2023-07-10-Resonance with the Urantia Papers
Topic: Resonance with the Urantia Papers
Group: Zoom Contact Group
Teacher: Daniel
TR: Simeon
My friends, I am Aaron. Once again, we enjoy your conversations with each other as you explore the realities of our mission and the day to day realities of your lives. Your love for the Urantia Papers is prevalent, and based upon your musings and sharing this evening, we thought it might be good to explore some aspects of why you resonate so strongly with this revelation, for you have all read many books in your time, some inspired, others merely the perusing and curiosity for some tale to pass the time. But there is more to your resonance with the Urantia Papers than merely preference. There is both a qualitative and definitive difference between these papers and the general body of literature available to you in your lives, and this is the difference that you perceive between revelatory processes and evolutionary processes, for when you peruse the content with a sincere and inquisitive mind, the activation of the spirit of truth engages and while this can occur with anything you read, seldom if anywhere on your world can you find something that so consistently strikes the chords of truth, so that you are, in essence, if using a comparison, listening to an orchestra rather than simply an instrument playing its notes.
This is not to cast any negative light on other written works, for there is great inspiration and even revelation, at times, in many of the modern pieces that individuals and groups point to as being inspired, but, for the most part, any written work you explore is to some degree, if not majorly, an evolutionarily inspired process. To some degree, this even includes our contacts with you over these many years, for although we do participate and engage with you, thereby revealing at times, we are, by our mandate, at the beck and call of yours and other humans’ wishes and thought processes, generally responding to your level of willingness and awareness rather than the largely revelatory aspect of the Urantia papers which were initiated, not by humans, but by numerous celestial agencies for humans.
So perhaps this is a curiosity response this evening, but it is also a distinction for why you might resonate so strongly, at times, with the many concepts and words that have been recorded. We will not go so far as to say the Urantia Papers are a perfect work, for they are not, but they are a truly spiritually inspired work that happens once in a generation (epoch) as defined by the spiritual generations of our Creator.
Yet, as you go forth in life, as beautiful and harmonious as these papers can seem, they are still a reflection of a revelation, not the revelation itself, which must occur within your experience, living and breathing, engaging and developing into your blossoming awareness, thus the admonitions and cautions to not crystallize your focus in a book, but in what it is telling you and what it is pointing to. For, as you have heard, “the riverbed is not the river.” While we are part of an evolutionarily inspired process with you, much of the realities within the revelation become activated when you expand beyond the borders of soul consciousness and explore the realities of spirit and God consciousness.
So thank you for the opportunity to explore with you tonight and thank you for continuing to provide inspiration in your commentary that allows us to bring forth these ideas that might not otherwise be shared if it weren’t for some question or idea popping up within your minds, allowing us to respond.
Q1: Aaron, you said a lot and stimulated a number of questions. The first that came to mind had to do with this mission being an evolutionary process and not a revelatory process which you explained as your mandate in responding to where we are and to some extent what we allow. I understand both this mission and Urantia papers are part of the correcting time, so I am trying to bring together the two separate concepts of revelation in the papers, which is a reflection of revelation. I was thinking of other revelations which weren’t a book, but living lives, such as Jesus, Adam and Eve, and the Prince. I see those as experiential, but I also see the idea of reflection of revelation you mentioned, since it’s a book. I have so many questions you’ve stimulated. I wish we could sit and chat all evening.
Aaron: My dear, thank you. This is the intended response when we decided to share tonight, to hopefully inspire as many questions as answers. It may seem paradoxical that the 5th Epochal Revelation has both revelatory and evolutionary components, but in truth it is not a paradox, for every epochal revelation is both revelatory and evolutionary, which involves the initial revelation or presentation, followed by the process of incorporation and understanding of what that truly entails as experienced from within for you. The nature of our work is to, in some sense, participate in the outworkings of the 5th Epochal Revelation. For it was not expected that the revelation itself in book form would be mass produced and mass consumed, but that from the lighting of a match a large fire can rage.
So we are the teachers, as we have described ourselves, of various aspects of the revelation, contingent upon the degree to which our students inquire and desire to know what is real and what is true, beautiful and good. It is one thing to read a sentence in the book - “It is not so important that you should know about the fact of God as that you should increasingly grow in the ability to feel the presence of God” - which sounds good and inspiring, but how does that become activated within your soul to the extent where you now each know the reality of that statement? And so it is with the numerous inspiring statements throughout this book that the living and the practice and the inquiring brings about a deeper awareness of what those mean and they become part of who you are and what you realize even if you are not fully aware of how much you have experientially incorporated over time, and yes, there is still so much more.
This is why these revelations occur, generally, with longer periods of time between, for we cannot simply gift you, as humans, with spiritual wisdom and insight. We can share ideas and then you can ponder them and we might share it again and again and sometimes again. But this is the evolutionary side of how revelatory religion becomes a part of the fabric of the lives of mortals destined to be spirit beings, thereby manifesting in cooperative channels so that societies become enlightened, and nations and, eventually, worlds.
But it is important to know that there is a difference between revelatory and evolutionary, because one is the more perfect, downstepping to the imperfect, and the other is the imperfect, striving for perfection. When there is a conflict between the two, I would suggest that the revelatory generally supersedes the evolutionary until such time as the awareness grows to better understand the revelatory intention. I hope this provides some insight for you my, friend.
Q1: Thank you. It raises one more question. How would you define our participation with our Indwelling Spirit? At times is it revelatory when we have those flashes? Is that revelation of a type or is that evolutionary individual development?
Aaron: Every time the intention of the Thought-Adjuster, your direct connection with God our Father at the center of all things, is able to make an understanding or awareness known, it is always revelatory. The evolutionary side is your reactions and incorporation and the steps you take as a result as they fall into alignment with this very presence.
Q1: Wonderfully helpful , thank you.
Q2: I would say the same thing, but I have a thought on whether evolutionary could be your personal experience or experiential? I don’t know why evolutionary bothers me, but it’s from our own experience that we respond to the revelatory. Am I understanding correctly?
Aaron: Yes, the personal experience, as you ponder and work to incorporate realities and insights, is an evolutionary process of realization, but every time you meet with the Divine, this enhancement is revelatory, so that it is a continuous process of seeking the Divine and finding or meeting it, which then allows for you to further seek and understand and meet again at a higher and higher level as you proceed.
Q3: Thank you Aaron.
Aaron: Thank you again for the opportunity to be with you. We do so enjoy having the opportunity to visit with you. Know that Daniel and our other group friends are present tonight and have provided input that has aided the conversation.