2023-07-18-CTAG 4
Topic: Correcting Time Action Group 4
Group: Mission Urantia
Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager
TR: John Morris
This is Machiventa. Good morning, John. I see that you’ve made it back to the classroom once again. You’ve prepared your inner space and you are ready to receive more training in T/Ring. This is important, for if we are to work together, we must know one another, I must become familiar with your mind. You must also get used to my energy. In this matter of T/Ring, I speak through you. There is much from the Celestial Administration of this world to communicate to the mortals of the realm. First, there has to be some who can entertain the idea that we exist. In amongst that group, there have to be someone like yourself who have the faith to participate with us in the administration of your world and to act as a T/R, that we may reach a broader audience. This is just one of many forms that service can take. It does not mean T/Rs are special. It simply means they have volunteered to serve in this fashion. I accept your service and will make the best use of it I possibly can. As you know, by looking around, reading your news feeds, the world is in dire straights. Extreme weather events that you are seeing are a precursor to yet even more extreme weather events to come. The destabilization of the global economy, the fragility of this global economy is every where obvious. The latest deal, Russia pulling out of allowing Ukraine to ship grain, where not only the availability but the price of grain goes up will be dire for large communities on your world. It only makes it worse. And so, the dominoes of destabilization begin to fall. It will happen first in the global south; it will happen amongst the marginalized communities of this world first. But don’t you worry, as you destabilize these countries and they are allowed to fall into failed states, the contagion of destabilization will spread. Even western countries will not be immune. You are already seeing this with the immigration from the south, from these countries that are unstable, and it’s only going to become more. It will become a tsunami of humanity washing around the planet. And in its wake, it will de-stabilize cultures and societies, it will incite violence, and so your catastrophes are here. What to do?
Well, we have a plan. We are here to help. Who even knows that? An infinitesimally small percentage of this world’s population knows that we are here and that we have a plan. Far from being discouraged, we are encouraged that we even have a small group to work with. And work we must. We must work to enlarge awareness of our presence and our plan. As you so often think, my friend, the real energy for this is spiritual. And you are right. But we must use an approach the does not alienate and turn off groups of people. Of course, not everyone will accept the fact that we are here and that our plan is valid. Not everyone will see that they are spiritual beings having a physical experience. For those who refuse to acknowledge their spiritual heritage, there is not much we can do. But many are in this in-between place. They simply do not know what to do. And yet they’re curious, they’re looking. And they will be open to our message. These people, we can reach them and help create a critical mass that will begin to turn the tide of materialism and pull your cultures and your societies and your civilization back from the brink of near total annihilation. This we must prevent if we possibly can. We do not wish to see Urantia slip back into the dark ages and the gains of millennia be lost for centuries to come. If you think your world is a dark and a brutal place now, if that happens, it will truly become dark and brutal. So, we will enlist whoever we can, wherever we can, however we can, to assist us. You, John, are part of this. You have volunteered, you have trained yourself, you have the discipline and the faith, and now is the time to find your voice. Which is really my voice, speaking through you. First, you must speak to those who believe that we’re here. We must find a way to encourage these reluctant Agondonters to be more bold in their approach in announcing my presence and promoting our plans. Everyone is afraid of becoming known as a “wack job”, as you so often think of it, of becoming unpopular, of becoming marginalized, mostly by their near intimate friends, associates, and family. They fear to lose their support, their relationships. And this is a legitimate fear. These are the relationships that make life meaningful and sustain you. Nonetheless. We have to start. We have to begin. And there is no way to do this, except, as you’re finding out, by leaping off into this mystery. And trusting the process. Trusting that we will be here to catch you. We will not let you fall. The Universe will sustain you. And you will be cared for and provided for. This by no means promises a life of ease. That’s not what I’m saying. Your destiny is not in doubt and is not in jeopardy because you go and announce my presence here. If you think the world will treat you differently and better than it did your Master, as he walked amongst you 2,000 years ago, who made the same sort of announcement, you know very well from studying His life from your text (UB), it will be a challenge. A question you have to ask yourself is, what are you willing to risk? What are you willing to put on the table to assist us? I am here asking for your help. I have given you every possible resource I can. Now is the time for you to act. For those who have faith, for those who have courage, for those who will be bold enough to risk it all in service to myself and Christ Michael, this is the time. And so, I am calling upon you to go into your quietness, go into your stillness, search within your heart, and ask yourself, what are my intentions with regards to Machiventa’s request? What will I do to answer the call?
Create a transcript of this, John, and send it to the CTAG Group, your Affinity Group, perhaps even to other groups you receive transcripts from. Try sending some back to them. Cast your net as wide and as far as possible and see what comes up in it when we gather it in. Thank you for your participation. Me and my team are grateful to you and other T/Rs here willing to participate with us. Now we must turn up the vibration and seek larger audiences. Have a good day, This is Machiventa. Goodbye.