2023-09-22-Actionable Opportunities
Topic: Actionable Opportunities
Group: Zoom Contact Group
Teacher: Machiventa
TR: Simeon
I am Machiventa. I join with you tonight because we are making efforts to bring about actionable opportunities for various elements of ministry that have been growing on your world. The processes whereby change can occur are being brought to bear on the circumstances occurring on your world presently. This time is an opportune time to reach out and build camaraderie between groups, between individuals, and to provide channels whereby those who wish to find deeper meaning can do so.
I ask you, my friends, to trust that what you are doing has value for yourselves, for others, and that these inspirations you have can be put into certain actionable channels so others have the opportunity to witness what you have come to know - that there are no greater realities to recognize than love, and community, and bearing witness to the joys of brother and sisterhood, to know acceptance, to recognize you belong, not only in relationship to other humans, but also as part of a vast universe of beings who are all in relationship as part of the family of our Creative Spirit who guides and controls and supports, upholding all that is good and true.
We know all of the challenges you face, individually and collectively, and the feelings sometimes of futility on whether it can make a dent in the discordant tones and actions occurring on your world. But when you center within and listen to the true voice - which may not always be heard out loud, but calmly presses its realities into your being from within - you know that kindness makes a difference, love for one another makes a difference, and doing good things makes a difference. It may not solve all of the world’s ills today, but it does create ripples that, in combination with the ripples of others, build a sort of ebbing and flowing, cross currents of cross fertilization that can begin to influence the whole in the long term, in the future.
You are, by your fledgling efforts to do good today, affecting outcomes in the future. Trust this and know that action achieves strength. Inaction achieves, perhaps less turbulence, less choppy waters, and might give you a sense of temporary stability when standing in place or floating in the water, but this desire to escape the rigors of life, the working out the details and to escape challenging the status quo can lead to stagnation and isolation and little growth over time. We impel you to consider that action in the light of truth is the mantra for the future days of the sons and daughters of God, living in the light of truth, beauty and goodness.
Too often, there are philosophies that tell you to focus on yourself, which in and of itself is not always detrimental in the short term for one to come to an awareness of who they are personally in relationship to the Creator within, but the continued focus on the self builds potentially unhealthy habits of narcissism and side steps the larger picture of a universe in motion, of one’s self in relation to other selves, of one’s position as a member in communities small and large, extending to the universal community, and the responsibilities therein to be an engaging member of these various areas of influence one finds themselves connected to, from the small units – family, friends, groups – to local communities and larger involvement as a citizen in national, world and universal participation.
True liberation in the spirit brings about a dual recognition of one’s personal relationship within, to God and the universe, and one’s outward manifestation of one’s connection and cooperation with various systems and personalities and beings. We ask you to spend that time in the stillness within so that you become inextricably connected to that exclusive and inclusive membership of the children of light, who are the children of our great Creator Spirit at the center of all things, and yet who resides within as part of each of you.
So as you consider your approach to life, or to this mission, or your spiritual growth and development, I ask you to consider how you become unified in purpose to know God as our Father, as our Mother, and to know each other as brothers and sisters united to manifest the highest realities wherever we find ourselves so that the swirling energies of reality - truth, beauty and goodness - begin to manifest in all corners of the universes, so there is less and less a place for the darkness to reside, for confusion to reign, for ego to manifest in unhealthy channels, and more transformation of the energies in all quadrants into the electrifying, the magnetic, the gravitational pull toward goodness and truth that is quite honestly overriding and compelling and perhaps the only healthy addiction to have in this reality we find ourselves.
Consider these ideas as you look for how you can transform your thinking toward being an engaged participant, coming from that place within, not divesting one’s self from that personal journey, but from that personal recognition of spiritual consciousness within your being to know that your voice is good and can be good and can manifest what is possible and can take those opportunities, those chances to bring about those realities which your personality in relationship to your spirit are beckoning to create within your soul development.
Thank you for your efforts to bring yourself into alignment, into that calm place where you find that uniting element with spirit we have enjoyed this evening. I hope these ideas will find good consideration among those with ears to hear.