2023-04-20-Steps on the Journey
Topic: Steps on the Journey
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa, Inner Voice
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: I’m sure I share the gratitude of the group gathered here today for this opportunity, this chance in life that we choose and embrace.
Machiventa: I will respond once again to this request to join the energy of this field, of this group of contributing fellows. I am Machiventa and once again, pleased to respond to this invitation provided. In choosing to reference some contribution made prior about getting there by taking one step at a time, I’d like to expand on this observation because it is so fundamental to the understanding of your position as evolving spirit throughout your eternal career. This notion that one step leads to the next which leads to the next, the key is to exercise your faith in taking the next step and taking each step and every step. It is in fact a demonstration of your conviction, your faith and all such demonstrations are seen as the bloom of the potential flower within or the budding and subsequent blooming of such potential.
This notion of these ascending steps that must be taken, and that there is inevitable reward for taking these steps, your faith can then propel you to proceed ahead as boldly as you may desire knowing this is the process and this is the part you play in the process. To advance to the next step, the next level on which you will find the next level immediately present and for the one with faith that all steps are right, all steps are good, true, necessary and part of the program. One who embraces the nature of this reality can approach the next step with joy and with excitement about what is to come because it is all part of the same plan, it is simply the next step in the plan and one may even develop an eagerness to discover the next step and learn to embrace the meanings and values found at that level and take the steps boldly, even in the absence of knowing the destination.
The steps, the journey is the process, day by day, hour by hour, and one who feels associated and part of the grand scheme is one with the greatest faith. This connection of feeling a part of the whole is what is your willingness to take the next step signifies. And all of your choices that are made in response to the challenge of the next step are all your creative influences at play and you are all learning of the significance of your creative influence, its properties and boundaries and this is simply accomplished step by step. Your dedication in taking the steps secures your arrival at the next step appropriate for you, the next opportunity appropriate for your development; these are triggered by your desires and intentions put into play.
So I extend perhaps the perspective on the significance of this pattern that repeats and requires participation in order to make and rise to the next step and take it and then be willing to rise to the next beyond that, all the while with the certainty of faith that all these steps are merely steps along the journey, along the path that you are taking. And so it will be, when you stick to this intention, so it will be. This rising to the next challenge and seeing it as a positive potential changes the entire dynamic of the circumstance and when one immediately attempts to embrace the lesson that is delivered, then you can more quickly embrace the new awareness and move forward with a stronger foundation and a firmer commitment to rising to the next challenge and taking that next step.
I always feel at liberty to start the meeting but I wish to allow the opportunity for others to express as well. I will leave by expressing my gratitude for this form of service, this form of connection and fellowship and sharing, this mode that we have fashioned. Thank you for this opportunity and I will return as you ring the bell again. Farewell.
Mark: I welcome my Inner Guide by word and by deed to access the voice, so be it.
Inner Voice: And as it is your desire, it is so by no small act of faith on your part required to make it so. It has been my pleasure to accept the invitation this opportunity provides on some regular basis. This is the result of a calling that my associate and companion has been responding to for some time. It has required a great effort to take that next step and to lean so heavily on your faith when there appears to be a step missing, a step unknown, and yet you’re still willing to take the step to try in faith and to trust in faith that your efforts will meet with success. This is key and paramount to your individual growth in your eternal career, this development of an abiding and strong faith, faith in your relationship to your Divine Parents, faith in your association to them and with them, faith in the possibility of connecting even with the likes of your Internal Guide. Faith certainly can find a way through the maze of uncertainty. Faith in the guidance from on high can bring you the direction, the way to go, for your having asked because the answer to your question is certainly known.
All things may be known through the spirit dimension through asking of spirit, through seeking in spirit terms what the truth may be or what the reality may constitute. This connection to the spirit realm is your destiny as it means there is full connection, full embrace of the spiritual dimension. This occurs upon the event of your consistent choosing to be as one with your Onboard Partner. This Divine Fragment, this piece of your composition has already chosen you to spend your eternal career with, already has agreed to this partnership and awaits your choosing of the same reality, your awareness of the same reality so that you may choose it.
The awareness of such a partnership is what the calling is that my associate has responded to, this spreading of the word that it is not only possible to make these choices and choose this partnership at will, but it has now been made easier than ever with the assistance of enhanced circuitries which are responsible for the advent of this very exchange. This is a joyful message that we are tasked to share and bear witness to, that the dynamics now are present to provide individual callings to spirit over these enhanced frequencies. This is spiritual pressure applied, it manifests through these channels and these avenues and all of this grand scheme runs to you and through you as the choosers, the creators who decide which way you will go, which direction you will pursue.
I am here to give voice to the Onboard Partner resident with you even now, to give voice in making personal petition, personal invitation to seek this presence within and seek to not only find it, but reach out to connect to it. It's simply an act of will and your choice is honored. This notion of embracing the presence of an Inner Guide and the awareness turning to exercising in faith that it is so, it is true, it is real, and for those who believe, all of this work in spirit is most definitely real. It is an aspect of your eternal career moving forward, a part of your composition, of your make up and therefore your perspective and position in time and space constitutes a unique contribution, a unique portal, a view on a life unique and separate but part of the overall composition, part of the assembling all of the parts of the whole. Such is your power, destiny, as we move forward in this process, one step at a time. The steps you have taken before have brought you to this new step, this new potential, this new expanding of awareness creating a greater scope of opportunity before you for you to choose. In so doing you issue forth your creative will and you in fact create a unique beginning to a unique journey that brings a unique thread of individualism to the great tapestry of the human mortal experience, woven together of all the contributions, of all the individual threads, all the individual lives lived and journeys taken and careers experienced.
I stand in gratitude for the many factors that make such an opportunity not only possible but actual by extending enough faith to make it so. I leave you with a calling, the calling to come to Me, come to your Inner Voice, your Thought Adjuster, your Fragment of The Father, your part of the whole. Your Inner Guide stands ready at your slightest call to make every attempt to reach you. Trust that these connections may be made. They may take various forms for various individuals but whatever the form, the key is to recognize that there is a message, there is a revelation, there is a finding to all the seeking. Trust that all this is merely in process. Trust that by taking the next step and committing to the next and the next, you most certainly will cover the ground and rise to the level that you seek only to find there are levels stacked beyond and your faith is strong enough to push you forward to take the next step and gain that much closer to the next step, and the next step. It is how they are taken that so influences the journey. If these steps are taken in faith that all this is good and right and beautiful, then so it shall be. If they are taken and seen as a burden to overcome, as an obstacle that must be overcome, then that will be the experience. It is the approach; while the circumstances may be the same, the approaches bring contrasting results.
This is the significance of your Thought Adjuster, your Internal Guide. There is a constant effort being made to furnish direction and show the way when it is sought, when the request is made, when the participants are aware enough to make the request. These are all steps in the equation, all parts and components of grander pictures. But I rejoice at the miracle of this coming together and making this exchange possible, of utilizing the portal you have come to know into the spirit dimension. I am here with you. I am within and yet I am not a separate personality recognizable by your interpretation of Me. I function on the spiritual realm and it is my job to guide you to come through Me, through the portal that I Am, to all that is. This design, this plan is your destiny, your fate, because you have chosen it. You are here now having demonstrated your faith and made your choices to seek this reality of spirit and I rejoice with you that your prayers have been answered, that these connections have all been made. Your interest in preserving this mechanism has provided us the very bridge we needed to communicate in this manner.
I honor this system that has been built and put into place and that we use to access these positions. Indeed, you have all anchored this light, anchored the spirit experience to your presence, your location, and as such you are all conduits, instruments of peace, circuits you have chosen to make and establish and maintain. This you do in faith, this you do with sincerity of purpose. Avail yourselves of the plan as it is meant to unfold. Find the frequency that we may use to communicate, if not commune. This is all done by a matter of your choosing as I have already chosen you to be my partner. I bid you all have a joyous journey, step by step. No need to hurry, no need to stress out over the next step or how many steps there are or what those will be. All such questions require your faith to still the concerns and to infuse you with the energy to move forward, knowing it is your destiny to function in this capacity of executing your eternal career one step at a time.
I now take my leave and return the voice. I stand in gratitude for the opportunity and the potential that exists to continue to exercise the fruits of building such a mode of connection. So be it. Be in peace, be at peace. Make it so as you so choose. Farewell.