2023-06-25-Focusing on Paradise Plans
Topic: Focusing on Paradise Plans of Perfection into Planetary Mind and Memory
Group: Institute for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: We lift our minds to you, our Paradise Creator Deities, Divine Parents, Magisterial Son and our seraphic and celestial helpers. Our intention today is to hold that focus for the circuits of planetary mind and memory to receive more of the spiritual endowments that we need to continue to heal and transform this world. We thank you for connecting us together in the circuits of Spirit, Soul, and Mind, and that where we are directed to focus today will provide more spiritual current into the planet for more of what you know needs to be accomplished will occur. We are grateful for this opportunity to be of service to our world and we thank you for the GRACE you have bestowed to us that we may collaborate in this way as your WILL is done through your MERCY and GRACE, and so it is. Thank you.
MONJORONSON: Greetings, my beloved brethren! This is Monjoronson and I am very pleased to join you once again in these circuits of conscious collaboration and co-creation in the divine patterns of LIFE for this world to receive more of its upstepping. As you know, there are patterns of perfection that originate at the existential Paradise level. Patterns of perfection replicate down through the time-space continuum and bring about an evolutionary trajectory to draw human mind back to its original divine SOURCE that you may all open up to the WILL of God and increasingly learn to cooperate with its nature and function to, not only improve the quality of your own individual lives ,but that of the planet as a whole.
Coming from a rebellion sphere, it is challenging for you to imagine and appreciate what a more perfect social order would look like. Through our many years of association, we have been helping you bring into reality these various components of spiritual energy and language to help supplant the rebellion mindset and move you more in the direction of the Paradise pull toward perfection. We will continue to develop that through our collaboration.
Today, I invite you to focus on the words the PARADISE PLANS OF PERFECTION. We will begin here at the personal level as we usually do and then invite you to focus into the circuits of planetary mind and memory.
To begin, keep in mind that your Indwelling Spirits contain the plans for your perfecting over the long course of your evolutionary ascension careers. When you engage with your Indwelling Spirits, you elevate your minds to the superconscious level to expand the capacity, if I may use that word, to perceive more spiritual illumination. This has a reflecting reverberation on the other components of your human mind and memory systems.
Today, as you focus on the PARADISE PLANS OF PERFECTION, feel that need to become more closely aligned and able to perceive more from your Spirit what it is that the Father within you wishes to convey and conduct with you, in you and through you. To begin, simply ask your Spirit to elevate your mental current to the superconscious level. Take a few deep breaths as you do this that your bodies may become more relaxed and your minds become quieter and more able to reflect the divine leadings. (Pause)
Now when you are ready, see the words PARADISE PLANS OF PERFECTION holding you in an energy field. And simply invite what this means from the levels of perfection to engage with your mind and memory system. Breathe and relax and allow the Spirit to move in you. Do your best to maintain focus on the PARADISE PLANS OF PERFECTION for your own life and receive. Let this experience go deep and trust that all is well as your Spirit guides this infusion into areas where self-improvement and self-mastery are needed. And we begin. (Pause)
The PARADISE PLANS OF PERFECTION your Spirits contain invite you into this vast realm of spiritual discovery and self-mastery. It is a journey you do not accomplish in one fell swoop; it unfolds over a long period of time. What is most significant to ensure this process moves along at a smooth and consistent pace is your human willingness to cooperate with the divine leadings you perceive day-to-day. Very few humans of this world have made the commitment to growing in their spiritual connections with the Paradise Father.
You, who have been stepped up and have agreed to grow in this manner, are given extra support and guidance to help you meet the challenges and the objectives of growing in your understanding of the nature of LIFE and the nature of God that exists within you. We applaud your efforts and are here to further encourage your striving in this manner. Keep in mind that it is patience and fortitude that will help you stay on track, even in the midst of certain forces influences trying to knock you off balance.
As you focus on the PARADISE PLANS OF PERFECTION for your lives, continue to keep that focus on your Spirits so that whatever it is you need of a deeper infusion of these patterns can communicate into your human natures—structures and give you a greater support system within, that you may fulfill the promises of expressing your potential that the Father in Paradise has seeded in you. Let these words settle in. Let them engage with your focus and receive a deeper imprinting of what this means from a deeper spiritual perspective. (Pause)
There are various rebellion influences that are still connected to human mind and memory. Open to that willingness and need to be more disassociated from these influences, even though you may not fully understand what they are or their point of origination. Your Spirit has all of the information you need to understand. And your Spirit is here to provide you with a level of insight that you may perceive what holds you back, that you may ask to be disassociated from it—to forgive its influence in you and thereby receive a stronger embrace of the Father’s LOVE to swell in you and lead you forward into the fields of joyful service to humanity.
While we encourage you at the personal level, what we also wish to witness occur on Urantia is the greater infusion of this dynamic to recalibrate human mind and memory that these attachments would lose their grasp and open more individuals to the LOVE of the Father Within. This is one of the objectives of the activities of DIVINE JUSTICE. While we have collaborated with you over the years to bring in various components that will further convey more of these dynamics of DIVINE JUSTICE into human mind, it is important now that this world make the shift from the personal transformation into the higher circuits of planetary transformation, that more individuals may perceive the divine leadings within and be willing to engage in the LOVE of the Father for more healing to occur.
Continue to seek PARADISE PATTERNS OF PERFECTION to engage with your minds and memories, allowing your Spirits more latitude within your human energy system to shed more light and love into areas of need within. (Pause)
There is one more focus before we shift into the circuits of planetary mind. Feel that need to receive the embrace of the Paradise Father and the LOVE that is your divine birthright. Each one of you will experience this uniquely based on your energetic receptivity to the divine calibrations of LOVE and LIGHT and LIFE that are now percolating in you. Allow yourselves to gently expand in the Father’s LOVE. Experience the safety and security that this affords you at a foundational level. Feel the need for your divine birthright to continue to advance you in your progressive ascension back to the BOSOM of the Father. (Pause)
We are now ready to shift focus into the circuits of PLANETARY MIND. Envision the globe before you in your mind’s eye with the PARADISE PLANS OF PERFECTION spiraling around the planet counter-clockwise, north to south poles. Feel that need for this world to return to its original plans combined with the plans of correction your Father Michael has put in place for His beloved world. As you hold this focus, invite the dynamic of SELF-MASTERY to also engage in your focus as this is a part of the PARADISE PLANS OF PERFECTION. It is a fundamental dynamic to guide human mind on that path of perfecting one’s will with that of the divine WILL and the nature of LOVE for all life to unfold.
Feel that need for more people to open to this progressive attainment of self-mastery, which was so exquisitely demonstrated by your Father Michael, during His sojourn here as Jesus. He is the master pattern of self-perfecting. And as you hold this focus, feel that need for His memory patterns to engage with human mind and memory as we weave these PARADISE PATTERNS OF PERFECTION into places of great need in the circuits planetary mind and memory. Feel that very deep willingness and need for more of your brothers and sisters to open to their own patterns of perfection that their Spirits hold in sacred trust for them. Let all things begin to weave together in a more unified wholeness, letting all things come together in the ACTION OF DIVINE LOVE. (Pause)
Invite the dynamics of SELF-MASTERY existing within the PARADISE PLANS OF PERFECTION to engage with human memory circuits. As you hold that focus, do your best to also feel that willingness for your brothers and sisters to open up to the greater connections they have to their Indwelling Spirits that guide them on this path of perfecting themselves in the WILL of the Paradise Father. Human memory needs to envelop and radiate in this conceptual framework, guiding more minds into the spiritual gravitational pull of the greater SELFHOOD of Father in which we all exist. All we ask you is to feel this need for this world to be integrated into these dynamics, letting human mind and memory gently respond to the heightened frequencies of divine LOVE, tuning you more to the circuits of LIFE and the trajectory of divine WILL. (Pause)
Feel that willingness for the JESUS MEMORY CIRCUIT to also more broadly and deeply engage with what you are focusing on and thereby helping more people attune to the Spirit of Truth and their connection to Father Michael, not only as their Father but as a human brother who understands the journey of self-perfecting. May human mind and memory drink deeply in this field of the PARADISE PATTERNS OF PERFECTION that more hearts and minds may gravitate toward the LOVE of the Father—His presence living within each individual. (Pause)
Invite the gravitational pull of spiritual energy and the other circuits of energy that originate in the Paradise Creator Deities and the Isle of Paradise to bring more hearts and minds into its greater drawing dynamic. Feel that need for all of these various gravitational forces to combine as one, opening this world more to the drawing power of the Father’s LOVE, even down into the physical body and the gravitational drawing power of the Isle of Paradise as the source of physical energy. While we understand that you may not fully appreciate or comprehend what this means, nevertheless, your focus on this affords more of the gravitational pull to move this trajectory toward LIGHT and LIFE for this world into the embrace of the Father. (Pause)
My dear brethren, how can we express our gratitude to you for what you hold for us to accomplish through these circuits of mind all around the globe? It may be hard to fathom the import and impact of what it is you are holding today. One day you will see what you have accomplished, and be mightily moved in gratitude that you have indeed used your faith to lead this planet back into the BOSOM of the Father. You already exist there. More hearts and minds are now drawn into that drawing spiritual gravity to receive the divine reflection that changes human perception and brings about self-revelation of who each person is as a son and daughter of God.
So, receive our appreciation and let us all combine this one in appreciation of the PARADISE PLAN of self-mastery, self-perfection, planetary perfection that is now underway upon Urantia. Let us all join together and send up our wave of gratitude to the Paradise Creator Deities for these PLANS OF PERFECTION now gaining more strength and stature, and thank your Divine Parents for their UNIVERSE SUPPORT SYSTEM, building the circuits of LIGHT and LIFE for this world to accomplish its divine objectives one day in the future. Let us all engage in these moments of true worshipful communion in gratitude of the divine plans of LIFE. (Pause)
Take a moment to descend back down to the planet and invite the word INTEGRATION to reverberate through all of these dynamics we have held today that more individuals may feel a greater connecting fabric of LIFE embrace them and enfold them in the trajectory of divine WILL, leading them into an awareness of their own patterns of perfection. Not only for themselves but for this world and how they may contribute their personal loving essence to be a co-creator with Spirit. Let all these dynamics integrate and lead this world back to its divine SOURCE. (Pause)
I leave you now my brethren in the embrace of the Father’s LOVE. May you all continue to evolve in the perfecting of your human lives, to achieve the spiritual glory that you can accomplish here as a human. This has never been seriously attempted before, but we trust you to open more to the Spirit Within, perceive the divine leadings and follow faithfully and willingly wherever it leads to you. Grow in your abilities to follow this beautiful unfolding of your human natures to become more divinely beautiful, and let us together usher in a new era, a true spiritual renaissance now coming into its rightful place upon this beautiful world—the jewel of Nebadon held safely in Michael’s HEART. Good day.