2023-10-12-Mortal Life As an Avenue of Discovery
Topic: Mortal Life As an Avenue of Discovery
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa
TR: Mark Rogers
Machiventa: Greetings, yes I am pleased to take up the call and report for duty once again with you who are reporting for duty once again. I am Machiventa and I recognize your noticing that I have been a common voice among those with ears to hear. Certainly this in no coincidence, rather the simple implementation of this Melchizedek classroom as created and applied to the current generation of mortals. These generations of mortals go by so very quickly. This attribute of time weighs heavily on the mortal experience and oftentimes the many opportunities and challenges are lost in the shuffle of existence in time and space.
From the viewpoint of my order of beings, we have great respect for mortals of the realm who are able in one short mortal existence to come to know their relationship to their Creators, who will even come to know their Indwelling Fragment and find the eternal path back to the First Source and Center, the Great Creator of all. The process that a mortal of the realm is designed to go through is one of discovery, one of learning who exactly you are in relationship to all that is and where exactly you came from and in fact, what is your destiny. These avenues of discovery are designed to be glorious paths of transition allowing you to set your own pace and take your own strides, achieve your own accomplishments and suffer the consequences of all of your choices and your endeavors.
From our perspective, the growth of a planet is marked by successive generations and generations of evolving mortals and it is my great pleasure to come before you and join with you in your growth, in your pursuit to find truth, beauty, and goodness. The long term perspective that we bring to the survival of each generation can be helpful in providing some reference, some experience that may be brought to bear on the equation because each generation is simply another one, the next one, and the next one. Our efforts in service are focused at providing any possible assistance in your process of growth and development as the current mortals of the realm. Certainly it is of great significance to us to assist in this plan of upliftment for the participants and the individuals involved and as well for the growth and evolution of the planet as a whole.
The processes are intimately tied together, the success of the planet is dependent on the success of the species, of this faction of mankind, this experiment in progress, this decimal planet of experimental probabilities. These factors work together to create the unique opportunity we experience even now, these opportunities that we share even now. The possibilities that we have chosen to embrace are made real. The opportunities that are chosen to manifest are made real by the action of choosing and manifesting.
And so it is my great hope and intention to facilitate the expansion of awareness, the creation of the space for new realities and greater truths to exist and thrive because the environment has been created to allow for such expansion. It is a great pleasure of one of my order to be able to be granted such an open opportunity for sharing, discourse, fellowship, and the opportunity to get to know one another in the process, the opportunity to establish a relationship because the conditions are right to do so, the conditions that you have created with this format to provide such an opportunity. Truly this represents a great gift of grace and we both are drawn to this opportunity for what it offers, for the opportunities present, the opportunity even to expand the capacity of the participants and to increase the volume of truth, beauty, and goodness contained in the individual by their so choosing to make it so. I recognize the contributions you make to this platform, to making it real and then utilizing it because it’s real. You have made the connection, you have insured the path of connection so that we may traverse back and forth and we may share between us on the plane that we share of spirit.
I also would like to thank you for your dedicated interest in finding a way to be of more perfect service. Many of your thoughts and considerations evolve around perfecting your instrument so that you may be a better instrument of peace. This is a profound demonstration to the universe that you are already engaged as an instrument of peace and desire to make the most of the circumstance, to make the most of the opportunity that you perceive is before you. This path of your choosing certainly leads in the right direction. Certainly this course brings you closer to your Creator, brings you closer to spirit and its manifestations. It brings you closer to God so that you may be a more accurate instrument of peace, of love, and of grace from on high, through you and to any with ears to hear. Such a connection with such a chain of command insures that your actions may be well spent and well directed. As an eager instrument you are simply awaiting the notes to play which reflect the harmonies of the universe and the stages of grace along the way.
Once again I would seek to ease the stress around your circumstance by reminding you that in the strictest analysis, you are well placed and secure in your mooring as the seas may swell and the conditions around you may change. Your mooring is sturdy, your being tied to this pier of stability, this stronghold of truth, beauty, and goodness. Being secured to such permanence provides you with the stability needed to weather the temporal upheaval of your immediate environment, realizing that goodness will prevail and that truth and beauty will triumph. Yes there is a lot to do but there is also a lot that you must become, that you must be in order to fulfill the role of growth. But as certain and steady as the trail is before you, one must still make each step in awareness, make each choice with the best perspective and make each move with the sincerest of intention and the purest of purpose. In this way, each step before you is right, is good, is true, is beautiful and is perfect in its own time and place.
I wish you peace of mind in knowing all of this and in your opportunity to envision you within this plan being lovingly tended to and supplied with all manner of opportunities to allow for you to choose and demonstrate in your choosing your awareness, your understanding of truth, your perception of beauty. The act of accommodating, of allowing, of permitting, of even welcoming, is a major step in the conditioning of the space that you intend to inhabit with greater truths and greater perception. Seek first the higher perspective of spirit, of eternal nature and enduring aspects. Understand your relationship to the mortal component of your being and become more grateful for your temporary abode allowing you the freedom to make the choices, to have experiences, to manifest your truths.
Congratulations for taking these opportunities, for welcoming them, embracing them for what they are, even creating them so that they are available to be accessed. This opportunity is largely of your making and so I am deeply grateful for this that you provide. I am happy to meet you at this place of your awareness, happy to join you in any circumstance where we are welcome, where there is a place set for us at the gathering table. Surely we are delighted to honor such requests. Truly we would choose to make it so, just as you do even now to accommodate this. Things may currently seem as though they are fragmented and becoming more so as time moves by. While it is true that the many distinctions and differences when noticed become separators, even wedges between the different idea, this demonstrates the challenges in bringing about any mortal change of heart. It may be difficult to rally the human heart around any point of interest, but the love of their spiritual Creator is enough to wake up the desire of all of the children, all of the counterparts. I offer you my further commitment to work alongside any who will work alongside with us in service to Michael and in service to The Father.
Mark: Thank you Machiventa for responding to our thought patterns. Thank you for being here with us along the way and for steadfastly accepting our invitations. Help us to be good instruments of peace as you know that that is the desire of our hearts. Help us to make it so, even now.