2023-08-23-Behind the Veil of Transmitting
Topic: Behind the Veil of Transmitting
Group: Zoom Contact Group
Teacher: Machiventa
TR: Simeon
My friends, I am Machiventa. Thank you for making a place for us to spend time in cooperation with you, jointly, by the commission of our Michael in combination with the ministry of your Thought-Adjusters. We don’t always talk about what is happening that makes this process possible, but if you could pull back the veil and see, you would witness many who are involved in bringing about the connection. It is not simply myself speaking out or transmitting words that are somehow miraculously picked up by the open mind seeking in the ether. No, there are numerous agents involved in creating the networking that makes this possible, beginning with your very own Agent within, and as the acknowledgment is given that this connection is allowed, then there are those who specialize in bringing about the transference, taking the perceptive ability that you have and connecting it to the circuits that communication can flow into and out from. You know of the midwayers who are involved, angelic presences, your teachers, and other agents that you are not completely aware of that stabilize the flow in such a way that it is not chaotic but purposeful and able to bring through words and concepts in a flowing manner. And, of course, there are the numerous factors involved in your own human makeup and mind that help us determine the best ways to provide information, whether in a download, conceptual pattern, visual at times, or as a stream of thought, or as a word followed by a word and another and another.
Thus, you understand the difficult nature of bringing about communication and why we ask you to utilize your own sense of truth perception when receiving personally or hearing from another, for no one at the mortal level can be absolutely free from distorting influences, whether it is turbulent thought patterns, or what you have ingested, or the other various influences that you face on any given day.
But notwithstanding that it is a challenging process, still it has borne fruit, and so we do encourage you each to allow yourselves to be in the flow of spirit and to accept that there are ministers working with you. Some days will be bright and sunny and clear. Other days will be cloudy and murky and perhaps more of a struggle. And this is for just one receiver.
So in saying this, we want to encourage you to realize, both the positive nature of seeking spiritual insight and caution you at the same time to not over rely on it, because as you are developing in your mortal lives, the importance of your experiences is paramount and when you begin to believe there is nothing but truth and wisdom in your thinking and perceptions then it dampens or diminishes the capacity for critical thinking and recognition of the necessity for having a critically corrective philosophy to go along with your aspirations in spiritual understanding and in developing your abilities to receive and act upon the spiritual guidance coming forth.
This is why our corps of teachers have alluded to the desire to develop this experience ability among more and more people rather than creating platforms for singular individuals to become amplified. Even recently, as your teachers have spoken about desiring to have less gurus and more contact persons, this is not simply an off the cuff statement, but perhaps for you, a pointer, or emphasis toward one of those areas you can amplify in your message as you share it with those who would listen.
The spirit of God is within each person, thus each person can develop their communicative skills and as they do and trust in this, the grass roots nature of spiritual development on your world will bring about a more dynamic possibility for the future, for our ministry to evolve.
So pay attention as you think about how you might be most effective in sharing Michael’s message, our message, and the message that you jointly manifest from your Indwelling presence. I know this might seem to be a sort of warning, but in actuality it is a signal and it symbolizes that you have reached a point in your development together and as individuals to further mature how you will be able to be of service to us, as you desire to be, but also within your own personal growth and development and in your own daily efforts with others.
In essence, we desire that you begin to think about such things so that as we proceed forward, the emphasis is less on the speakers and more on the process and information. And I know you get this in theory, but it is easy to also slide into patterns that can be detrimental when there is no focus on the push and pull of the experience rather than simply one or the other.
This message was prepared in advance and so I thank you for the opportunity to share it with you and would turn it over to yourselves and your reliable spiritual guides to respond to any questions or concerns related to this communication or any other issues. Good evening.