2022-12-25-Michael's Christmas Message
Topic: Michael's Christmas Message...
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Our Paradise Creator Deities and our Divine Mother and Father of the universe, we thank you for this opportunity to come before you with our heartfelt intention to provide more light and love from our hearts to add into planetary mind system that more of the true Christmas Spirit may prevail here on this world. We thank you for all the ways you are helping us outwork the energies and influences of the planetary rebellion that occurred so long ago on this world, and we are truly grateful that we can be aware that we have the ability to transform our world through spiritual energy and that which you provide to us in ample measure.
On this day when many people are celebrating the birth of you Father in your human persona as Jesus, we ask you to fortify our hearts with your peace. And may we remember the true purpose for which you came here to show us how to reach that level of Godliness and our own human natures and to reveal the love of the Creator Father to each human heart and soul. And Mother, we thank you for weaving us together as one, one in intention, one soul, that what we generate from our hearts and souls may be put to good use by our Planetary Seraphim and our Magisterial Son, who is orchestrating the events of DIVINE JUSTICE upon this world. Truly, we are grateful to be able to participate with you in this manner, and we thank you for your WILL being done now through your GRACE and MERCY.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children! This is your Father Michael, and I welcome you to this day of celebration as many hearts upon this world are engaging in remembrance of me and my life as one of you. Take a few deep breaths and receive me as I minister to each one of you. Fill yourselves of my LOVE and my COMPASSION. Know that my presence is alive in you today more than ever and drink deeply of my ministry in you, my beloved child—each one of you. (Pause)
As you receive me, know that your human nature is precious to me. It is my responsibility as your Universe Father to help you achieve the potential seeded in you by the Creator of all that you may embark upon this wonderful journey of becoming who you truly are as an individuated self existing in the greater SELFHOOD of our Creator Father. You have a right to be who you are and to express your Father-bestowed Personality throughout the course of your life. Not only for this human incarnation, but for your long evolutionary adventure, which will take you all the way to Paradise where you will stand before the Creator Father one day and reflect back to Him the LOVE in which you have all been created. For now, receive from me what I wish to provide to you to help you relax more into your human nature, that you may continue to expand in the greater qualities of selfhood that exist at the core of your being. (Pause)
Throughout the course of your lives, I have been with you patiently waiting for you to come to me, not only as your Father, but as your elder brother Jesus who understands the human nature and can help you on this vigorous journey of becoming more of who you are. Each one of has so many unique gifts and abilities, and I understand full well why you struggle sometimes with your own sense of worthfulness and value to the divine plans of life. Truly, this world has suffered greatly, but now is the time to rejoice and to open yourselves up to a greater infusion of love, that you may truly experience yourself as you were intended by our Creator.
So, as a minister to you now, feel that intention and that need to know more of who you truly are at this existential level of your own unique personhood that originates in the greater SELFHOOD of our Paradise Father. This is your divine birthright and it is my desire that my children would know more of who they are today and experience that LOVE in which you all exists. Focus on me and invite your Holy Mother Spirit to gently expand you in your human nature into more of your Personality. Simply ask for this to occur and we will minister in you now, our beloved children. (Pause)
All through the ages, humanity has struggled to know itself: to know its divine purposes for life and the evolutionary plans for this world to reach a heightened state of Light and Life—its planetary destiny. As you receive from us today, know that we are helping you open to a greater inner reality within, that you may perceive more of this greatness and goodness that exists within human nature. That your human nature may be more calibrated to that of your Personality potential and the SOVEREIGNTY in which you exist as my beloved child. And as you open to this, begin to feel that intention for humanity as a whole to awaken to their potential. Begin to feel your heart gently expand in the greater dynamics of LOVE that is the foundation of all life throughout all the vast starry realms of the Father’s great creative design of LIFE. (Pause)
Know that you have access to me in my persona as Jesus and the human memories of my life experiences that you can not only perceive, but increasingly feel my LOVE for humanity and the way I was able to develop my Godly nature through my own human striving. Each one of you has this ability and it is only limited by your own willingness to cooperate with the divine plans seeded within you. Your Indwelling Spirit holds that in sacred trust and is waiting for you to open this door that you may experience a greater expression of love in your hearts and souls, and communicate that to your brothers and sisters who are still so very much struggling with their own human value and worthiness. So, know that this intention from my heart to yours is designed to help you become a greater living expression of love and peace to your brethren that you may cultivate and use to souls’ purpose and hearts content. (Pause)
Humanity is awakening to something new for its creative expression. Though you have been long shielded from certain ideas and ideals about the value of human nature, that time is fading quickly as a new era is dawning in Urantian consciousness about what it is that you can not only personally, but collectively, achieve in your human nature. Your divine inheritance is enough to provide you the means by which you express these wonderful gifts of your own unique selfhood given to you by the Creator. It is your willingness to cultivate yourselves in this way that opens the door for the direct communication between you and your Spirit that you may learn more of what it is that you have been given to develop over the course of your lifetime. This is a gradual learning process and you are in the very midst of it, whether you consciously recognize it or not.
But it is my intention for you today, my children, for you to more fully step into this dynamic because the world needs you. Your brothers and sisters need you. They need your love. They need your willingness to create a better world, one in which where they can thrive. And it is because you have awakened, you can help them begin their own process and journey of becoming more than who they are.
Yes, your Mother and I understand that you face many challenges. And it is time to let go of petty resentments and judgments that you hold against yourselves or against one another, and step into the greater understanding of divine COMPASSION and MERCY that you may forgive more freely and fully those who err against you and the errors you have committed against yourselves. So, know that your higher self, your unique Personality understands all of these facets and factors about you. And now, I invite you to step into that greater expression of yourself, that you may forgive your humanity—your frailties, your foibles, your errors, your mistakes and just receive the divine MERCY that you are accorded, each and every one of you. Invite your higher nature to gently calibrate into your human nature that you may feel more of that resonance, and love yourselves and forgive yourselves more. (Pause)
The time is upon you when humanity is being altered in a way that will change life forever upon this world. You are entering a phase becoming more aware of your universe citizenship status. For it is my desire that the children of this world and the other worlds that participated in the Lucifer rebellion be brought back home to life as it was meant to be lived. You are the ones who will be making these changes to create that culture where humanity will thrive in the love in which they were designed to experience life. You have been embarking on this journey for many years. And now, the spiritual pressure is increasing to encourage more individuals to awaken to their own human potential that has been given to them by the Creator, and to start on that soul journey of becoming what you have been given to co-create in alignment with the divine WAYS and WILL of LIFE.
Let these words settle in that you may take greater responsibility for the cultivation of your souls and higher selves, that you may enjoy a greater relationship in yourself with your SELF—that higher nature that is expressing God within you and out into the world. Feel that desire and intention to become more SELF-RESPONSIBLE, a responsibility you have to your higher divine nature, and to cultivate that more sincerely, honestly, and devotedly each and every day. (Pause)
As you have received, now freely give. Give back to this world the energies of your hearts and souls and of the Godly nature within you. Envision the world in your mind’s eye before you, and let these words spiral around the planet in that familiar counter-clockwise rotation. I AM RESPONDING TO MY SELF WITH SELF-RESPONSIBILITY; I AM RESPONDING TO MY SELF WITH SELF-RESPONSIBILITY; I AM RESPONDING TO MY SELF WITH SELF- RESPONSIBILITY. Feel that need for this to embrace the world to help your brothers and sisters open to their greater selves that exists within their own unique Personality given to them by the Father that they may have more of the ability to respond and feel their higher selves growing within their human natures. All we ask for you is to hold this as a sincere intention, and Seraphim will respond to what you project into human mind all around the globe. (Pause)
Ask for the beauty within human nature to respond more to this SELF-RESPONSIBILITY. Truly, there is so much that is good within human nature, and you have just scratched the surface of what it is that you can manifest as a collective body all around the planet in service to this higher RESPONSIBILITY to the Personality in which you all exist as children of God. Humanity now needs to understand that this is one of the purposes and privileges of LIFE. And we ask you to hold this as a very sincere and keen desire and motivation, that this may be more deeply seeded into mind and memory all through planetary circuits, bringing your brothers and sisters into a deeper awareness of what lies within them in the depths of their beings. (Pause)
Ask for the beauty within human nature to calibrate to the BEAUTY of the divine nature, helping humanity rise from the ashes of despair and abandonment, betrayal, and isolation into the greater family of LOVE in which you all exist as my sons and daughters. Feel this need for your brothers and sisters all around the globe to experience this. (Pause)
I also invite you to focus on Monjoronson and His activities of conducting DIVINE JUSTICE into planetary mind and memory, that His infusion of His MERCY may help more of your brothers and sisters experience what is in them for their cultivation and expression. Invite His presence to pervade planetary mind and memory, going down into the deeply embedded roots where there still is resistance to the divine WAYS of life multiplying and manifesting Father’s WILL upon Urantia. (Pause)
Hold that motivation for your brothers and sisters to receive the MERCY OF DIVINE JUSTICE. Then feel your own willingness to be more of an expression of mercy to your brothers and sisters who are very young in their awakening journey. Thank your Seraphim of this world and the other heavenly helpers for their ministrations as they weave in the circuits you generate from your heart, those spiritual energies that add to the spiritual gravity imprinting upon human mind to elevate more individuals to perceive and receive from their own Indwelling Spirits. Then see the words SELF-RESPONSIBILITY gently pulsing upon Urantian circuits, going into the multiple dimensional levels of mind that more individuals may respond and open to what LIFE has to offer them. Invite Mother’s JOYFUL SONG OF LIFE to weave deeply, broadly, highly, into planetary mind, especially into the memory circuits that humanity may remember its higher purposes and what you are capable to achieve in divine WILL alignment. (Pause)
Join with me now, and the heavenly hosts participating with you as we elevate our gaze to the existential level of Paradise where the divine patterns of LIFE originate. Open your hearts in thanksgiving, devoted appreciation for what has been bestowed to you of the gift of LIFE and all that it entails. Let us all engage in this circuit of worship of the One in whom all things exist, and let that mighty reflection of the Creator speak into your heart and soul and bring you closer to your Spirit and the LOVE in which you all exist—the LOVE in which we all exist. (Pause)
Father, I thank you for your presence living in children of all of my worlds and especially on this day when many Urantians remember my gift to this world of my life. May their hearts blaze with the love in which you have seeded in them. And may they truly appreciate their human natures that they can cultivate in conjunction with their own Spirits, perceiving the divine plans and potentials that their purpose for living here may be fulfilled through your GRACE and MERCY, as I help them become more of who they are as your sons and daughters through my LOVE and their Mother’s JOYFUL SONG OF LIFE, supporting them on this wondrous expression of manifesting the divine WILL through their unique selfhood. (Pause)
Ask for the divine reflection of Paradise to shine upon Urantian mind through all of its dimensions, going right down into its very core, bringing back to life the divine plans for this world that you now have the privilege and the gift and responsibility to use in conjunction with your own Personality expression. If you wish, see yourself standing in your own Divine Life Purpose in the core of the earth. Drink deeply, deeply, deeply, of what you have access to bringing you into closer alignment with the Father’s presence within you. And as you do this, may this be formed as a wider circuit of love to embrace all Urantia and bring it back to life, joyful abundant life, life in the Spirit and its creative designs and ways. (Pause)
May the benediction of your Mother’s JOYFUL SONG OF LIFE integrate deeply into you, encouraging you on your path of self-development. It is alive within you, and now it is upon you to make use of what you have been given to show forth the Father’s LOVE in the words you speak and the actions you convey by your elevated thoughts and your loving emotions. And may you receive my benediction of PEACE and be held steadily and securely in us, as your Divine Parents, supporting you on this wonderful evolutionary journey as you walk your path each day in our GRACE and MERCY. (Pause)
I will leave you now in this manner, my children, but truly, I am always with you. Allow your minds and bodies to continue to integrate to all of these various dynamics that you may enjoy a greater relationship with your unique Personality growing in your human natures. Enjoy your human life experience more and be of good cheer, knowing that Urantia is undergoing a massive transformation and all things are returning to the divine order of LIFE in the universe. I leave you in my LOVE and I wish you Merry Christmas! Good day.