2023-04-13-Spiritual Circuitries
Topic: Spiritual Circuitries
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa, Inner Voice
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: I’d like to set a place of welcome for Michael, Mother Spirit, Machiventa Melchizedek, Monjoronson and for Dr. Mendoza. I’d also like to make welcome our friends in spirit who are still with us in spirit but have transitioned from the material, our dear friends and comrades in service: Jonathan, George, Gerdean. I create space for each of these wonderful friends by means of words and intention expressed and conviction of purpose applied. Thank you all for showing up, for volunteering to be installed in this circle, this circle of friends, this circle of seekers, Divine Parents and fellow spirit associates.
Machiventa: Thank you for such a grand request, certainly we are pleased to respond. In keeping with form I shall go first since I am headmaster of this classroom, as it were, and as such, it has been a great pleasure to work with the dedicated ones who repeatedly return to class. My experience with you all, this group, this classroom, has been so very gratifying. I have some past experience to draw on in determining the success of various missions and I am greatly pleased to witness the success of this one. I have been involved in epochal revelations that are known for having brought some degree of enlightenment and some change for the better and this mission that we have been involved with together is no different. It is the beginning of a new age, a new and current epochal revelation. This revelation involves the promotion and creation of greater awareness of the spirit connection and nature of the individual.
Spiritual circuitries have been lost in this process of evolution that need to be regained, reformed and reconstituted into more perfect divine pattern. The rebuilding and rejuvenating of the circuits will make the task of the mortal much easier in providing greater ability to recognize and choose these circuits that are opening and becoming available as part of the latest planetary revelation of this connectivity by virtue of the connection of every individual to the system and to the whole. The seeds of this mission are being planted and even now are being nurtured so that they may grow to support the new version, the new vision that is sponsored by these correcting times, this Majesterial Mission and the workers in the field that fan the flames of truth. Certainly we act as a team under Michael’s direction.
This is one of the circuits that connects all of us here now. This circuitry of devotion to Michael’s plan, to its success and its implementation as His will is manifest. Certainly such a common interest bonds us as fellow participants in the process, on the same team, working for the same Master, on the same playing field at the same time together. The spiritual pressure that is now being applied to this world is a pressure to find the peace and to establish the security of this peace to the circuitry of certainty of connection, connection to truth, beauty, and goodness, connection to divine principles and values and connection even to your master connection within. All these avenues of approach are being stimulated and awakened, energized in frequency, powered by the desire of the love of the Creator for it to be so.
It is always a pleasure to fellowship with you and to attempt to bring perspective with words that you may attempt to use to gain wisdom from on high furnished by fellow team members in service to Michael. Another circuitry we both share familiar to both of us is that field of gratitude, the vibration in frequency of being grateful for all that's before us, for all that’s been created, and for the life we have been issued in which to experience all that grace. I take my leave and allow for more contact. Farewell.
Inner Voice: I will respond to the internal request to step forward and access this voice as my tool to express myself since I have no actual vocal cords to have a voice myself. I am this one’s Inner Voice, Inner Guide, and I am grateful to be granted this opportunity. I understand that this does not come easily for my companion and so I am even more grateful for the stepping forward in faith required to facilitate such connection. That is in fact a grand illustration of the significance of the component so faithfully exercised, the component of faith exercised, the example of being willing to step forward in uncertainty but with trust and faith that your steps may be guided and that you may in fact function in such a capacity and for you to discover in your experience that this is an aspect of your being, a matter of your birthright. Even so, with such faith and conviction, it remains a challenge to apply faith to the degree that success is achieved in your efforts.
I am here to assure you by way of word that all of your efforts to reach out in spirit and lean on your faith are rewarded with certain recognition on high of the growth of the individuals. I assure you as your Onboard Partner, that all, in fact each and every one of your acts of love, your extensions of love in service, are captured as the worthy components of spiritual pursuit and as such become a matter of record of your individual evolution and your individual process creates your interpretation of truth, beauty, and goodness. Each interpretation will be unique by virtue of the perspective of the observer and all of these experiences are gathered together to form the composite being, the mortal and the spiritual. Your Indwelling Guide is ever ready to assist you in your process and do more than make record of your growth but under the right circumstances contribute to your growth. If consulted, if referenced, then assistance may be rendered as requested.
There is no one out there, no one else who has a greater interest in your eternal survival than your Inner Guide, no one who has a greater investment in your combined futures than your Onboard Partner. So this aspect of self, this component of your being is well worthy of your pursuit, your seeking, so that the finding becomes easier and easier and more routine and common, even normal. This altering of routine and advancing of values is most easily and successfully accomplished with the aid and even assistance of your Onboard Partner. They represent a unique circuit that exists between your end and the connection to the First Source and Center from which they have been issued. Such a circuit is the most direct route one could have from your point of mortal view to your eternal spirit destiny.
I am here now in service to you in accessing the word that we might communicate these principles, so that we may grow closer in our ability to have contact and share meanings and values in the spirit dimension without having to resort to the voice, to the word, to the vocabulary and the understanding. The circuit between you and your Onboard Partner is simply a short distance and the establishment of a firm connection enables you to return to the place of spirit, the place of stillness and contact. Your repeated efforts to return to this place make it easier and easier, make it even routine, regular and normal as you are learning that it is normal, part of your composition, yours as a matter of birthright and yours as a member of the spiritual family of Michael’s world.
Thank you for the opportunity to fulfill my desire to serve Michael’s mission by proclaiming the grace of the reestablished circuitries. It is with such deep gratitude that I function with this purpose and hope you were able to benefit from not only the tones and frequencies of the word made sound to interpret as much as the underlying frequency, the underlying tone which is invariably that of love manifesting. All these different ways are originating from the same love, the same power of love that you may be purveyors of; you may traffic in these frequencies of love, you may surround yourself with them and take them in for your own edification.
With all this reference to service, it is my desire to swing the focus slightly to that of the workers in the field, the light anchors, the peace anchors. All those who are recognized for service also have, as all individuals have, a responsibility to tend the inner spirit garden and to make sure the fruits are good and that the unnecessary influences are removed and that the temple that you build for communing, for sharing, for fellowship, is a safe haven for extending your faith. Remember that when you are in prayerful petition for communion, for insight, for guidance, that it is incumbent upon you to provide the right environment, the right atmosphere, to set the right stage and provide the proper support. This is where your creative aspect becomes so vitally significant. All the potentials available in the universe are merely potentials. It requires the creator to choose the potential that they will grow and manifest from the state of 'what if', to the state of 'job well done'.
All those with spirit ears to hear, hear this invitation of welcome from within, a call to service together, a call to manifest your truth, your goodness, and your beauty, to offer a version, your individual version of this combination of events as they have impacted you. The impulses from your Onboard Partner may be perceived in a variety of ways: literal visual flashes, inspirations, sudden awarenesses, and sometimes words, sometimes words in the form visualized, written on a blackboard, of appearing on a screen or even words that come to you as a thought. If this form of audio is beneficial for you, you may find that it may be easy to distinguish the words from your Inner Guide from the words of your internal chatter. That’s where defining the frequency of these determines the spiritualized choice. It has been a grand opportunity to share this frequency generated in love and put forward to be shared and embraced.
Be at peace with the process but resolve to exercise your faith to the degree that you will see the tangible results. The effort to translate impressions and thoughts into word symbols that are representative of their meaning is a challenging task that is made much easier with the influence of spirit value and the presence of spirit realities. What a glorious opportunity before us as I take my leave and the use of these tools and this forum. I am inspired at the potentials that are arising before us. Certainly the journey before us will be full of discoveries along the way. As we become spiritualized beings we are more and more influenced by this aspect of spirit until eventually the use of the mortal vehicle will be traded in for the morontia self and with that transition, the eternal conviction of survival, survival for the choosing.
I take my leave now and return to the backseat where there is no microphone and there is no access to use the voice. There is only the personal experience to be taken, parts accumulated and adorned around the structures of your life. I bid you all peace, a good evening and a return to this well as you so desire. I assure you such an environment is quite conducive to these desires to connect. Farewell, be in peace.