2023-09-14-Layers of Experience
Topic: Layers of Experience
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Michael
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: We come to this place with some measure of preparation, some amount of effort to condition the environment for the success of what we seek and this conditioning of the environment is always involving gratitude for the opportunity, for the chance and the purpose that we feel. We are grateful in word and we are grateful in deed.
Michael: My dear ones, I join you in gratitude for the experience, for the opportunity, for the chance we each are given, we all are given, to make of this life what we will, to create the reality we choose through these same steps of creativity used even now in the process of conditioning this environment to be conducive. I have numerous roles that I enjoy with you, numerous contacts, numerous points of connection. I am your Father figure in that I am indeed your Divine Parent and I am able to see you through this lens, the lens of the Father. As well, I am able to join you as one of you, as the Son and as the brother. As a brother to you I have shown you by example how to manifest your choosing in a more divine pattern.
This connection of brotherhood allows this sense of family and simply being one of the siblings in a great family. That is another layer of the experience. We also share the contact between our two individual, personal divine sparks within. These spirit guides are your associates and they will grow to completely join with you in your ascension and in your eternal career. We have so much in common, so many avenues to share, even the avenue of connectivity between our individual sparks on the great circuitry of the Divine Fragments, another grand circuit where we can find each other. We have these attributes in common.
I am so pleased to hear of your fond embrace of my teachings. Your discussions and observations are your gifts to me. They are your sharing your encounter with me. This is my desire, to join with you on any of these levels of connection, any of these avenues of approach that will work. And it is always my pleasure and my honor to come and join you at your invitation, your hosted event in which you have circled up the light anchors, fired up the grid of intention and that signal is issued forth. Such a force certainly draws the attention of fellow light workers and those who desire to be of service, who see and recognize the tones of light and are eager to experience those tones in that register of love and this is what transpires even now. This is what transpires as you grow in spirit, these impressions are laid down and layered and become strengthened with the exposure.
Such is the grace of meetings such as this, approaching in gratitude, even seeking opportunities for service and expressing the joy of a mortal life lived on a planet so distant. Nevertheless, it is my intention to refresh the pattern, to recondition the environment of this world, my world, our world. It is time to elevate the frequency of vibration, it’s time to energize dormant networks and time to build new ones because we can. I am issuing a calling for all to assist me in this process and I assure all who hear these words that you are well qualified to help even your Divine Parent when asked to serve. The transformation before us requires the reconfiguration of some of the old previous circuitries in favor of a more divine pattern. This is a matter of my choosing and a matter of the exercise of my creative will. Free will choice reigns supreme and so my intentions are to reroute and rebuild the available circuitries and to add additional layers to shorten the distance in your spiritual career before coming in contact with your Indwelling Guide.
The process of first discovering you had an Onboard Partner, then embracing this truth, then eventually interfacing with this component and eventually fusing with and becoming one with this Divine Fragment on this extraordinary path has been meticulously laid out for you. However, all things shift and change is the only certainty and from time to time change is needed to upgrade your operating system. Such is the stage that you are experiencing at this time. This new calling is just now being received and many will respond to an inner urge to find where they belong and to become a good family member.
Truly, I am grateful that we are able to discuss such layers of experience and to explore the relationships that we have between us. This is such a magnificent growth opportunity, to see you take up the instrument and begin to play with intention and purpose that you have received from our meetings such as this, your personal encounter and experience of my presence alongside yours. You have been around my energy signature so much that you recognize it so that it is familiar, the same tone, vibration and feeling as an expression of love. If each who responds to the call could only know that where the help will be most needed is at the grass roots level of mankind because it does no good to change an institution or laws or rules if the values of the individual participants are not in alignment. The intentions must be sincere, the intention to serve must be genuine and real, and once this is present, all that is needed is to direct your contribution of energy into the pool, the well that is being built and created by the contributions of all individuals who would like to help in the process of growth.
All those with such gratitude will certainly enlist for service and the service itself is within. The service you may provide at your leisure is as simple as a prayerful donation, a prayerful submission of the highest wavelength, the highest energy field you are aware of, maybe even this one as referenced to get you back. You who are not full fledged spirit beings cannot appreciate the significance of directed thought and intention in the spirit realm. These are very powerful factors at play because these factors are not limited, rather they are extensions available to you to explore and move beyond. All of this energy spent to donate to a good cause, all of it is cherished and well received by all of your Divine Parents and administrators because it represents one of the very few things that you can give back; your experience may be shared and received as a gift of grace.
I am here because I have chosen all of you who show up so regularly looking for good to be done. I bring you the practical request of daily contributions to the pool of goodness, truth, and beauty. All these intentional contributions make for such a magnificent combination of intentions, combinations of chosen patterns. Every time there is change there is the opportunity to alter the trajectory and change the circumstance if you are aware enough to catch yourself at the crossroads of simply making the same choice or perhaps a different one this time. You all have become well aware that repeating the same efforts over and over again reliably produce the same results. If you are looking to expand the results, then one must change the trajectory and change the direction slightly to accommodate for growth. So now the task is to raise the awareness and to elevate the level of thought with the imprinting of divine pattern.
Rest well my dear ones, be at peace because as you have made reference, all is well, even now. Enjoy, breathe in the experience. Use it as a great card in your hand and bring a great impression of goodness. I share your joy and I express my gratitude for your welcome provided for me to join you and be with you and to feel each other so close. Be of good cheer for all is well and going to keep getting better. Farewell.