2023-06-11-Focus on Planetary Reclamation
Topic: Focus on Planetary Reclamation in the Father’s Love, Revelation of the Father Within, Intimacy with Father into Planetary Circuits
Group: Institute for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Our Paradise Creator Deities, Universe Spirit Parents, Monjoronson, and all of our planetary and universe helpers, we welcome you into this call today—into the energies that we will be generated that you guide us to emit from our hearts. We now are prepared as you encircuit us as one—one mind, one soul, one heart, one intention. You know what the planet needs at this stage of its development as part of the Correcting Time program. And we are here to hold that focus for more positive spiritual change to guide the planet forward. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service to our world. And may your WILL be done through your GRACE and GOODNESS. Thank you so much!
MONJORONSON: My dear brethren, I greet each one of you today as we begin our collaboration together. This is Monjoronson. I invite you to take some deep breaths and to settle into the dynamics of energies all around you.
As you know, your world is composed of various circuits containing information that were designed to work synergistically together to foster human collaboration constructing a heavenly planetary culture. Over the years of our collaboration you have brought forth from your hearts many intentions which have all been sewn into the fabric of planetary mind. And now you see evidence of what has been infused into these circuits.
In keeping with that tradition of what we have been guiding you to hold for the planet’s healing to occur, I now invite you hold that intention for PLANETARY RECLAMATION IN THE FATHER’S LOVE to move into the circuits of mind and memory through the heart-felt expression that we wish to emit. But first, we invite you to simply hold this focus and feel what this means to receive more of the spiritual meaning and value of PLANETARY RECLAMATION IN THE FATHER’S LOVE.
While the intention is mostly directed into the planetary circuits of mind and memory today, give yourselves a few moments to connect with the Spirit Within and allow these energies of PLANETARY RECLAMATION IN THE FATHER’S LOVE to gently reverberate in you and provide you with more of that spiritual vitality you need, especially to help your physical bodies adjust to these higher frequencies. Take a few moments to receive at this personal level. Invite your Spirits to also communicate into what you are holding now. (Pause)
As you know, there are many circuits of life-enhancing energies that bathe a material sphere. These energies are encircuited in the personality of your Holy Mother Spirit and they engage through the circuits of mind into you to feed you with information that will assist you on your journeys of soul growth and spiritual development. There are physical circuits that impact your human natures in many ways. Much of what is underway today is occurring at this physical level to assist the planetary circuits to be reclaimed at a higher spiritual level providing the planet more gravity (if I may use that term) to direct the evolutionary trajectory to the bosom of the Father in Paradise. This is part of the planet’s evolutionary divine plan, and there is a gravitational pull now operating on the planet to draw more of the wide variety of energies Paradise-ward.
As you embark upon your ascension careers and go more deeply into the mysteries of LIFE, you will learn more aspects about the use of energy—how to conduct these energies in alignment with the way your Indwelling Spirits are guiding you to learn.
In today’s infusion, it is intended to help you become more connected to some of these circuits to enable your greater spiritual receptivity and physical conformity with how the nature of LOVE functions throughout all of these vast and varied frequencies. There is synergy here. There is a natural relationship between of these circuits. And in you holding this for yourself today: PLANETARY RECLAMATION IN THE FATHER’ LOVE—it is intended that you would feel more of this gravitational pull, especially at a more physical level to help you maintain the focus and equilibrium as more change comes to this planet of a higher nature. There is nothing you need to do other than receive, and allow what these energies are here to provide to you and reach into deeper places into your human natures, into your physical beings and feed you with more of the Father’s LOVE. (Pause)
Feel the need of your own human body and mind to receive more of the Father’s LOVE through this infusion of PLANETARY RECLAMATION. Allow the experience to simply embrace you and gently calibrate you into a higher level of meaning and understanding. (Pause)
The physical circuitry of the planet is changing. There are light energies bathing this planet to assist this world to recover from the damage inflicted upon it by the rebellion agenda, and to move you into greater states of well-being, health, and happiness that is designed to support all life here. You are, as you might say, getting back on track after a long deviation and violation of the divine ways of LIFE. We greatly appreciate what you are holding today, that your human natures and bodies may feel more of this RECLAMATION INTO THE FATHER’S LOVE to render you more spiritually fragrant, especially when engaging with your brothers and sisters who need more love in their lives. Let the Father’s LOVE become a radiating presence within you that you may hold this frequency and let it naturally exude from you like the most alluring perfume that is captivating to the senses and to the human soul. (Pause)
Just reinforce that need in your own mind for you to be an open and living conduit of the Father’s LOVE, especially to help your physical bodies attune to these very high frequency emanations of LOVE and LIFE all around you. Drink deeply and be filled. (Pause)
And now allow the energies you are experiencing to stream forth from your hearts. Envision the planet before you in your mind’s eye, and invite PLANETARY RECLAMATION IN FATHER’S LOVE to spiral around the planet and for these energies to imprint upon human mind and memory, connecting more deeply into the planet’s divine life purpose and plan that a bridge may be built for humanity to awaken to the LOVE that lives within each individual from the Father at the center of all reality. Do your best to hold the focus upon the planet as the retinue of celestial and planetary helpers now function in this domain. (Pause)
Feel that intention for the physical nature of the planet, including the human body, to be reclaimed by the Father. (Pause)
Hold that intention. Feel that need for the planet’s physical circuitry to be more upstepped in the LOVE of the Father in Paradise. (Pause)
There is a growing body of LOVE developing on the planet. I use this term “body of LOVE” in several ways: one is metaphorical and one is an actual living representation of the expression of love that humans build one day at a time. This is part of the evolving Supreme Mind of the planet. It a form into which you are all contributing whether or not you are consciously aware.
There is a physical counterpart to this. In today’s infusion there is a focus now placed on the physical circuits to help the infusion grow and to make a more indelible mark upon the physical circuits which impact your own bodies. As you hold this focus of PLANETARY RECLAMATION IN FATHER’S LOVE, hold that willingness to penetrate into those physical circuits that need to be reclaimed by the Father. While you may not know where they lie in the planet’s energy system, we know and we will direct the energies. The more you can generate that love and intention from your hearts and the willingness for more people to receive this, more LOVE can be added through the ministration of many helpers who are engaging in the circuits of mind and memory to heal this world of its maladies. Maintain that focus as strongly and steadily as you can and know we are corresponding and amplifying what you are holding now. (Pause)
There is one more focus to add, to combine with PLANETARY RECLAMATION IN FATHER’S LOVE. It is simply the divine meaning and value of REVELATION OF THE FATHER WITHIN. Hold this now: REVELATION OF THE FATHER WITHIN to combine and connect with the PLANETARY RECLAMATION dynamic and ask for these energies to imprint upon mind and memory, even going into the physical circuits of the planet. Do your best to hold this, especially having that willingness for more of this energy to build upon the planet and change more peoples’ lives for the better. (Pause)
Invite these energies to penetrate all through the circuits of mind and memory, feeding the human emotional nature with more LOVE, the human body and cellular functioning with more LOVE, the mental processing and thought-association with more LOVE. Let the planet reverberate in the Father’s LOVE and the REVELATION OF THE FATHER WITHIN. (Pause)
Invite the Paradise REFLECTION—divine LOVE and LIGHT to bathe the planet and all its circuitry. Hold that intention with gratitude, devotion to service that your intentions may speak to the heavens and bring this REFLECTION to shine mightily upon this world. Pour out your love and appreciation that the Father in Paradise and the associate Creator Deities who have put forth this magnificent divine plan for all LIFE. (Pause)
If you wish, you may see yourselves standing on the earth in the most beautiful place you can imagine. And the Paradise REFLECTION is shining upon you as you reach up to engage with it. Ask for these energies to anchor into the earth to all of its various dimensional frequencies, even down to the physical operations and structure that this entire world is composed of. Stand in the GLORY and let it integrate into you, into the planet. Let the planet drink deeply of the Father’s LOVE. (Pause)
Then there is one final focus. See the words INTIMACY WITH FATHER and invite it to penetrate into all of these circuits, down, down, down into the physical structure and system of the planet—into planetary mind and memory inviting all things to integrate now into INTIMACY WITH THE FATHER. (Pause)
My dear brethren, we have completed our circuitry objectives for today. The energies continue to integrate and reach down into human mind and memory and into the physical circuits that more coordination may be conducted to benefit all life here. You are in a marvelous transition phase, outworking the rebellion energies and how they have distorted human mind and the function of this planet into the beautiful trajectory toward Light and Life.
I greatly appreciate your collaboration with us today. We ask that you maintain the focus on all of these different elements as your practice your stillness communion on a daily basis. Simply take a few moments to remember this call and to invite these energies to continue to integrate that more people may open to the REVELATION OF FATHER WITHIN and know of the INTIMACY OF HIS LOVE.
What more can I say to you? The rest is up to you. But know that we are here supporting you in doing what we can to encourage you to be the healers and transformers of your world. Recognize your duty. Be responsible planetary citizens as you grow in cosmic understanding of who you are, and know that all is well in Michael’s plans of healing His beloved world. I bid you all a blessed and bountiful good day.