2023-10-08-Focus on Coherence in Our Divine Mother
Topic: Focus on Coherence in Our Divine Mother....
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Our Paradise Creators Deities, our Divine Parents, and Magisterial Son, we open ourselves up to you today that we may continue to add our heart-felt intentions and motivations for more healing to occur in the deeper levels of mind and memory all around the globe. You know where we are in our trajectory toward Light and Life, and you know what needs to be accomplished through our focus that we may add more light and truth into the circuits of planetary mind from our hearts to help our brothers and sisters in their awakening and reckoning to what is occurring here on this world at this time.
We thank you for weaving us together as one and to amplify our heart and mind energies to become more reflective and responsive to the WILL of Spirit Within, to produce more spiritual energy for the planet. We thank you for this opportunity to be of service. May your WILL be done through your GRACE and MERCY, and so it is!
MONJORONSON: Greetings, my dear brethren! This is Monjoronson, pleased once again to join us as we collaborate together in these circuits of mind to build a higher and deeper spiritual foundation into the circuits of Urantian consciousness at all levels.
Today, I invite you to focus on your Holy Mother Spirit. You have a direct connection to Her through the circuits mind, and you might consider Her presence to be similar to that of a mother’s love who cradles an unborn child safely in her womb. You are all living in Her WOMB OF CONSCIOUSNESS. This is incubator for the development of human souls, and it is in this intention today that we are here to help you open the greater array of Her LIFE FORCE through the LIFE CURRENTS and CIRCUITS that are hard-wired into your human natures.
As we begin, take a few moments to focus on the Mother Spirit’s presence within you. Ask to feel Her presence in you. Some of you may experience a subtle vibrational change; others may feel a deeper imprint of Her loving DIVINE NATURE. Regardless of how you experience Her, set your gaze upon your Mother in your mind’s eye and heart centers and receive Her ministrations of LOVE into you now, my beloved brethren. Breathe and relax and let Mother speak to you gently in the ways only a Mother’s loving touch can. (Pause)
As She ministers into you, feel your need for Her to renew in Her LIFE FORCE and the LIFE CURRENTS which are connected into you, even down into the physical circuits of your bodies. Let Her presence gently upstep you vibrationally that you may continue to grow and develop as son and daughter of God in your own unique way. The LIFE CIRCUITS that you have access to are here to help you develop your human potential that you may grow your souls in the WOMB of Her UNIVERSAL LIFE. This is a very important part of the transformation of this world to perceive the higher information now coming into the planet.
We have informed you over the many years of our engagement about the need for you to connect with your Mother that you may gently expand in who you are through this system of consciousness, which is part of Her divine presence. Take the position of being a child held in the loving arms of your Mother. Feel that need to receive, just as a babe would suckling at the breast of a loving mother, who nourishes the life force of the child. (Pause)
Invite Her presence to deepen within you. In our last engagement together, we have invited you to focus on the COHERENCE principle of all LIFE and LOVE and LIGHT. Allow Mother’s LIFE CIRCUITS to become more connected into you, opening you to greater access to COHERENCE IN MOTHER’S LIFE CIRCUITS. Let Her presence continue to envelop you and imprint upon your human natures, going into your minds, into your bodies, allowing the COHERENCE principle to engage in the LIFE CIRCUITS. If it is helpful, allow the words: COHERENCE IN MOTHER’S LIFE CIRCUITS to be your focus. Feel that need for those energies to deepen within you, and receive from Mother. (Pause)
You might consider Mother’s LOVE as a healing balm which soothes the heart and reduces the tension that is so ingrained in you of the past legacy that took you away from recognizing the Divine Presences within your human system of consciousness. Mother’s loving touch can soften resistance, can smooth out the rough edges of the human emotional body and the mental agitation that comes from unhealed past events.
Your brothers and sisters need Mother’s loving touch. And because they may not know Her or have such resistance to being approached their Mother, you are being invited to expand in Her divine qualities now that you may carry this quality of divine LOVE to your brothers and sisters. They need to know they have a loving Mother, just as they need to discern they have a loving Father. The synergy of these two qualities of divine LOVE which you may consider to be both masculine and feminine are enough to heal all which ails a human and body.
This world is opening up to this potential, and the promise it holds for the complete transformation of Urantia life. While I am not suggesting that this world have an instantaneous healing, it is possible for the human heart to be restructured in Mother’s LOVE such that much resistance contained within the lower portions of mind and memory can be ameliorated by Her presence expanding within the human mind-memory system.
This is one of the objectives we are helping you achieve during this particular phase of awakening and reckoning as part of your spiritual rehabilitation. The more you open to your loving Mother’s presence within you, the more She can help you soften your own inner resistance and tap into deeper places of your relationship with the First Source and Center through your Spirit that you may indeed hold this energy more consistently and clearly and allow that resonate from your energy beings.
This is what your brother Jesus accomplished in His human life as we have mentioned to you many times before. He had developed himself in this way to be a spiritual magnet for the presence of the Holy Spirit. You likewise can do this as well. It is only a matter of your willingness to open to Mother and receive, and let Her minister through you and help your brothers and sisters begin to feel the stirrings of Her LOVE within themselves.
Continue to receive from Mother and allow the COHERENCE to engage with Her LIFE CIRCUITS that you may become more consistently aligned and harmonized in what this truly means for your soul growth and development. (Pause)
Invite the COHERENCE dynamic to move into the those deep memory circuits that you may feel the embrace of Mother’s LOVE gently realigning and recalibrating the memory energy that it may reflect more LIGHT from the Spirit Within, who is helping you outwork that which holds you back from achieving your human potential as a son and daughter of God. There is no need to retain any resistance as the resistance is only a mask or shadow preventing you from fully standing in the TRUTH of who you are.
Invite Mother’s touch to break any remaining yokes of unworthiness, fear, insecurity, anxiety, and confusion that you may truly partake of the deepest dimensions of divine LOVE WITHIN, receiving a greater infusion of LOVE to renew and establish in you the spiritual foundation to reverberate throughout your entire human nature. Allow the LOVE of the Holy Spirit to engage within you now. (Pause)
Now that you have received, turn your focus to the planet before you in your mind’s eye and simply give. Allow the flow of Mother’s LOVE to move outwardly from your hearts and into the planet as a whole as you invite COHERENCE IN MOTHER’S LIFE CIRCUITS to imprint upon the world, gently rotating around the planet counterclockwise north to south poles. Feel your love for your brothers and sisters, inviting Mother’s LOVE to engage with them in the ways they are ready to receive. Invite the COHERENCE principle to resonate through all of the layers and levels of the human energy system that more of this beautiful composition of LIFE may engage in your brothers and sisters in the areas they need. Allow Mother’s flow of GRACE to come into you and flow out of you, thereby expanding your capacity to be a conduit of divine LOVE to your brothers and sisters. (Pause)
The presence of the Holy Spirit in human mind and memory is opening new spaces of perception within all of humanity at this time. Keep in mind, however, that this is still an evolutionary unfolding, and we await the responsiveness of each human heart to pay attention to what is being given at these deeper levels that the awakening may continue for many more individuals and lead them into a greater comprehension of who they are and how they may participate in this grand correction now underway upon Urantia.
We have told you that it is given to you to be the healers and transformers of your world. And it will be forever true that this is part your cosmic responsibility to the growing evolutionary component of Deity, which some of you know as the Supreme Being. Whether ever you consciously recognize it of not, the actions that you take each day based upon your aligned thoughts and feelings are contributing in mighty portion of spiritual energy to this evolving Godhead. One day this planet will be so saturated with divine LOVE that there will be no separation in how you think according to the way your Creator does.
As you know, there is still a long way to go, and in these dearly phases of correction it is most important that the humans of this world become aware of their divine dignity and cosmic responsibility to grow this Godhead in your own unique way. We placed no limitations upon human potential because it is up to you to follow the divine leadings within, but you also must be mindful of your brothers and sisters and help them in their own development of their souls and spiritual relationship with the Creator of all. You will be given much guidance as to how to achieve this, but only you can make that decision whether or not you wish to engage in this way.
It is our attempt to help you by seeding these energies in you that you may learn how to use the spiritual currents of life to which you have access. Continue to focus on COHERENCE IN MOTHER’S LIFE CIRCUITS that more of this LIFE FORCE current may be applied to human mind and memory and feel that need for this to go deep, deep down into the memory circuits of the human body that more of the past legacy of rebellion may be outworked and no longer be such a heavy influence in how you think and feel all around the globe.
Shift focus now if you wish and allow these words and energies to also engage with the circuits of mind and memory: IT IS TIME FOR URANTIA TO BECOME COHERENT AND CONGRUENT WITH LIFE, IT IS TIME FOR URANTIA TO BECOME COHERENT AND CONGRUENT WITH LIFE, IT IS TIME FOR URANTIA TO BECOME COHERENT AND CONGRUENT WITH LIFE. Ask for these energies to spiral around the planet and make a deep indelible impression in areas of great need. (Pause)
Invite Mother’s LOVE to pervade this intention of COHERENCE and CONGRUENCE that more of the UNITY of the Father’s presence within weave human mind together and bring about greater recognition of divine LOVE within. (Pause)
Many vibrational changes are underway in the human energy system. More individuals are becoming aware that you are beings of LIGHT, an energy that emanates from the SOURCE of all reality that animates your bodies and minds. This is part of the great awakening, and it will lead you to many new discoveries in how to use the LIFE CURRENTS and the energies of divine LOVE in new and spiritually aligned ways. The power and potency seeded in you by the Creator in Paradise is being returned to you, but it is by your discernment and your will-alignment that you grow in comprehension of how to these sacred energies for your own personal soul growth and loving service to your brethren.
We have long awaited this time upon Urantia when more individuals become of aware of who they are and their cosmic responsibility. We are encouraging you in many ways to develop yourselves in alignment with the divine plans seeded in you held in sacred trust by your Spirit. It is now only a matter of your willingness to engage with LOVE that you can now tap to your true human power-potential and become a mightier agent of positive spiritual change for this world. Let these words settle in as you continue to focus on what we have given you to engage today of building more COHERENCE and CONGRUENCE in Urantia mind in Mother’s LIFE CIRCUITS. (Pause)
As the Seraphim continue to weave in these energies into the planetary system of consciousness at various levels, I invite you to elevate your gaze to Paradise as the SOURCE of all reality—the domicile of the Creator Deities in whom all things exist and the Isle of Paradise as the SOURCE of all physical energy and light. Open your hearts and join us with in gratitude for what has been given to this world and what this world is continuing to develop through human endeavor and willingness. Let your thanksgiving be spontaneous, original, honest and sincere, and notice how it reflects back to you of the divine LOVE in which you were created and exist. We join you in this space of worshipful communion. (Pause)
Let us once again engage these energies of Paradise to descend upon Urantia and open the memory circuits of REMEMBRANCE OF FATHER’S LOVE and REMEMBRANCE OF MOTHER’S LIFE. Let these energies move deep into memory and bring about a renewal of perspective within the memory system of who and what humanity is in its relationship to all LIFE. (Pause)
As the Seraphim and the other helpers these energetic dynamics into the planet, you may notice in the coming days some new feelings or inspirational thoughts open in your conscious awareness. Pay close attention to what you are perceiving, always discerning in conjunction with your Spirit what it is that is coming in, that you may learn more about yourself and what the Father within you has given you to accomplish as part of your ascension career.
All of your long journey is important. It is training your soul for a greater adventure one day and this human life is the starting point. And there are many lessons to be gleaned in what is occurring within during this phase of planetary correction. It is all working to the greater good, not only of this planet but to Michael’s universe and its place in the greater design of LIFE. So be glad in these days of change that you can be a mighty participant sharing your unique qualities and gifts with your brothers and sisters.
Be patient and kind with them. Most people are still living in dire states of confusion and anxiety, and you can do much to quell that within them by growing your soul’s ability to hold the spiritual frequencies that they need to bring them about into more congruence in the Father’s LOVE and Mother’s LIFE.
On behalf of all the celestial and seraphic participants, I thank you for your continued faithful participation. While I leave you in this manner, I am always available to you. Use the spiritual resources you have each day and know you are always being guided on the higher path in the development of who you are. And be at PEACE in the Father’s LOVE. Good day.