2023-01-26-Proof of Extraterrestrial Life
Topic: Proof of Extraterrestrial Life
Group: Marin TeaM
Teacher: Michael
Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, thank you for your great lessons this last holiday season. They gave us a wonderful foundation on which to stand and launch our spirits as we celebrated Michael’s birthday here as Jesus. Also, in our perineal celebration of another New Year, I want to thank the two of you for whatever role you played in bringing us the Urantia Book.
I very distinctly remember when I was seven or eight years old and had read some science-fiction comic books, I had a really great notion. If I were out walking in the woods someday and met an extraterrestrial, I would ask for a large, perfect cube or sphere of scientifically unknown material that would be irrefutable proof we had met.
((Irrefutable proof of extraterrestrial life)
Then, years and years later, a wonderful friend—who maybe ironically was also my first chosen “Guide” on LSD--introduced me to the Urantia Book. It slowly dawned on me: I was holding irrefutable physical evidence of a whole hierarchy of extraterrestrial personal beings who were arranged all the way up from earth-bound Midwayers to Paradise-origin beings.
So, in one way, the Book completed a requested full circle, an amazing gift that fulfilled my boyhood notions. Thank you--Michael and Mother Spirit--for this unique and wonderful event. Amen,
Michael: Good Evening, my beloved ones; this is Michael. Mother Spirit and I are definitely delighted with joy for the fulfilling of your youthful notions, just by your holding the Urantia Book--a very physical, irrefutable thing in your hands. It can take you on a trip clear across the Universe, and Havona, all the way to Paradise. It is an enormous tease of potential for your future where, with your will and effort, you are headed all the way to meet, once upon a time, someday, the very Author of your personality. Imagine what an adventure your soul will have experienced along the way.
(A cosmos of Local Universes)
Mother Spirit and I both come from Paradise, where we had our origin. We too sailed forth to our adventures of time and space, all those hundreds of billions of years ago. We too, like you, had forebears on our adventure, for here in our seventh Super Universe, we had nigh on a trillion years of those who went before us. These were other Creator Sons and Daughters of the Trinity who established their own Local Universes in time and space. Remember: there are seven hundred thousand of our order, our very dear, mostly older friends with whom we maintain such close relationships.
For as God’s primary function and ability is sharing himself with others, this becomes the fundamental pattern for how we too can and do share our lives. It is very much a part of our each being unique--even trillions of trillions of personal beings—that gives us so much to share. True enough, while there is a singularly uniform physical/energetic universe to give all of us a home, within this universal reality there is in each one of us unique personal beings our own unique take on that uniformity.
(How big IT All is)
Now your more advanced astronomical instruments give you a greater understanding as to just how enormous IT All is. On top of this your wonderful Urantia Book talks about an inner universe called Havona, with a different, more advanced and complex organization of material and energy, on seven circuits of a billion individual worlds surrounding Paradise. And Paradise itself is equally --you might say--in perfect counterpoise and balance to the physical universe you are discovering.
You mentioned a whole hierarchy of personal spiritual--that is to say--creative beings from the Trinity and the seven Master Spirits of Paradise, down through the heads of the Super Universes, to the Local Universe Creative Sons and Daughters—all so much fun for you to let these presented facts stretch your minds.
(Endless dimensions of reality)
Remember too: all these various levels of spiritual beings denote distinct dimensions of reality that these spiritual beings inhabit. These dimensions are surrounding you now and part of your universal reality too, for all that they are still beyond your immediate perception. Your growing perception will be a big part your future, my dears. One at a time you’ll be encountering and able to perceive and relate to these dimensions characterized by their hierarchy of personal beings.
Starting with our lowest form of angels—the cherubim you meet on the first Mansion Worlds—you’ll grow to perceive and meet the Seraphim, even as you yourselves evolve in manifesting yourself on these worlds to come.
This is how you will grow your souls of experience, my dears, right along with the personal spiritual beings you will be able to perceive, work with, and enjoy. They too will be adding to you all along the way as you increase your perception and appreciation of the physical/energetic universe so far beyond what your present instruments can bring you.
It is almost impossible to convey--you have already accomplished so much working together in your sciences--but the physical/energetic universe will also be essentially infinite to your evolving perceptions, yet another receding horizon for your growth.
(To finally achieve finality of existential status)
You can only imagine the kind of souls you will have someday when you will have crossed the whole physical universe opening to you now, and then those billions of worlds of Havona, to finally set foot within the hundreds of dimensions of Paradise, and be ushered into The Corps of the Mortal Finality—finally final in eternal status.
You’ll be ready and open to adventures within the other six Super Universes aside from this Seventh One in which you ascended.
(Your preexistent intrinsic evolutionary potential)
My dears!--we do love to tease you with all the ways you are just beginning. It gives you just the slightest notion of the intrinsic evolutionary potential bestowed upon you. It is God’s gift of your personal being, already beyond time and space. And so: even now enjoy these lives of yours. Keep reaching into an endless tomorrow.
Mother Spirit sends you her love, and I bid you: Be in my peace. If you have any questions or comments, they too are our delight, so go ahead. (None)
(We all live in an Eternal Now)
Oh, my dears, I hope--just in this new year, I have, as you say, blown your minds with what you have to look forward to and anticipate. This was definitely my intention. We love to tease those we love so much with the full potential of what is in store for you. Hopefully, in a rather ironic way, it makes all the more real and precious these moments of your current life. We all live in an Eternal Now that includes an infinite past, and promises an infinite future. Time is another of God’s great gifts. Mother Spirit and I bid you a fond goodnight.