2023-08-07-CTAG 14
Topic: Correcting Time Action Group 14
Group: Mission Urantia
Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager
TR: John Morris
Bob: I have enjoyed your TR learning sessions [John.]
John: Oh, thank you, Robert. Well, hopefully there'll be many more to enjoy. This is not a function of anything I've got going on. But it does seem to be something Machiventa will honor. So, hopefully this group can find its sea legs and we can move ahead and determine how best to introduce him.
Bob: Sounds good. Sounds good.
John: Yeah, it's interesting. I had a phone call from Donna D’Ingillo, I talked to Byron Belitsos, and Chris Maurus, and the general sense that I get from all of this is that it's a kind of a new moment in terms of trying to coordinate all of this effort that everybody's been working on for a very long time. And to come up with a kind of cohesive effort in this introduction, you know, to introduce Machiventa. So, you know, we'll have to see where it goes.
Bob: Sounds great, sounds great.
John: It’s an adventure.
Daniel: I think they have a plan already.
John: I think that they do, and it's not just our group that's feeling this. I think that there are many groups around that they've been fostering for decades that are now feeling that there's a plan for us to participate in a more coordinated way.
Daniel: My take on it is that we need to adjust our individual perspectives—whether it's our group, or other groups, or those who are not associated with the Teaching Mission, channeling, or The Urantia Book. I think when they do come online, so to speak, that they will probably tell us that they've been working with all of us, and that we need to have a common perspective—meaning that all our work is to assist this planet to mature socially. We've got all the technology we can possibly use and, if you look at child psychology and developmental child psychology, you see that we—this world—is socially very primitive, very, very childlike, and very selfish. I anticipate that they will point out to us what this is all about, I mean, why humans are on this planet and what the meaning of that is for the Universe, the Creator, and for us individually. Of course, that's going to rub against established religions and their ideology of what this is all about and what the spiritual or the religious importance is. I think we can surely expect that.
John: Yes. My sense is what they're asking us to do is in a more intentional way begin to lay the foundation for the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Humankind and the Fatherhood of God, you know, so that there's a foundation for it to sit upon when it becomes more widely known. And that’s my sense of it.
Daniel: I know what I'm interested in, and know that other people are interested in: What are they going to support? What are they going to sponsor in actually doing something? What does that look like? How does that fit with our current situation on this planet? Just as every Democratic government has a set of social policies, foreign policies, and domestic policies, what are the policies and the programs that spirit will foster and help us initiate?
I think, for me, that's still a big mystery. And I think a lot of us have been involved in that already, in our own private way. And I suspect that they are going to make a lot of our work public. And so, they're going to pull the covers off us. And for those who are sleeping they’ll pull the covers off of them too. Because I truly believe that there will be a call to action even if that simply means acknowledging that there are others who believe the same way they do, and that everyone has something in common with the Spiritual Administration of this planet. I think they're going to help us identify what that is, individually and as associations of people. I think this is where our Thought Adjusters and Guardians come into play in all of this. They will have a union—it’s not a confederation or anything like that—but they have a common purpose of effort to awaken individuals to a larger reality of the universe. Someone recently said that there would be a spontaneous awakening across the world. That would be interesting. That would be helpful. Of course, they'll totally bypass people who are into denial and rejecting the spiritual influence.
My take is off the way I've heard from Machiventa is: “Here's the bus, and we're going this way. If you want to get on the bus, then get on the bus. And if you are in doubt about the destination, then you can stay here if you want to.”
John: There will be another bus coming later. You can grab that one if you change your mind.
Daniel: There you go.
Machiventa: This is Machiventa. I'm pleased to be here once again, with old friends. It's been a while, and we have a new T/R. This one has proven adequate so far to work with me, and so we will move forward.
Many of you have wondered and still wonder what it is we’re up to? Where do we go from here? What is the process? What is the direction? And how can you participate in it? Well, my friends, where we go from here is where we've always been headed. We're headed toward Light and Life. We're headed toward restoring this world to its original, divine intention that Christ Michael had for it when He created it. And so, as you can see, we have much work to do. We have been working behind the scenes for centuries to plant processes, to plant energy signatures around the world, to cultivate willing minds and hearts and slowly develop an acceptance for our work. We feel now that it is time to make a more conscious revelation of what our work is; to engage all these light anchors that we've so carefully cultivated around the planet to 1) become aware of one another, and 2) to begin to have experience in what it's like to bring so many diverse individuals together and coordinate their love for spirit and their desire to serve in a way that can be effective. As you well know from your history, there's a tendency among human beings to break into sects and differing points of view and that really slows the process down. And it is not indicative of spirit. That is more a reflection of an old rebellion mindset—that individuals would seek prominence in a movement ahead of one another and seek preference. We saw this already in the apostles before Jesus had even left this world. The apostles had that human need to be preferred.
And so, Jesus lived a great example of simply service in God's will to one another. With an open heart towards everyone and Divine Love towards everyone. He simply did not make differences. He bridged every possible difference with his incredible capacity to love.
And so, that is the grand experiment in the initial phases of coming out of the closet, if you will, with our work. We need to allow for differences, the uniqueness of individuals. That's not what I'm saying—we do not need unanimity in thought, but we do need unity in purpose.
And so, in this grand experiment in time as humans have evolved in mind, heart, and ability to communicate with and receive celestial messages, it's time now to work around the world in all these places and come up with a unified approach that is culturally unique in terms of its adaptation of where it may be in this world, but with the same underlying, uniform message. And that message is simply the spiritualization of society. So, we need to first and foremost understand that within ourselves. It is something that you need to do in your own private practice. You must develop a habit of beginning each day with seeking God's will for your life, going into the stillness, seeking for guidance. On days when you have fallen and stumbled and feel not connected, it must be a habit that allows you to immediately get back on your bicycle and get riding again. There's not a lot of time for people to spend in rabbit holes of depression and anxiety anymore. Nobody expects perfection. But we do expect those who have received these messages over many decades, to persevere. Certainly, mistakes will happen, and differences of opinion will arise. We must get beyond them and not spend a great deal of time nursing wounds, holding grudges, and bearing resentments. We must work together as a single body in the consciousness of what our master has given us. And that is to spiritualize the thinking processes of human beings on such a scale that it begins to have a social influence on the institutions and on the social matrixes that hold civilization together, and spontaneously all over the world at the same time. People in positions of decision-making, of influence will begin to think of ways to foster the spiritualization of human society, perhaps unconsciously, without even knowing what it is that moves them, draws them to make decisions that are fair, just, and equal.
So now is the time for us to exert that influence, that presence of divine love that we live with one another of like-minded ideas, and we begin to weave this foundation of Divine Love on a much broader scale. And we do it with intention.
So, as you look around (and I would highly recommend you look at other websites that are offering people who are T/Ring, channeling, and putting messages out) some have websites that are far more developed than what our group has done so far, and there are things to be learned there, things to borrow from. But the “There is a Plan” website now needs to mature to a point where people can come to it and get a sense of what it is that we're doing consciously to raise the level of spiritual vibration on our world. Many people will be attracted to plug into that. So, the “There is a Plan” website should link to these other websites. Their websites should link to the “There is a Plan” website. And all this becomes a matrix that will reach around the world like a net and have hubs, nodules where lines come together and pass through and move on. And the “There is a Plan” website needs to be one of these hubs of communication, a place where people can come, recognize, and validate their own work that they're doing inside, personally, with their own Thought Adjusters and spiritual guides, with what's happening in a broader sense socially. And then when they can validate that this is actually a real process, a real movement, they can join in a more conscious way and lend their energy, where they're at. Down the road, we would imagine and envision many sites like this where local people can then begin to create groups that are in a physical proximity to one another. And they can get together and share their personal perception of their spiritual growth and the spiritual realization of society. That is how, in local communities all around this world, we are going to grow a critical mass of humanity to be in places of influence to begin by degree turning this great civilization that has evolved on this world around and away from materialism, and from greed towards acceptance, towards cooperation, towards coordination, towards a willingness to put aside the past, to let go of old ways of thinking and looking at how things can be done, to supporting the seven core values, and to support the social processes that are based on those values.
It will not happen all at once, and there may be many of you currently within the sound of these words, that will not live long enough on Urantia to really see an appreciable difference. But when you arrive on the Mansion Worlds and you become adjusted to that reality, and you begin to look back at your life here and at what work is still going on here, you will see the tremendous influence that each one of you are having at this point in time. You will know great joy and satisfaction that you exercised your personal faith to participate, that you persevered even in spite of many doubts, and you made it across the finish line with your faith and your desire to be of service intact. You will experience a great deal of satisfaction. And you will witness with increasing interest the influence that this time is birthing.
So, I think I've given you enough to consider. I am more than happy to entertain questions and to do my best to reveal to you what I can. You, of course, know by now the kinds of questions that I prefer not to answer so keep that in mind, and let's open this up. Thank you.
JT: Thank you Machiventa and thank you John.
MM: Come now my friends. This is the time for you to speak up. Don’t be shy. Ask your questions. I know you have them.
Daniel: Machiventa, so it sounds like you have a program in place or in mind for development. Is that correct or not?
MM: That's correct. We have a program that is farseeing, that has been in development for a long time, and now the aspect that we're bringing forward now is to be one of cooperation and connection. All over the world are individual groups. Now we would see them connect with one another, introduce each other to one another, offer to be of assistance to one another, and begin to learn to share a vision of our plan that is unified and coordinated. Thank you.
Daniel: So, I would assume that there are many programs that you have not revealed to us which will come into play in the coming months and years, is that correct?
MM: Of course. And as always, this is a co-creative effort. We start with one thing, and then we see what your response is. We see how you internalize it; we see how you think about it. We see what you accept, we see what you have difficulty with, and we then tailor our programs to be more easily discernible and digestible by you to produce the greatest result.
So, we give you a piecemeal approach to this, we do not lay it all on the table at one time. We do not want to overstimulate your minds and your imaginations. There's quite a lot to think about in making contact with other groups and asking to assist them in what they're doing, to ask for their assistance in what you're doing, and to see how those who might be considered the spiritual aristocracy upon this world can learn to work together. Because if there is no real ability for the spiritually awakened ones on this world to coordinate their efforts and work together, then all the other plans from this point forward must simply be put on hold while we mature this ability of you all to work together and present a unified plan going forward. Thank you.
Daniel: Thank you.
Bob: I have a question. Should we develop a common communication platform for all the different groups to meet on?
MM: Thank you, Bob. That is something that I would prefer not to comment on at this time, because it is exactly the kind of thing in this beginning phase of contacting other groups and sharing ideas that is best to come from a grassroots level up, not for us to dictate the form it should take. Certainly, the idea of at some point having a way to communicate with one another in a coordinated fashion is desirable, and there are many people in all these groups all over the place that would have ideas of how to do that and the technical know-how of how to make that happen. But it is a process that must evolve in your conversations and attempts to reach out and suggest even this idea that all these people who are very attached to their points of view, who have, say, a ministry that they're devoted to, involved in, and have very defined ideas of what their ministry is, to be able to now loosen that viewpoint up and accept some new ideas and be willing to coordinate with others is a process that we can't really tell you how it's going to work out because of the freewill involvement of all the individuals who now we're asking to coordinate with one another. So, we're not trying to be vague deliberately, but, as you know, the co-creative process takes many unexpected turns. You know, people will have to determine for themselves what they want to contribute, what they'll participate in, and what they won't. Thank you.
Bob: So, in other words, we should, as a group, reach out to other groups and try to find a common thread between us.
MM: Yes. I think that it would behoove this group to coordinate within themselves how that might best be done so that it's not just a bunch of individuals. But this group needs to do homework yet within itself of what would be a coordinated approach. How would you introduce yourselves to others, and how would you invite them to contact, participate, and begin this conversation?
But yes, we do have this vision in mind of coordinated groups all over the world, talking with one another, supporting one another, and sharing a unified concept of our plan. Thank you.
Bob: That's great. That's great. We've got some work to do.
Marthe: Thank you very much James and thank you very much Machiventa for being present through John this evening.
I wanted to go back to something you said. You spoke about the new ways that are needed. And in this room, in the Correcting Time, and in South Africa at the moment we are planning a dialogue on racism in response to voices on the ground, and big debates. And right tonight we're in the middle of enormous taxi violence with deaths. And so, my question is: We know the new ways that we've been taught, the ways of the seven minimum values, but there seems to be a clamor for the correcting of past injustices, including restitution. And I just wondered what you had to say about the tension between the need to go back and heal past injustices and going forward and being taught new ways of dealing with things. Thank you very much.
MM: Thank you, Martha. I can't tell you how pleased I am to see a sister on this call, to see the feminine and the divine making its presence known so welcome. Well, if you look at the past 2,000 years of how the Master’s gospel has been institutionalized, crystallized, formalized, and I might say misogynized, we can see that an absolutely, revolutionary new way to begin to do this process is for the Divine Mother energy to find its voice, incarnate, and make the nurturing side of divine love much more prominent than it has been in the past. Women are the key to the spiritual socialization of society. If you would think about many of the past injustices around this world and if you want to see how we got to where we are and how it currently works, you only have to look at the area of your globe called Palestine and the settler, colonization mentality that's been going on there for 70 or 100 years. And then you can look around your world and see that such processes that are currently going on there happened in South Africa, happened in North America, and happened in South America as indigenous people were colonized, brutalized, and eliminated all over the world.
There is really no way to look over your shoulder and build a future while looking backwards. There is no way to really rectify what happened in these brutal colonization processes all over the world through the process of reparations addressing history. How we envision reparations happening is in the current moment. It is appropriate and necessary to acknowledge that these things happened, to take responsibility for them, and to apologize. But let's be honest. Whether you are part of the power-paradigm culture in a colonialized place or whether you're part of the society that is on the receiving end of this, neither the people that perpetrated this, nor the people that suffered from it the most are even on this planet anymore. For those that are here, they have to begin to look past all the epigenetic information that they carry with them and be willing to forgive. Forgiveness is the only key to reparations. An honest evaluation and examination of where the systemic racism, misogynistic practices, and unfair resource allocation lie is where reparations need to be made in the current generation. Those who are disadvantaged in terms of economies, finance, and education are given opportunities now to participate equally with those who have enjoyed that privilege for a long time. Those that are benefiting from the status quo are going to have the hardest time. The status quo is working for them, and they're not going to want to change. And that is where the spiritual example of groups of people is going to have its greatest effect—trying to get those who hold the levers of power, who currently work them for selfish advantage, to change and relinquish that power.
You have a stain on your world about your gun lobby; you know, you're not going to give up guns until they pry them out of your cold, dead hands. If you don't do this willingly, that is a literal vision of what may have to happen, and it's within the realm of potential on this world for there to be that kind of brutality and violence; where those that refuse our message, our plan, and insists on the status quo will have to change and those that are like them will meet in a paradigm that they are holding in their mind. And they will literally destroy one another.
So, we have to create a new paradigm in our minds in what we attract into our reality. We do that by the thoughts we hold, by spiritualizing our thinking, and by doing what you might suggest it's a bit of a time travel—to see forward where we need to be, where we need to go: a society built on sustainable values where equality and compassion, empathy, and love for one another begin to dominate the thinking of not only individuals but of institutions. By keeping this vision in mind, in spite of every current event happening around you to the contrary, we as a group of Agondonters, of Destiny Guardians, and spiritually awakened individuals will literally call that destiny into being.
So, Martha, I hope I’ve answered some of what you asked. Thank you.
Marthe: Thank you very much.
Jacques: Bonjour Machiventa, I'm very pleased to be back again with you.
I have a question about your saying to link different groups together. Today I'm with another group added by Donna D’Ingillio. She recently published a book about the 12 women apostles, and I've proposed to translate the book. That’s the first thing, but the second thing is, I tried to promote this book with the Christian Church here in France with a bishop. So, I wonder if this is a good way to do it because as you said to Marthe, women are the key for our social change. So, promoting this book, for me, is one important aspect. Could you comment on that?
MM: Yes, Thank you Jacques for your presence here and for the work that you're doing. We are aware of your work, and we are supporting it as best we can behind the scenes.
There are several angles to this that can be worked simultaneously. It is, of course appropriate to provide the opportunity to the bishop and to the church hierarchy to receive this revelation of the role that women have played, did play, when the master was walking this planet, and can once again play, and, in fact, must play. It would do so much for the institution of the Christian church to become relevant again in society if they would really look at what this book suggests and dare to put it into practice. And that is the complete treatment of women as equal ministers. So, you could envision a woman one day being the Pope with many women Cardinals, Bishops, and priests throughout the church. But as you also know, these churches don't accept this sort of radical change easily. There is a lot of resistance to overcome and a lot of spiritual growth that has to happen. But the fact that they're being exposed to it and that they're aware that it's there is necessary as well. The other angle that I think would be very useful for you to do is, once you have your translation available, is to work with groups of women within the church. So, you might approach nuns, you might approach women's groups within the church, and also give them the chance to benefit from a fresh look at how the master treated women. And it’s that kind of a bottoms up approach, that may one day blossom into a dawning on the hierarchy within the church that “Oh, I just have this great idea. Why don't we invite women to minister?” And even if they think that's their own idea, great. We care not where they get the idea from, but we care that they implement the equal treatment of women in the ministry of this Gospel of love, support it, acknowledge the need for it, and truly embrace it. Thank you.
Jacques: Thank you Machiventa. It corresponds to what I have in mind, because I already asked the bishop to nominate two nuns to validate my French translation. So, it's maybe a single point of access to these women within the church society.
MM: If I understand your comment correctly, you are asking the bishop to promote this teaching to the women in the church?
Jacques: No, I have asked the bishop to nominate two nuns to validate the French translation so that I have an access point to these women within the church organization.
MM: Okay, thank you for clarifying. Yes, wonderful. [That is] all good and useful, but I would also challenge you to directly go to the women in the groups when you have your translation where you feel it can be disseminated, and give it directly to women that you know that participate in these groups, and allow for a grassroots process to also work simultaneously with it being introduced to these women through the hierarchy of the church—through the bishop, through the nuns, down through the church hierarchy. Women are more than capable as individuals of taking this information and sharing it with their society and with their community without any direction from hierarchy of any kind. They ought to be given every opportunity to do so. Thank you.
Jacques: Thank you so much.
JT: That’s all we have today Machiventa. Do you have a closing for us?
MM: Yes. Well, as you can see, there is much work to do. We are not sitting on our hands waiting to see who is going to take time to decide whether they're going to, as was mentioned earlier, get on the bus or not. The bus is leaving, and those that are on it are the people we will work with. You should not doubt the long-term efficacy of your efforts or ours. Know that if we persevere and stay on this journey, we will arrive at our destination. You will succeed and this world will know the truth of the Master’s gospel and begin to live the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of humankind based upon the solid foundation of the Fatherhood/Motherhood of the Divine. So, we will follow your efforts with great interest. Know that we are supporting you and know that you can ask questions, not only in a more formal context like this, but in your individual quiet time. Do ask questions. Ask for me to speak to you. Now is a time for a greater involvement of spiritual contact. Think about elevating your spiritual contact to one of conscious contact where you can know of a certainty and have confidence and faith in speaking to Celestials whether that be your Thought Adjusters, your Guardian Angels, your teachers, or myself. We are here. We are launched on a new effort, and we await to see everyone's response and where this goes.
Thank you so much. Good day.
JT: Thank you Machiventa and thank you John.