2023-07-23-Focusing on the Supreme Being
Topic: Focusing on the Supreme Being
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: We gather in your midst, Mother and Father, as your children to lift our world up to you for more of the spiritual energies we need to bathe the planet and assist our brothers and sisters in their awakening process. We also invite the presence of our Planetary Seraphim, our Magisterial Son, and we elevate our gaze up to our Indwelling Spirits that the thought current and emotional current may calibrate to those higher levels of LOVE that are contained within our Spirits. We thank you for unifying us as one, fortifying our focus with the spiritual energies that you endow within us to be a potent force of good to bathe this world in what it needs now to encourage more people to turn to Spirit Within and find their own voice of God that has been given to each person to express their higher natures. You know what this world needs now, and we thank you for bestowing it through our holding focus and our willingness to collaborate with our helpers to build this higher planetary culture on our world. Thank you and may your WILL be done.
MONJORONSON: Greetings, my dear brethren! This is Monjoronson and I am pleased to be here with you today. Truly, this is a marvelous association we are building together. One day you will truly see the effects of what we have created together through this forum of focused intention for more spiritual energy to upstep this planetary system of consciousness. As we began today’s session, I invite you to take a few moments to consider: What is your contribution to the whole that you wish to provide to this world of spiritual value?
Your Indwelling Spirits have the plans for your lives. You are on a journey of perfecting yourselves to become like the Creator as the Source of all there is. This is a long and arduous journey that you are now taking your first steps on this adventurous unfolding of who you truly are becoming as a reflection of Deity. It is incumbent upon each individual to take responsibility for his and her spiritual growth. No one can do this for you. It is your unique gift that you contribute to the evolving nature of Deity that is a reflection of the existential nature of Deity throughout the far-flung universes.
Each one of you has tremendous spiritual energy to apply into this greater whole of the growing God-self, but you do it one day at a time and you grow in your spiritual capacity one day at a time. With this being said, I ask you now to consider what is the spiritual gift you wish to impart to this world that is actually inclusive of this growing, evolving God- nature? Only you can do this. Take a few moments to reflect on these words. Elevate your gaze to your Spirit and ask for the insight you need to be conveyed into your mind that you may more fully participate in this evolving adventure of growing your God-self here and now on this world. As you do this, we will minister to you and hold you in that greater evolving God-nature that you may feel a support system around you, giving you more of that spiritual energy to progress on this very dynamic path. (Pause)
Whether or not you recognize this, each one of you is a gift. Your gift is your expression of your lives, your thoughts, your feelings, your actions to contribute to the growing God- nature into the evolutionary domains of all life. When you consider who you are, and what you can achieve, it is best to keep in mind that you are participating in this evolving God- nature. One day this world will reach its destiny of life appearing to be perfect where there is no more war, where there is no more poverty or illness, people are loving and kind and compassionate with one another, and there is a growing understanding of human responsibility to contribute and be a part of the greater expression of the First Source and Center.
While this world is a long way from achieving its destiny, you are certainly on that path now. And it is up to you as a human to fulfill your human potential and destiny that adds to this growing dynamic that will help this world one day achieve its beautiful divine plan. With all of this being said now and as best as you can to continue to focus on your spirit, I invite you to also focus on this growing evolutionary dynamic of growing the God-nature upon this world. Your Urantia text describes this evolutionary unfolding as the Supreme Being. This is a composition of all personalities contributing their evolving God-nature in their own unique way into the greater whole of all LIFE. It is a growing self-completing dynamic, and by you opening yourself to participate in this evolutionary nature, you are taking more responsibility for who you are as a son and daughter of God and adding your unique thread into the whole composition of LIFE.
Most people are unaware that this is one of the purposes of human life. But you are now having been awakened are on that path. And we have been encouraging you for many years to you to continue your efforts of striving self-mastery and self-responsibility. It is now time for this world to take another step forward.
So consider yourself as a member of this growing Supreme Being, and before we move into focusing on the planet as a whole, I invite you to simply take a moment of reflection on the words the SUPREME BEING and invite its meaning and divine value to resonate within you. If you wish, see yourselves standing in this word energy dynamic the SUPREME BEING, and let its information hold you that the Spirit Within you may convey a deeper depth of what you can do to contribute into this evolving God-self. Sit in this imagery as best you can, inviting the spiritual energy to embrace you now, gently upstepping you, helping you grow on your path. (Pause)
Humanity’s conscious is being directed into the manifestation of the SUPREME BEING as part of this planetary culture. One day when this world is fully healed and life has been transformed to reflect more of the Godly ways and nature, there will be a more direct and concentrated flow of spiritual energy to engage in human mind. Presently, you are receiving what you can as a whole culture, but many of your brothers and sisters are still yet to awaken to who they are as growing children of God. Their spiritual natures are still slumbering. They do not understand why they are here, nor the purpose of human life.
So, as we move into the collective, let us now take a few moments to feel that willingness and need for your brothers and sisters to receive more help to open to the spiritual nature within them. This is an act of love. It is not an invasion of their free-will choice. It is more of a holding a place of intention for them to open to the greater, I will use the word “bandwidth” of love that lives within them that they cannot access on their own—their . spirits have had difficulty in reaching them because the interference in planetary mind has been so cacophonous and static and the signal of the voice of God become so faint that it is hardly perceptible.
I invite you now to shift focus to envision the world before you in your mind’s eye. Feel your love for your brothers and sisters, for this world and all life upon it. Feel that need and the willingness for the growing evolving God-nature to become the most potent driving force on the planet. Hold the world in the divine meaning and value of the SUPREME BEING. Do the best you can to see the world being held and what this truly means. It is not so important that you have a complete understanding of this yet. Rather, we ask you to hold that willingness for your brothers and sisters to grow in who they are and to perceive the depths of love within them.
And if you wish, see the words WE ARE GROWING IN THE SUPREME BEING to spiral around the planet from its north to south poles—WE ARE GROWING IN THE SUPREME BEING. You are holding this for your brothers and sisters and you are reinforcing the awareness that we are all a part of this beautiful evolving God-nature. As you hold this and envision the words WE ARE EVOLVING IN THE SUPREME BEING, ask it to go into those deep memory circuits where the remembrance dynamic in human nature is a very strong and potent force for evolutionary unfolding of the divine plans for this world. (Pause)
Hold that willingness for more people to adjust their thinking to reflect more truth and to be motivated into acts of goodness. The human heart has been so burdened with the heaviness of evil and sin. By you holding the intention to grow in the SUPREME BEING as a planetary culture, you are helping to alleviate this soul crushing burden that has plagued humanity for so many years, so many epochs of time, especially as human memory recalls what it is here to achieve, what a humanity’s purpose truly is. Feel that willingness for human nature to rise above the muck of its own miscreation and to have more inner awareness of what it means to evolve in this growing God-nature and God-self. (Pause)
Invite the memory circuit of Jesus, the spiritual value that He contributed to this planet’s evolving God-nature to expand and infuse this circuit of intention. This particular memory circuit that Jesus left here as a legacy invites more individuals to embark on that path of self-mastery in aligning with God’s will within them. This is the path to follow in your own unique way. Hold this as a deeper willingness that more of your brothers and sisters may open to this as a possibility for their own lives to follow the ways of the Master, they may achieve more of what the Father wishes to accomplish through them. (Pause)
As you hold this, I invite you to commit yourselves to follow this evolutionary trajectory more fully, more cooperatively, and to recognize the potential that you have within your own higher nature to achieve greatness in who you are as God’s child. Become that living expression of love that is so highly attractive to others. Jesus was a spiritual magnet and you can certainly emulate Him through your willingness to grow in this way. (Pause) Hold that willingness for your brothers and sisters to remember who they are, to awaken to their responsibility to their higher selves is growing momentum of self-responsibility which is a part of the evolving SUPREME BEING. (Pause)
There is one additional focus to add. Envision the world being held in the spiritual meaning and value of SELF-RESPONSIBILITY. As you do this, ask for all of these dynamics to weave together that more people may open up to who they truly are and the responsibility they have to the growing evolutionary dynamic of Godliness and the evolutionary scheme and plan of all life. This will help your brothers and sisters recognize what it is incumbent upon them to create with spirit. (Pause)
Now turn your attention up to the existential level of Paradise. The domicile of the Creator Deities who have put forth this great plan of becoming perfect, reflecting the divine patterns of perfection in the evolving universes of time and space. Feel your appreciation for this growing God-nature of the SUPREME BEING, and let us spend these moments together in appreciating all that has been given to us, all that we have the ability to grow together in this greater expression of divine beauty and splendor of the personhood of our Creator. Thank the Paradise Creator Deities for their reflection into this world and into you growing your commitment to participate in the SUPREME BEING through your own unique expression. (Pause)
Take a moment or so to descend from Paradise. As you do this, continue to visualize the planet in your mind’s eye. This time the core of the earth is now pulsing and growing in the SUPREME BEING and the planet’s evolutionary nature is gently expanding. See yourselves standing on the planet and drinking deeply in this evolving god-nature of the SUPREME BEING, reinforcing your own commitment to your responsibility to this growing beautifully expanding nature of God throughout all creation. You have a place here. You have a home here and let it feed you.
Invite all of the dynamics to now integrate into you, into planetary mind and memory, and feel that need for your brothers and sisters to drink deeply of the cup of life that is a part of this growing Godhead. (Pause)
Our objectives are completed for today. There are mighty changes coming to Urantia. Prepare yourselves by recommitting to your spiritual development, my brethren, for this is the surest path to remain calm and stable as more truth is revealed about how this planet has been so egregiously deceived. This will be a bumpy ride from many of your brothers and sisters who are still very spiritually and emotionally immature and have not developed the intellectual concepts that would help them understand what is occurring.
You have been prepared to be the way-showers. We stand behind you as this world takes another step forward in its evolutionary trajectory toward Light and Life. Be proud of what you can accomplish as a son and daughter of God. Never shirk in your responsibility to reflect God in all you say, and do, and think, for here is where you become a powerful living example of what goodness can do to triumph over evil and truth over deception. Stand firm in this awareness, and you will always be supported by us and the spiritual presences within you.
As we conclude, on behalf of all of the helpers today that are truly so numerous that it would stagger your imagination, I thank you. Receive our gratitude and know that we are with you in this mighty unfolding of God’s love upon this beautiful world. Good day.