventure and how you as an individual add what you can into the growing collective spiritual dynamism this world needs now. (Pause)

May the divine reflection of Paradise GRACE embrace this world down to its very core as the SELF ACTUALIZATION process deepens in human mind and memory, encouraging more people to awaken to what is in them of the Father Within. (Pause)

Imagine yourselves now descending from Paradise. Stand on the planet in your own Divine Life Plan and Purpose on the evolutionary continuum of LIFE that exists within the planet’s core. Each one of you have a unique opportunity to engage with LIFE. The Spirit Within is your pilot along this journey of becoming. There are many objectives to achieve as you grow in expression of your unique personalities. Feel your connection to your own purpose on this evolutionary continuum of LIFE and invite all of these dynamics to integrate into you and into the planet that more of the humans of this world may be about the business of personal spiritual development and soul growth and personality expression in the Father. (Pause)

Invite your Holy Mother Spirit to weave all of these dynamics together in Her JOYFUL SONG OF LIFE. Open yourselves to Her presence, Her LOVE, Her effervescent JOY of what it means to be alive and growing as a faith son and daughter. For your personality could be considered a unique melody that you add into the growing JOYFUL SONG OF LIFE that is part of your Holy Mother. Each beautiful personality expression is a melody and you are learning how to harmonize with one another in this great orchestration of LIFE that comes from the Father in Paradise. (Pause)

My children, many objectives for the expression of spiritual potential are now integrating into the planet and into your own beings. In the coming days pay close attention to what you experience. Bring all your concerns to the Spirit Within. Ask for more revelation of your selfhood to imprint upon your mind and deepen into your memory that you may express more of who you truly are to your brothers and sisters—the living conduits of the Father’s LOVE. And my Spirit of Truth will help you. Your Mother’s presence within you supports you. Enjoy how you are growing in this wonderful mystery of becoming who you truly are.


Spend in your stillness meditation to hold the world in the SELF ACTUALIZATION process. Trust that all is well as my HAND is guiding this planet to its beautiful destiny that you are actually achieving one day at a time. This is truly a wonderful collaboration, and it is my desire for you to learn well the lessons of life during your human experience that you may enjoy more peace of mind and joy of soul each and every day. I leave this for you to consider and integrate, my children, and may you always thrive in the BEAUTY of the Father’s LOVE within. Good day.