2023-09-28-Freedom to Commit and Support
Topic: Freedom to Commit and Support
Group: Marin TeaM
Teacher: Nebadonia
Dear Mother Spirit and Michael, Good Evening. Our happy group here sends a warm invitation for you to join us and be heard, welcomed, cherished, and appreciated. Mother Spirit, I would like to invite myself and all those who come to read this lesson in the future to, once again, open our Urantia Book and turn to the whole chapter that so wonderfully describes and delineates not only who, but what a Mother Spirit is--the kind of celestial being who is the Mother to our Local Universe.
Recently I was surfing the internet and ran across some wonderful pictures which led me to over an hour and a half of events in the universe from the Hubble and the new Webb telescopes. They left me thoroughly impressed with the enormity and the variety of the creation, one picture containing hundreds of galaxies--little dots of light they estimate are coming from the beginning of the universe about thirteen and a half billion years ago.
Then the Urantia Book talks about how you two--Mother Spirit and Michael--came out from Paradise to organize this part of the galaxy fifteen to twenty times the apparent age of the universe, literally hundreds of billions of years ago.
So tonight we once again stand in awe, dear Mother, of the kind of being you are, and also our mutual Father, the First Source and Center of all this. We are in an unbelievably enormous creation right down to our dear friends with whom we share our lives. Our very essence—our unique personalities--come from that same Father.
Thank you, dear Mother Spirit and Michael, and you, dear Father---dear God—thank you for all of this, and all that is to come.
Nebadonia: Good evening, my dear children. Thank you for a warm invitation. This is your Mother Spirit; and I say it that way for I am happy to belong to you. You too, my dear human children, you too have this ability if you so choose--to be warm and supportive for another.
(Freedom to commit and support)
You have the ability to be life-long friends, if the two of you so choose. As one of your wonderful poets (Robert Frost) said, “You have a Master Speed, not just to go wherever you want but--in the midst of this whirlwind of a creation--of standing still and being there for another--not swept away--come what may. This is the wonderful, loving commitment that personal beings such as we are can have, a power to choose with whom we share our freedom of commitment and support.
Michael and I have often teased you with the notion this is where one and one makes three. You each have not only what you are right from God--your unique personal being—you also have what you can become with another. This living, dynamic combination of you two creates its own equally unique third kind of entity like no other.
(Unique individuals and combinations)
It is nothing to be afraid or ashamed of, nor to disparage in any way--the fact that you are somewhat different with every person you are with, all the while being fully just who you are. Any combination of individuals—ironically, to the very extent they are true to themselves and their intrinsic uniqueness—are able to create something unique unto them. Obviously their combination will also be unique.
Many of your communities have their yearly Art Fair where you can walk among the little tents set up to sell their wares. As you go through maybe a hundred of these different arts and crafts, it is a wonderful way to be face-to-face with all the creativity of different individuals, whether it is jewelry, pottery, sculpture, or paintings and pictures--whatever. This is the enormous variety of what each one chooses to spend part of their life doing. Even the most simple art fair is human ingenuity and creativity on full display.
(Create--and discover who you are)
This is what we celebrate in the Spiritual Community. We celebrate your freedom to discover yourselves. This you do by being creative and manifesting in some physical way your unique being right from God. This is how you most wonderfully discover yourself. There is another wonderful divine irony here in that you discover who you are and what you are capable of in acts of self-forgetfulness.
We have given many lessons on the absolute necessity for what you call ego--the self-awareness of all that you are and have been, not only just your readily available memories, but your soul--co-authored by God--the spiritual record of your life. Have all this being aware of yourself, happy, thankful, appreciative and worshipful of being alive and having your life.
(Trillions of trillions of personal beings)
Yet be able to set all this aside and lose yourself in your creative activity. This is where you most thoroughly touch upon the great aspect of God’s creativity. Consider: not only is there an enormous physical universe full of fantastically energetic happenings of power beyond your comprehension, billions of times more powerful than the near-by star of yours--the sun—there are trillions of trillions of personal beings who inhabit and control it, and enjoy it.
(Something new in each moment)
Beyond all that is physically/continuously going on is the supreme fact that there is also in each moment of time something that is not continuing, but changing and growing in its totality. You might say it’s the toughness of life itself, of living beings. Something new in each moment, something that has not happened before, is coming from the creativity of all these trillions of trillions of personal beings--their creativity!
This is also where your personal creativity in forgetting yourself and letting this other power of yours comes forth, comes into play. It is something that is not exactly you-to-yourself, your ego. It is your creative spirit out here in time and space. This is the profound delight you can experience in strolling through a simple art fair and seeing all the wild things other folks are coming up with.
(It’s about time)
Consider further this particular age of your planet--a phase which the older worlds have gone through, and the younger worlds will surely go through, of scientific discoveries and abilities that open up the rest of the universe to thrill, enchant, and impress your minds, now available. In your world in the 1920s or so, just your one galaxy,--your Milky Way--pretty much fulfilled the extent of the universe to you. Now you are viewing thousands of galaxies full of dynamic events billions of times larger than your whole solar system. Yet the enormity, complexity, and variety of God’s uniform physical creation is dwarfed by the unique personal spiritual beings who form an enormous counter-point to his gigantic physical creation in their control of it.
True creativity is not only what you have in store for you, my children, in your own lives to come, but already--even now in this living Eternal Now that you experience within yourselves and surrounding you. This is what we invite you to enjoy, and be aware of, and be humble in the face of, and welcome.
This enormous gift of yourselves and all you can be aware of is the transcendent reality you simply called “life”--beyond any comprehensive definition whatsoever. Even Michael and I can only point at what is alive, that you can take within yourselves and enjoy. So please do so, my dears. Find a way to--as we tease you to--let yourselves go in your own creative endeavors.
(The two of you—teasing and pleasing)
Might I add here the playfulness you can realize with another? Think of the delights the two of you bring into your lives together just by the playful interaction of two unique beings teasing and pleasing each other. This too is what keeps this old world going round.
With that thought and invitation, let me say goodnight to you this particular time. I also invite any comments or questions you have for me tonight. I’m always happy to interact with you in this way. This too is a delight that Michael and I both enjoy with you, so go ahead.
Student: Well, no questions, but just a comment. Thank you. You paint a big picture. It is astounding to get one’s mind around the vastness of it all, and all that you personally entail. It is, as we say here, “mind-blowing!”
Nebadonia: Yes ,my son. This is also the wonderful glory of the Urantia Book that introduces you to real spiritual beings like the Master Architects of the Grand Universe. It is part of God’s nature to give of himself to create other beings of such enormous creative power. It also applies to us. You too can share these abilities with him because they come all the way down to you. Part of your nature is to create. You contribute a large part in creating yourself by the incessant thousand-and-one decisions you make in your life.
(To be most God-like in your own life)
Adding to the experiences you’ve had that became who you are, and carry you forward into the future, you have new choices in who you will become, and what you will experience. This is where you are most God-like in your own life. As I mentioned tonight, this is the way you can share yourself and help shape others in your local communities. It comes from your curiosity to know your world and what is happening. So thank you, my son, for enjoying what I have to offer.
Student: Oh!--thank you! Thank you.
Nebadonia: This is part of our Father’s purpose--your enjoyment, your delight in all his sheer possibility--opening each moment--because each moment has something new, and will continue to be something new.
(Courage to face the impenetrable future)
Michael and I do appreciate that for a living physical being such as yourself, this can be a little bit scary. You can’t fully penetrate the future. We marvel and appreciate your courage as you swing your legs out over the edge of your bed and sally forth each new day into a profoundly complex reality that is somewhat impenetrable. It keeps us guessing along with you. Sometimes it is not easy facing a new day, but know deep within yourself this is God’s plan. Though the future is not fully penetrable, yet at the same time--as I just emphasized--it is somewhat malleable through your own creativity. You can be--to some degree--self-determining. We encourage you to explore that possible power and ability. Be aware of, and enjoy, all the ways you are creating your own life, day by day.
Celebrate your freedom in all your personal activities, extending into your social and political activities. Encourage each other to be creative and response-able, delighting in their ability-to-respond. Good night, my dears.
Student: Thank you so much. We’ll carry on.
(The work that gives meaning to our lives)
Nebadonia: Sleep well, and start out anew. Thank you, my dears. It is the work we do that gives meaning to our lives, and each other. Michael says goodbye with all his love, and I send you all of mine. We love you very dearly. Good-night.