2023-04-27-Free Will Dignity
Topic: Free Will Dignity
Group: Marin TeaM
Teacher: Mother Spirit
Dear Mother Spirit and Michael: Greetings, dear spiritual parents, dear friends. Goodness!--it is such a wonderful notion and warm feeling to have such friends. We even have some tiny amount of equivalence. We are all creatures of God and the Trinity. In our case, our personality is from God the Father, our creative spirit is from the Eternal Son, and our physical being is from the Infinite Spirit. You, Mother Spirit, are her daughter.
I’ll give you an assignment tonight, Mother Spirit, for the spiritual clarity and growth you offer; but then too, just for the sheer fun of it. This has always been one of the greatest components of our contacts with you and Michael--the real joy you give us. Thank you, and Amen.
Nebadonia: Good evening, my dear ones. This is your Mother Spirit. I am happy to get this assignment you and I pondered together for some time before this contact now. If I follow you right, it can be boiled down to one word, freedom. So often Michael and I have described you--almost defined you--as a “Creature of free-will dignity.”
(Free-will dignity)
I call you a “creature” because your human order of personal beings was and is definitely and purposefully created. Your kind are created not only by your physical parents, nor only by Michael and me in our Local Universe here. As you have been informed in your Urantia Book, you have a human pattern countertype in the Eternal Universe of Havona pre-dating your universe and time and space. Your order of unified physical/mental/spiritual/soulful being is truly timeless.
As you noted in your welcome greetings, you have a personality from God the Father and a creative spirit from the Eternal Son. My mother--the Infinite Spirit of Paradise—is responsible for the physical universe of time and space, including you. Its components are your living body.
(Freedom depends on creative spirit)
Your free-will dignity derives especially from your creative spirit. This gives you the ability to introduce some new and unique-to-you possibility into time and space. You have choices coming from what you yourself can generate. This gives you a personal dignity far above any other kind of physical life on your planet, though you are below the midway creatures, the angels, and other orders of spiritual beings. You have the most physical aspect.
(Comprehend your situation)
Because the concept of freedom has so many dimensions, tonight I will just touch on a few you can carry into your meditations and use to enlighten your comprehension of your situation. Just how much, and what kind of freedom do you have--right from the moment of your self-consciousness as a youngster, up to this present moment?
How much choice have you had all along? Who and what have you become? With a little reflection, how much freedom can you project into the future concerning your physical body, your mind, and your creative spirit? How much freedom do you feel here and now? That assessment is fundamental. Is your future open to the many things that interest and tickle your curiosity--available, and possible?
Or do you feel a lack of freedom, like you’re being driven along? Certainly your living body is susceptible to accidents beyond your foresight, especially In your modern, highly mechanical world. Yet moment-to-moment there is much you can do with your marvelous, acquired abilities. There’s literally a maze of activities to do. Also, can you tune in and appreciate what your “biological feedback” says about your diet and the physical substances you choose to take in?
(Assessing body & mind abilities)
Feet carry you here and there. Ten fingers have created the most fantastic paintings, sculpture, and music, then the complex machine that had men walking around on the moon. Think of all the things this body and mind of yours is capable of doing that give you choices. Make this great assessment of your physical freedom and what you can do with a living body led by a great imagination. Your physical body is so adaptable and responsive.
Hopefully, you can experience this as you try different diets and exercises with a physical body whose moment-to-moment life is still beyond you in a way. Not all your libraries and millions of medical books can fully explain it. On top of all of this, you have a mind that is inextricably intwined.
Your Urantia Book notes your living mind is your most flexible and adaptable dimension. Here functions the enormous gift of language you were given by way of your family, friends, and the surrounding culture. Here live thousands of years of evolving civilization’s historians and philosophers, engineers with their mathematics, doctors with their healing—the enormous evolution of knowledge and understanding.
(Let your mind roam freely)
Let your mind roam freely. A few hundred years ago. a library of even a hundred books seemed magical and rare. Now your electronic libraries of sight and sound let you visit wherever and whenever your mind can wants to go. The whole history of art, literature, and music, and science is available to you now. For days on end your marvelous computers can provide these for a few cents of electricity.
Consider the freedom your minds have to roam most anywhere your inclinations and fancy get tickled to take you. Ironically, it may seem difficult not to be overwhelmed by so much potential freedom.
(Your soul of real experience)
This is where it is critical--and wonderful--for your sense of yourself--to reflect on the past choices that got you to who and what and where you are. This is your soul of real experience. It helps generate enormous possibility with all the information you’ve gathered, to feed your vision of just where next to go.
Michael and I have offered so many times, one of the greatest prayers you can ask of our Father’s presence within you is: “What is the best thing I can do next?” Be aware his response can happen instantaneously. Of all the choices of what to do, he can help you value them, for are they not only of mental meaning but also of spiritual value?
(What is “open-mindedness”)
This freedom is what I tease you with tonight. Bring it into your meditations as a wonderful checklist to see how free you feel in terms of your physical health and strength, and your sheer possibilities. How open-minded are you in all the ways Michael and I have offered you? Just what is being “open-minded?” How do you seek--and find--that wonderful quality feeding your true freedom to choose?
With respect to your spirit, how creative do you find yourself actively contributing to your freedom? How much are you reflecting and adding another 100% to your life by reflecting on it, even ongoing as it is happening? You’ll be reflecting--especially to those you love—a constant, dependable reflection that helps you both keep from stumbling.
Surprisingly enough, being able to relax is a dependable source of freedom. Relax and enjoy not only surviving, but thriving, with this freedom you have achieved. It’s how you have learned to handle this living body of yours, your wonderful mind, your creative spirit, even that backup that God himself provides with a living, unfathomable soul of all you have known so far. Think of the others with whom you have shared so much, filling these days you have lived.
(Approach yourself with curiosity & wonder)
This is your present, ongoing freedom I tease you to get a feeling for. You can appreciate being alive, still beyond your full comprehension. So we suggest you approach yourself with curiosity and wonder. Use the magical quality of spirit that I am delighted to augment in your life.
This is the meaning of your “free-will dignity.” You are not just a reactive animal. You have a true personality right from God, with an ability to choose. Your choices provide the experiences that are your primary growth of soul. There need be no end to it as you go on, even beyond your human life. Your freedom grows as your knowledge and understanding grow. It’s the feedback from your living choices--welcome or not, fun or simply necessary.
(The adventure of being human)
Choose to be deeply involved in your life, my dears, I hope I’ve added to your appreciation of the freedom God chooses to give you simply as a human being. It’s the adventure to being human. Enjoy it well.
Now if you have any questions or comments, they’re part of this freedom of yours that Michael and I enjoy so much--when you involve us.
Student: No question, just a comment: Thank you! You have given us much to ponder. Thankfully we have the freedom to ponder it.
Nebadonia: Yes, my son—free with these bodies, and minds, and spirits you have. You have a unique personality that you are, and God preserves the soul you will grow to carry with you forever.
Student: Amen.
(Actively try to use your freedom)
Nebadonia: Enjoy it well. A great part of your freedom is your choosing to use it. Michael bids you be in his peace. I will wrap you in my love and say good night. All my love, dear ones. Onward! Definitely onward!-- with my love.
Students: Thank You.