2023-07-17-CTAG 3
Topic: Correcting Time Action Group 3
Group: Mission Urantia
Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager
TR: John Morris
Machiventa: Let us continue the examination of these hard truths. You are familiar with your text (UB) saying that whatever Divine Mercy cannot rehabilitate, Diving Justice will annihilate. The free will choice of individuals will determine which fate eventually befalls them. The Unconditional Divine Love is constant and never changes. Only the creatures attitude determines their future or lack thereof. When violence is chosen as an instrument of rebellion against the Paradise Rule of Divine love, many innocent creatures will perish. You only have to examine your history to see the truth of that. What we are desperately trying to do is prevent WWIII. Another war of such magnitude will destroy the very remnants of civilization we are seriously trying to preserve. We do have a sense of urgency and want to succeed in our efforts to pull the civilization of Urantia back from the brink of destruction. How can your world become aware of the choices before them if the Agondonters of this world will not proclaim my presence and Christ Michael’s Correcting Time Plan? Can you appreciate our dilemma? Who else can we work with if not those who believe in my existence and my teachings? I am left as a mute person without competent T/Rs to assist me. Our plans for your world are not meant to sit upon a shelf while some of humanity destroys your planet. This is a call to “spiritual arms”! What is needed now is a significant response from the spiritually minded inhabitants of Urantia. Without this response, your world will suffer unimaginable horrors and devastation. I am not an alarmist. I am pragmatic, thoughtful, patient, and far-seeing. I and my administration cannot, by ourselves, implement the program meant to prevent your world from suffering the setbacks that are currently massing on the horizon of the future. We need your active assistance and spiritual force to assist us in our efforts. Each who reads this needs to go into the stillness of their heart and seek for guidance as to how they will respond. This must be done immediately and consistently until a choice becomes obvious. We on this side of the veil await your response. Have faith and trust in your Thought Adjusters to guide you.