2023-09-18-CTAG 17

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Topic: Correcting Time Action Group 17

Group: Mission Urantia


Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager

TR: John Morris



John: Okay, good morning. What I'd like to do before I start the TR process is to try and center ourselves in a way that kind of allows us to become more harmonized as a group and kind of speak from the heart, not so much from the intellect. Some will probably have more difficulty with this than others, but the purpose of it is to try and open us up to the higher energies that are around us and with us. So, what I'd like to do is take about five minutes and just go through a minute-by-minute process and center ourselves, and then I'm going to have a prayer for intention and then I'll invite Machiventa to speak. So, get yourselves comfortable and take a few breaths. I'll time this so that I don't get lost in something deeper either and you'll hear a little chime maybe in the background and that'll be my reminder to move on.

For the first minute, we're just going to take a few breaths just to relax, and that's going to help us center ourselves and center our energies and bring ourselves into a space that kind of conditions it and makes it inviting for Machiventa. Let's take a few deep breaths, probably half a dozen like a big balloon letting all the air out. Now what I'd like to do is take a moment and just focus your attention on your heart chakra—on that area where your heart is in your chest. Continue to breathe deeply. Breathe into your heart. I would like to ask Mother Spirit, invite her in, and to gently expand our minds with her breath of life. Beloved mother, we invite you into our minds. Please breathe into them and expand them so that we may receive what Spirit wishes to give us. Now I will invite Christ Michael to speak gently into our spirits of truth that we may be of a receptive and discerning nature for what takes place. Continue to breathe deeply and allow Christ Michael to speak directly into our Spirit of Truth. And lastly, I would invite our Father fragment—our indwelling spirit—to inlay the information that we need to receive this morning of Machiventa and from our other spirit guides so that we can receive it.

Our Father within, our divine parents, we lift our call up to you, and we thank Machiventa for guiding our collaboration efforts to become more active. We are here to further the healing of our world's social institutions and we appreciate all of the guidance you provide us that we may cooperate with your plans of correction. Weave us together in your unity and oneness. Harmonize us that we may collaborate from our higher minds and souls, and we become more consciously aware of what actions we can take to implement your plans. We thank you for the opportunity of service and may your will be done.


Machiventa: Good morning, this is Machiventa. Thank you for your invitation and for conditioning the space in which we can gather. There are many aspects of the Correcting Time plan that are beyond the comprehension of mortals. Your knowledge of reality is limited. Your experience does not allow for full disclosure. This in no way limits your value as a participant in our efforts to modify the trajectory for this world. Humans are in fact the most important element in our plan. Humanity's participation is key to every other aspect of our plans. Your endowment of free will is the one aspect of these plans that determines the effectiveness of our efforts. We patiently work with mortals in hopes that they will awaken to our efforts and choose to cooperate with us.

All this begs us to ask how best to do this. If free will is to be respected, and it is, then the key to our plans is the mortals living on Urantia. How can we solicit their assistance to bring this world into the era of Light and Life? This world does not need further scientific advancement. What it needs is a spiritual awakening. What will it take for a spiritual renaissance to enliven the individuals on Urantia and to create a sustainable society and civilization? Will any outer program be able to accomplish this or is the best approach to appeal to the indwelling spirit of each individual so they may awaken to the need for spiritual growth and development. As in any great undertaking, it is both/and. Our plans are many and complex. The key remains the awakening of individuals through the ministry of their indwelling spirits. Without this spiritual awakening, no outer program of social reform will have a foundation to rest upon and therefore succeed. In this moment, what is needed is for each individual who feels attracted to our efforts to demonstrate in their lives the spiritual fruits of the spirit and to live a life of love and service to their families and communities—to be that example of a life devoted to spiritual growth, self-mastery, emotional self-control, and compassion. But most of all to be the living energy vortices in which the vibration of unconditional love can ripple out into this world and to begin to touch the lives of others and stimulate in them a curiosity, a possibility that there's a way forward, another opportunity to live a fulfilling life and to serve others to do the same. There is hope—a promise of the possibility of achieving a new society and actually changing the course of civilization.

It is this generation that is called to be this example. By the lives you've lived, you will have the maximum impact upon your world. You will become the most effective in your service by becoming the most spiritually awakened individual you can. The way to achieve results in your service to me and Christ Michael's Correcting Time program is to seriously see to your personal spiritual growth. The transcripts and The Urantia Book texts are full of how to do this. If you haven't done so already, you must reorganize your life to make this the first priority of your day. This inner work is where the energy and creativity come from to accomplish your outer work. Spend time upon awakening in stillness practice seeking your guidance from your Thought Adjuster. It can take years for you to still your incessant thinking and still your mind. It doesn't have to if you persevere with courting the relationship with your Thought Adjuster. You must demonstrate to your indwelling spirit your commitment to cultivating this relationship. This is personal, and like all personal relationships needs to be given energy to develop. Your Thought Adjuster has made the first move, so to speak, and now waits upon you to reciprocate. When you're finished with your stillness practice, spend time journaling. Write what the first thought is that comes into your mind. Do this consistently and without judgment. This will assist in the development of your inner ear. This is also great preliminary training in learning how to T/R, but even if you don't aspire to be a T/R, this will still aid your ability to discern the voice of your Thought Adjuster from your own thoughts. Consider this practice the first prerequisite to making yourself fit for service. Do this faithfully and then let's talk together about this experience. We learn from you as well as teach. This is a co-creative relationship, a two way give and take. We are partners in an exquisite undertaking. When you look back upon your mortal career, you will see that the most important decision you made was to cultivate this relationship with your Thought Adjuster. This is the underpinning of all future development. Let us move forward in faith and hope of better times ahead. We have many resources at our disposal. None more powerful or effective than the indwelling spirit of the Creator of all that is. This is Machiventa, your Planetary Prince and friend wishing you a joyful and faith-filled day. That ends what I had wanted to share with you at this juncture. Now if you have questions, I would be happy to take them and do my best to answer them.


JT: Thank you Machiventa and thank you John.

Marty: Okay. Thank you Machiventa for your words this morning. I couldn't agree with you more, and I take that to heart. The aspect that most resonated with me or the area where I am most efficient is that of journaling, and I appreciate your encouragement to engage in that and understand its value. I have several questions that are related to our organizational group, and I would like to have you address these. We have talked, as you know, about creating a co-creative design team for our organizational effort, and I was wanting to know or thought it might be valuable for us to see what your thoughts were about that. Is this something that you would see as being helpful: the creation of a co-creative design team as part of our organizational efforts?

MM: Good morning, this is Machiventa. Thank you for your question. Yes, is the short answer. We would see the creation of not only one design team, but perhaps several—three or four or more—where each design team deals with a particular aspect. There is one aspect of this that gets kind of lost in the shuffle and that is my request, months ago, to ask this Correcting Time Action Group to make known to the world that I'm here and that I'm available. There are areas that are important to your culture and that is the raising of sustainable children. So, a focus on families and best parenting practices is another area that could use a design team.

There are community issues that have to do with governance, that have to do with equity and just how a culture survives. So, there are several possibilities for design teams. The one question that remains in our minds is that of the role of consultant in your design teams. We feel that this role is very valuable to the functioning of a design team, and so we would ask members of this group and others to consider who amongst you could fulfill that role of consultant, which is essentially being a TR so that we could assign resources on our side to each design team that your consultant could work with to get our input and our ideas for your team, and also to allow you to understand from our end what the most efficient way would be to accomplish your goal as a design team. I hope that this answers your question, Marty.

Marty: Yeah, it did. And I would agree with you that the idea of the consultant in the co-creative design team distinguishes this matter of decision-making from the rational decision-making model which most institutions already incorporate in their planning and strategizing in order to achieve whatever end that they're looking for. So, I think it's an incredibly important aspect of it. In fact, without that, it really is not a co-creative design team in my opinion. The question I have about that, Machiventa, is: I look at it from our side and I look at what we're trying to do. We're attempting to create an organizational structure in order to begin this process of carrying out the goals that you've already indicated are significant. And the goal that I've been most focused on at this particular point in time is the assembling and acquisition and safeguarding of this material and information, which has been revealed over the last 30 years in order that it will be available to posterity for those that follow us. That, to me, is what I understand is one of the goals that you've suggested we pursue. And in connection with that it seems to me that from our standpoint, it might be significant for us to understand what your side would bring to the table on that. Let's say we did have a co-creative design team established with a consultant that is a T/R. Can you share with us who would be assigned to that? Would that be something you would do for us, or would there be another celestial assigned to this?

MM: Yes, there are things I can share and then there are things that I will hold in reserve until I see, that in fact, this is a serious effort on the part of this generation. It is a part of what we're asking this generation to do. You have been the recipients of much instruction and much teaching. Many questions have been asked relative to what needs to happen, much information has been imparted. We do not feel that it's particularly helpful to have a second round of this kind of thing where the same questions get asked over and over again in different ways. So, the preservation of this information is important because there will be those that come behind this generation that will benefit greatly from it. So, it needs to be available, and there's no real way for us to gauge exactly how deeply the cataclysms are going to affect your world. That's simply because of the amount of free will involved in all of this. We would love to see it be minimal and preserve as much of your current civilization as we can, but the possibility exists that it will go much deeper than that and then much could be lost. And so, we would try to safeguard this information so that we don't have to reinvent the wheel on our side and spend decades recreating all this teaching that you're in possession of. So, we would ask you to value it, take care of it, and do what you can to make it available for the next generation.

When this gets more developed, we will assign you help from our side. I will not personally be overseeing that, but I will assign to you a Melchizedek who will. And at that point there can be more specific information regarding the resources and information that will be available from our side. But I also don't want you to worry about the resources from your side. They will come when needed. And so, we will ask you to step out in faith and to create a way to preserve this information, to safeguard it, and know that we are with you and we will provide as necessary the means for you to do that. Thank you.

Marty: Thank you. That is very encouraging, and I take it from your comments, at least that came to my mind, that you're suggesting or at least it came to my mind, that we should plan for the worst possible outcome. If this generation's goal is to assemble and protect this material for future posterity, then it would seem to me that the most prudent course of action would be for us to be prepared for the worst possible outcome rather than expect it to be any less than that. That's my own understanding. Does that make sense?

MM: That makes perfect sense Marty. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and the truth will probably lie someplace in the middle.

Marty: I've heard that before as well.

And another question that comes to my mind, and you addressed the perimeters of it, but I'm interested in what our needs are going to be organizationally. And we've had a number of conversations about various topics, and, as you know, I've been involved in conversations with you for almost 30 years now, and I know that there are areas where you've said we can't go there. I've asked questions and you told me that you weren't going to answer the questions. And the question I have here is: can you give us some guidance as to what might be the parameters that you would be using in terms of the advice and insights that you're giving us? I mean, is your advice going to be limited to spiritual matters or can we expect or hope that you'll give us maybe some ideas and pointers in certain directions that might be fruitful for us on the material level?

MM: This is always a conundrum that we face with mortals. This is a co-creative relationship. Certainly, from the spiritual side of things you can always count on us for direction and ideas. Now on the more material side of things, if you really take a look at what's going on here, it happens on many different dimensions, but we are as much concerned with your preparation for your morontial career as we are with the work that you do here. So, we do not tell you how to do something. We may encourage you in what to do, but when you truly go in partnership with your indwelling spirit, and then you get together with other like-minded individuals and pool this creativity, this talent, this desire to be a service, to accomplish something for the good of the greater welfare of this planet. You are more than capable of figuring out how to do that. And at critical junctures, we may very well add a little nudge here and there, but in the very beginning we would encourage you to work within the sphere of your own creative talents and abilities, which are many, and have yet to be deeply mined and allow you the experience in growth and preparation for your future careers to come up with solutions that will work and that we can give our blessing to and get behind and support. We do not mean to be evasive, but we have great faith in this group. We have great faith in individuals, and there's a great deal yet for you to exhaust and to explore before we would step in and give the kind of direction that you're looking for. Thank you,

Marty: And I appreciate your answer and that's precisely what I was looking for. I understand, and as I see it, this is a walk in faith, and we as those who are committed to this particular project will be relying upon that faith as we move forward. And I appreciate very much what you had to say; that resonated with me. So, I don't know that I have any other specific questions. I do have a question on another subject. It's something that's been troubling me for some time, and that is, can you provide some insight having to do with what I have encountered experientially and [that is] the real lack of interest—the general lack of interest—in spiritual matters by most people? Specifically, I've introduced the idea of the celestials to many people over the last 30 years or so, but most people are absolutely not interested in it. They're not so much opposed to the idea, but they don't seem to be interested. Also, people who are involved with these revelations are given information which they consider to be very powerful, insightful, et cetera still lack the interest in pursuing it and actually practically making it a part of their lives—that is actually doing the things that have been described. Am I off base on this, and if not, can you provide some insights as to why there's such a reluctance on the part of people who, from my standpoint, I would've thought would be interested in such material, but are absolutely not.

MM: Yes, this is Machiventa. We're chuckling here on this side, Marty. We have been dealing with that problem for countless generations, if not centuries. So, you must understand that those of you who actually do take this to heart, actually have a more literal application or interpretation of it, and put it into practice, you have experienced Thought Adjusters, and this has aided your ability to do this. And you respond in large part because of the work that this Thought Adjuster has done within you. What we're dealing with here is 250,000 years of a rebellion. And so, every individual inherits through their lineage, the effect of this rebellion. It has affected some more than others, but right now when the status quo for a lot of people, certainly in the global north, is pretty good, they don't really have the incentive at a deep level to change much. It's working for them. So, we patiently wait. The suffering that is on the very near horizon will do a great deal to shake people from their complacency and to cause them to look sincerely and honestly for alternatives.

Thus, we prepare the circuits, and the most important circuit that is prepared and upon which mortals who are awakening can help us with is the Thought Adjuster circuit. When people are desperate, they will start seeking alternatives. At that point, their Thought Adjuster will have a great deal more latitude within them to guide and direct them. And so, until that time we patiently do what we can—which is much—and we prepare for that time which we can see ahead where there'll be a much greater interest in this work, in this information at all levels, at the personal level, at the levels of social sustainability, and governance. And it seems that the lives of individuals have to be hammered out on the anvil of suffering so that they can be willing to consider their direct participation in a spiritual relationship that requires them to completely change the set of values upon which they currently operate. Materialism and greed have had such a grip on this world, and that is a legacy of this rebellion. And [it is important] to change that focus, to break that grip, to allow power paradigms to shift so that the greedy few individuals that hold so much power can't impede the forward progress of peace and goodwill on this world. Those times are coming, certainly people are beginning to feel the bite of these cataclysms through pandemics and through weather phenomena. There are those already in this world who feel it in terms of drought and famine. The Global North still sits fairly complacent about the need for change, but that will change and how deeply it changes and how much is lost before people will make that turn really depends a great deal on the individuals involved.

So, it's always disappointing to us when people don't respond to direct exposure to our plans and our materials. Nonetheless, the time is on the horizon fairly soon when they'll be clamoring for help, and they will be open to this. And we are trying to prepare a core group of individuals who will be ready to respond. When the task is overwhelming and the laborers are few, then you can see how important these websites and this technology is where, through this internet, many people can receive the information that they're looking for even though there are very few individuals really behind it. So, I hope this gives you a bit of a glimpse into what's coming and how critical it is that we do what we do so that we're ready. Thank you.

Byron: Greetings Machiventa. I'm delighted to talk to you again today, and I have a little bit more practical sort of question on behalf of our business group. We don't really have a name exactly, but our new business group. This is something that may be outside the purview for you (the parameters that you were just talking about with Marty), but just maybe you have some comment. It seems to me that our group should focus on expanding our membership before we make decisions on behalf of everybody that's been involved. And I think we should make this perhaps the highest priority right now because I'm not finding that a large number of participants in the past are involved or even aware. So, my view is that until membership and participation is greater, somewhat much greater really, this current group we have that are meeting every other Monday cannot legitimately represent the movement and should not make decisions on its behalf.

And not only that, it’s also not really critical mass for fundraising and for carrying out complicated duties in marketing, legal work, or dealing with education et cetera. So, I think our current group is fairly obviously a remnant of one wing of the movement, [but] it's not all the facets. And there are other facets of the movement that should be mobilized to join. And it doesn't mean they're highly active, it just means they're aware and that they're members. And I think you could have a membership criterion that are really simple. People could just receive updates, have opportunities to vote, and then go from there. So, I just wonder if you have any comments on these ideas. I think the core idea is that we're not ready to make decisions that are final decisions at this early date. And we should just be in the process of setting ourselves up as legitimately representing the entire movement, such as it is. Do you have any comment on these ideas?

MM: We are smiling on our side. Hallelujah. Yes, yes, and yes. There needs to be leadership, there needs to be focus, there needs to be inclusion, and cooperation. And much of the resources and the energy needed to do this work has not yet shown up, has not yet been invited to participate, or perhaps is unaware that there is even something for them to participate in. So, this outreach is absolutely necessary for the accomplishment of what we're asking you to do. And as you can see, within any group like this, there needs to be those who are willing to take on the role of leadership. Leadership is essential because without leadership you will flounder, and the energy will leak away one person at a time until all the air is out of the balloon and there's no energy left to do much. And so yes, we agree with everything that you say, Byron, and there needs to be a particular focus when you get this ball rolling on succession planning. As we look around this particular group, there are a lot of people that are getting ready to age out of the process and transition. And we would see younger people be invited to involve themselves in this work so that you have a basis for sharing this work with the next generation. But all of that takes an outreach effort really, to these other groups. They're out there, they're still functioning, providing transcripts. I'm still talking to them, but they need to be invited to something. And so that is what a good mission statement and vision would be for this group, is to get that done in a way that you have a nucleus, you have a purpose, you have a vision for what you're inviting people to. And then absolutely that next step after that should be letting people know you're here, what you're doing, and inviting them to participate and anticipating that there will be a favorable response, readying yourselves to handle that response. How will you receive that response? How will you respond to it? But we had to start someplace, and out of one wing of this greater effort comes this group of people. And so, we would look to expand it, we would hope to expand it, and we would hope for the leadership to manifest that will help facilitate this process. Does that help, Byron?

Byron: Yes. Yes, of course. I think you covered it very, very well. I thank you a lot. And I have one more question. It's a little bit off the top of my head, but the Urantia movement in the larger movement of The Urantia Book students, as you know, are split into two major groups. Those two groups have some points of cooperation, but they're having a discussion about unifying and becoming one large group. Now, when they have that discussion, there is never a reference to our group and our movement. It's systematically excluded to the point of, as you know, literally tossing us out of some of their meetings. And so, my question is: it strikes me that without your participation somehow, somewhere, they could never unify anyway. They're just humans trying to reach out to each other without celestial input in a very difficult environment. So, I think that an appeal that we could make to them is to say: Look, what we've been doing here with the Teaching Mission and Magisterial Mission hasn't been run all that well and it's got a lot of weaknesses, but we'd like you to come and see what we're doing. And also, we'd like you to consider interfacing with Machiventa and his team to help you unify your work. And it's kind of a visionary idea I have, but I wonder if you have any comments or guidance around that.

MM: This is Machiventa. It's an insightful question. It's one that we work with all the time on our side, how to do this, when it would be appropriate to do this, and really to help all parties see that this movement has its roots in the revelations of The Urantia Book. The Teaching Mission, the Magisterial mission, this whole Correcting Time Program comes out of that revelation. And so, to get those who value that revelation to begin to talk with one another and to begin to coordinate their efforts on behalf of a much larger group of individuals that need this information is timely and it should definitely be thought through very carefully on your end with this core group of people who are emerging, who are serious and have many decades of practice with not only stillness practice and meditation, but conscious contact with their Thought Adjusters who can figure out an approach to these people that would make it possible for them to want to sit down in a room and hear what you have to say. So, it's an artful matter. Stop and think a little bit about The Urantia Book. We revealed in that book to you the existence of a neighboring planet with a whole civilization on it and things about that world in terms of how they comport themselves, and particularly that one isolated continent where the people are doing so well. That idea hasn't really been explored very much, but when you think about what The Urantia Book reveals to people of the cosmos, of the universes, of the physical creation, of the many dimensions of the hierarchical spiritual administration, and then even dimensions transcendental and ultimate. There's so much to unpack there that, right now, people are just so put off about it.

But to consider our situation on this world, we need all hands on deck that received this revelation. And the Unity Movement grows out of much work that goes on behind the scenes between the Angels of Progress, to our Melchizedek team, and other spiritual influences including their own indwelling spirits. So, the time is right. The time is ready. There's been much preparation on our side to facilitate this. And now I think it would take something from this group of individuals or a committee of them to seriously think about what kind of message would you craft and how would you go about approaching the Urantia Foundation and the Urantia Brotherhood Association and let them know that I am available, I am here, and they can begin to involve themselves in this process of the Teaching Mission, transmitting/receiving, ongoing revelation, and actual contact.

The Urantia Book mentions that I'm here as the vicegerent for Christ Michael. That's no longer the case, but how would they know that if we don't tell them? I am here as the Planetary Prince. Christ Michael has divested himself of this, and that wasn't able to be revealed at the time of the Urantia revelations because it wasn't the case. How are they going to learn about the adjudication of Lucifer, Caligastia, Satan, and all these rebels— something that's taken place since The Urantia Book Revelation was presented and printed. And so that process of ongoing revelation needs to be messaged to them in a way that they can see that by simply holding on to The Urantia Book revelation and allowing it to become crystallized, fossilized, and dogmatized—which it will certainly be if it's not allowed to be a part of an ongoing revelatory process. How do they expect to imagine a Magisterial Son incarnating on their world with the little hints and information that The Urantia Book gives about it? There's a great deal more to know, prepare for, and to process before that can happen. So yes, to cut a long story short, Byron, we think it's a wonderful and fruitful avenue of exploration and development and we would look forward—myself and my team—to working with those individuals directly who feel that they want to take that on and make that effort. Thank you.

Byron: Thank you Machiventa. We'll call it the diplomatic corps. I think it's going to happen. That's all I have today.

MM: Thank you very much.

Bob: I do have a question and a comment actually or suggestion. Most of us here are older because of the time of day. I was wondering if we could have a meeting once a month at a later time slot where more younger people could participate that are working. I noticed Bea was on earlier, but she had to leave because she had to return to work. That wouldn't happen in the evening when she would be available. And many that are working in the daytime that are younger could make a later meeting. So, I was just suggesting that we have at least one time slot a month at a later time so that people could make it. I know people are on this call that are from other places like South Africa, and I can understand them being on an earlier call. So, I think maybe we should have an earlier call and a later call because I believe that to have everyone involved that we want to, we need to have a staggered time slot. Does that make sense?

MM: Everything makes sense depending on how you see your work progressing. So, this is all of what you need to decide as human beings, as human groups. However you do this, we will support you. However you see this expansion growing, it will require many adjustments of just this type. Now you can go back and see why I asked for more T/Rs. Certainly, we're going to need more. If you're going to have design groups and if you're going to expand these meetings, you're going to need people to T/R for these meetings and these groups, and you will soon exceed the capacity of your current T/R group.

So, these things can come about and should come about. But the only thing that I would say from our side is to make sure you have support for this before you do it. Because if you don't and it's not supported, you'll waste valuable time and effort, but you'll also waste a valuable opportunity. So, these things like fruit ripen in their own time and the time will come when those are all ideas you want to explore and implement. But think about a basic structure that can support this as you go forward and how you would organize that. Thank you.

Bob: Thank you Machiventa. I’d like to make another comment. I am able to converse with my angels, but they also remind me, and I also know myself that my ego is too much involved with this to be a good T/R. But I know that some people need to be able to come forth as T/Rs because they really are needed. And if I can overcome my ego problem, maybe someday… Some of us have difficulties being T/Rs, but we wish we could be.

MM: Would you like me to comment on that?

Bob: Yes, please.

MM: Okay. This is Machiventa. There's much that could be said about this ability to T/R and the reluctance of many who have essentially prepared themselves and put themselves in a position to where they could do it, who yet don't feel the confidence to do so. I would just address one element of it. A lot of this has to do with self-confidence and self-esteem. So, we would encourage you to continue this relationship with your Thought Adjuster. Ask about: Is it in your plans for me, my beloved, to do T/Ring for the group, for Machiventa, or for any celestials? Is T/Ring part of your plan for me?

When you can receive divine love, which is unconditionally given to anyone, to everyone, but when you can receive this love and really accept it into your being and know that you are loved beyond doubt, it takes a great deal of faith. But faith is the secret to your ability to stand on the edge of a precipice and just take that leap of faith out into the unknown knowing that the everlasting arms of divine love will catch you because that is what T/Ring really is, an incredible leap of faith. And so, your ability to overcome ego issues is tied up in your relationship with your Thought Adjuster, seeking guidance on that matter, asking for help with it, and then being open to the guidance that is going to be required for you to do that. So much of this beginning process in spiritual awakening is all about doing your own inner work.

Hardly anyone in this world gets a really sustainable childhood. All mortals come out of their early childhood development with issues of self-esteem, of worthiness, of approval, of wanting to look in the outward world for all those things, when really those matters are resolved in the inner world. You have the greatest therapist you could ever imagine, if I might use that word, in your Thought Adjuster. If you would spend time cultivating that, but specifically tailoring your questions to your Thought Adjuster about your ego. How does one overcome your ego? Now, as an example, here's a great use of these websites that are searchable: Chris Maurus's website [Correctingtime.org], BigMacSpeaks.life website. They have search fields in there, and you can ask about this very question: “How do I overcome ego?” “What is the purpose of ego?” And you'll get all kinds of transcripts that have been developed over the years of the Teaching Mission that will help you with that. But you have to be willing to put in the time, and you have to have a real desire to want to do that. So, I would encourage you, Bob, to research this, to search these transcripts, to, in your quiet time and your stillness practice, ask your Thought Adjuster: “What are your plans for me in the near future?” Not everyone will be at T/R, but many who don't see themselves doing it could actually be very capable of it with a little bit of effort.

You will need more T/Rs as this work expands. So, it's wonderful that some of you are contemplating this, and I would encourage you to keep looking into it with your Thought Adjuster and see where you are guided to go. Thank you.

Bob: [Edited for privacy.]

MM: This is Machiventa. I would love to have a private session with you and this T/R has indicated to me that he's willing to sit with you one-on-one where we can talk about some of these more personal issues, not necessarily in this group setting. If that is something you're amenable to, then contact this T/R and let's try to see what we can do to bring light to that situation.

Bob: I'd appreciate that. Thank you very much.

MM: You're most welcome.

JT: Machiventa, do you have a closing for us?


MM: Yes. I won't take a great deal of time but let me just say that these are positive developments that are coming out of this remnant of this movement that still is willing to regather, refocus, and consider work that we would love to see done before this group passes on. Much has been given to this generation, and with the time that's left, we can do much. So, we look forward to continued creativity coming forth from this group to support progress. And we are delighted and grateful. You cannot imagine how excited we are to work with you and to see this energy busting loose, given direction, and a place to manifest in. So, we encourage each of you in your individual practice. We also encourage you to get together and remember when you gather together that you are Spirit led, you are Spirit indwelt, and that Spirit is with you and willing and grateful for the opportunity to work with you and assist you. So, our thanks and our gratitude, and I would suggest that when you leave this meeting before we all say goodbye, that we spend a minute or two in silence and express our gratitude to Christ Michael, Mother Spirit, and our Heavenly Father for bringing us together and allowing us this opportunity for service. Thank you. This is Machiventa. Good day.

JT: Oh, thank you both, Machiventa and John for this wonderful session today.