2023-09-07-Your Choosing Creates Your Circumstance
Topic: Your Choosing Creates Your Circumstance
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Michael
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: Divine Parents, welcome our solicitation, our desire to join you, to come closer to you in this process of spirit discovery. Reach down to us as we reach up to you and hold us in your embrace that we desire and cherish so much that we come back to receive again and again to feel this love, this connection. Let it be so, even now.
Michael: I desire to join you for your regular meeting, as you refer to it, in fact it is not regular at all except by virtue of the fact that you make it so. That’s what constitutes it being regular and routine, even normal, accepted, and adopted. I am pleased to greet you at these meetings and take advantage of this format that you provide. I am Michael and I greet you as a Divine Parent, a Divine Son, and a Divine Son among men.
From my vantage point, these meetings are anything but regular. They in fact might be exceedingly rare in that such a solicitation, such a circumstance has been prepared, such an arena has been constructed that we are able to utilize this infrastructure, utilize the connections having been made to work in spirit and to exercise our spirit conviction to manifest our purpose as is our destiny, mine and yours. You are lord and sovereign over your destiny. It is a matter of your choosing. You have discovered that such choosing creates your reality, creates your circumstance and you have developed a sense of significance in terms of your creative energies, your ideas put forward, your dreams expressed, your inspirations portrayed. These are your destiny to create, to form, to envision, to project, and to become the first source and center of any created new circumstance, created new expression of truth, beauty, of goodness.
Blessed are the children who hear the call of spirit and respond with the desire to seek it and find it. Such are the children who eagerly arrive at this forum to get close to spirit, to get close to me and their other Divine Parents. These expressions are the results of those who have found what they are seeking and would pursue it as their eternal career, their eternal occupation. Blessed are those of my children who know me as not only a Father, a parent figure, but even as a brother, as a member of the mortal human race and as a brother, one who walked in the shoes of a mortal of the realm, one who lived the life of a brother in a family of mankind.
This act I performed was to illustrate that we are all connected by this brotherhood with this sense of belonging to each other as siblings to a family. That is in fact the truth. That is in fact an illustration of the goodness and an example of the beauty contained. When I had the opportunity to literally walk in the shoes of my brothers I attempted to portray that with the right direction, with the right inspiration, the right degree of awareness so that one could reach a point of clarification and my solution to acquiring this clarification was to go and be apart and commune with my Father, with my Divine Parents. This time that I allowed for this connection, this touching base with your Divine Parent, provides the opportunity, the place and the time and the conditions necessary for you to receive the answers to your petitions, the guidance you request and the affirmation you desire.
These are all received when one is in the state and the condition of gratitude, the gratitude of the part to the whole, the gratitude of the created for the Creator. Such an alignment brings you into the vibration and the connection to the family to which you belong and of which you are a part. Such a connection is made by virtue of a sincere petition and then the conditioning of the environment to receive a response, to allow for a response, to request a response, and to reference your connection brings you the connection you seek. Even as we may witness even now, such connections are made by sheer force of will, by desire manifest, by faith enacted. Such conditions cause things to become, cause things to manifest and exist where they had not before. Such is the power of your creative potential. You are constantly launching new realities, new variations on truth, beauty, and goodness. That is what is so significant about all the individual perspectives and all the individual contributions to this great artwork we create together, this great mosaic of a universe and its inhabitants.
I assure you that I am always impressed with the manifestations of each level of your awareness and so I continue to be impressed as you reveal greater aspects of yourself as you discover these aspects about yourself and how to interface with them given the new parameters of spirit, the new opportunities that are presented when the spirit components may be played. I am so very pleased in all of you my brothers and sisters, my children and my legacy as it comes through you, as it becomes reflected in your lives. When your life is lived with purpose, that is the purpose for my life. Thank you all for living with purpose, for choosing with purpose, for considering with purpose and for following through and seeing the task through with purpose. Such an attitude brings such meaning and purpose into the equation that it redefines the direction and bumps events into a more positive state, transforms current reality into expectation expressed and intention applied.
I hope you can accept my gift of these words of good cheer my dear ones. All is indeed well as evidenced by the fact that I am here to assure you that it is so. We have both been graced by the miracle of such a connection and such a solid contact. I remain eternally grateful for the opportunity this represents and the efforts required to secure it and maintain it. It provides me this very opportunity to bring you my words of inspiration, my assurance that I will be with you throughout, that I desire to be invited in as a part of your experience. Let’s make it so moving forward. Let’s each manifest the desire to come together. I assure you I extend my desire, even now. Join me and we may commingle our energy signatures and become familiar with each other in our spirit capacities.
I remain grateful for this gift of grace and in gratitude I take my leave after so thoroughly enjoying this embrace, this encounter, this meeting by choice. I am grateful for all of this that allows me to be here with you. I look forward to future opportunities as you have demonstrated some expectation of regular interactions. Let it be so as we move forward even as it is now. I leave you my peace. Farewell my dear ones.
Jonathan: Hello my friends, I would seize this opportunity in closing of your meeting to stick my head into the window and say hello. I am Jonathan and I have just, as you have, received such inspiration from our brother, father, parent and friend. Such a spectacular encounter with such an individual, from an individual so separate and so distant and yet so connected and intertwined, such a significant part of the whole. I think it may be difficult to get your arms around the magnitude of the relationship that you have grown to establish, that you have chosen to foster and create. You have brought your faith in order to extend your vision, in order to extend your abilities and certainly to extend your capacities to be more, to receive more and to grow in your dimensions.
Such a life on such a planet. With all this going on around you and within you and between you there is unlimited opportunity for growth, exactly as intentioned by your Creators. As I was privy to overhearing your lesson I was transported back to my mortal dimension, my mortal experience recalling the sense of connection I felt with Michael because I felt that He had extended such opportunities and that it was his desire as well as mine to bridge the gap and come together. And sure enough, as mortals may all call to witness, as sure as you think you may be lost as a mortal, the most certainly will you be shown that you are indeed found. You have long since been found and your seeking to be found has saved you. The magnitude of such an experience of a mortal of the realm, communing with their Divine Creators and sharing the experience of a life bestowed, truly each example is miraculous, each example unique, each example conditioned by the participants, each example an individual tile to be placed in the grand mosaic.
So I bring you this look back over the shoulder at what the whole circumstance may represent and how significant it is to do this, to create this connection once again, to foster its existence, to support its purpose, and to choose to activate it in service. I join you in your fellowship for such acts of service. I join you in my capacity and salute the efforts you provide to physically manifest the conditions necessary for such an exercise to be successful. Just because we can, because I can, I chose to interject a glimpse of perspective because it is possible as we have created the connect, I thought I should utilize it, I should activate the circuitry and so I am able to thank you for this opportunity. This time to be together over this circuitry, this communing, this sharing of truth, beauty, and goodness and the fostering of these divine characteristics represents our pursuit, the pursuit of all those who are seeking in spirit for higher values and greater insight.
Well done my friends, it’s a pleasure to hop on to your call and chat for a few minutes. I leave you with my gratitude and respect for your efforts. I look forward to future encounters because we can. Let's make it so. I leave my love with all of you. Farewell.