2023-10-16-CTAG 19
Topic: Correcting Time Action Group 19
Group: Mission Urantia
Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager
TR: John Morris
JT: And welcome everybody. It got crowded. John, do you want to do an invocation for us?
John: Yeah, I'll just say a little invocation and then we'll just take a few moments and take a few deep breaths and center ourselves and then we'll invite Machiventa and see what happens from there.
Divine Spirit, we come together with an attitude of faith and thanksgiving. We ask that you connect us to Mother Spirit, to her Holy Spirit, and that we ask you, Mother Spirit, to help us prepare this space to welcome our Planetary Prince. We ask you to help us still our minds and to open our hearts so that we may focus together on a shared intent. We ask, Divine Mother, that you bring us together in the spirit of cooperation and help us prepare this inner space to receive our Planetary Prince to come together and work for the wellbeing of our planet. It is our intention to serve this process and we ask that you help us still our minds and receive what Machiventa has to offer today. Thank you.
Machiventa: Good morning, this is Machiventa. I am pleased to see so many gathered here today as it does my heart good to know that there's a growing reception for the work that we do together. We are all here together because we have exercised our free will choice to be here. And as you have prepared this space for me, I accept your invitation.
There are many ways that people connect with me and the work that we do, but this particular group has come together for a specific purpose: We work to announce to the larger world that we are here, that we are here to assist, and that people can choose to cooperate with us. We work to make that possible. I'm sure that most of you have read Daniel's latest paper that he co-authored with Azahlah Melchizedek on "There is a plan" and the inference that it will be funded. So, I have some questions for this group this morning. These are not rhetorical questions, but they are to begin to create a dialogue amongst us this morning. Let's just say for instance that there was a patron who wished to fund this work. Who would he contact? Where would he send the money? Do any one of you in your individual capacity presume to speak for the group? How can we go about facilitating this type of energy in a way that makes sense to the world? We have no end of projects that we can do, but as each of us considers these questions, I would ask that you, with your imagination, put yourself out into this greater context of this world and think that for decades you have been desirous of doing something to help your world and that you are a spiritual seeker. And then you come across this material "There is a Plan" [Thereisaplan.org] and "7 Core Values" [7corevalues.org], and you begin to read these materials that are on the Institute of Christ's Consciousness [institutechristconsciousness.org], Bob Divine, 1111 correcting time [Correctingtime.org], and all these others, and all of a sudden you become aware of this material and you want to do something. Who would you contact? Who could you get a hold of to ask questions about this and begin to explore this and perhaps volunteer some of your energy and your life efforts towards this work? How would we as an organization, as a group, facilitate that?
And so that is what we are asking this action group to seriously consider and figure out in a co-creative manner with us how we build an organization to help in this outreach, in this work, that is staffed and populated by you, by you who have been more aware, more involved, more understanding, and are more awakened and mature to begin to help facilitate this outreach and to handle inquiries from those who are just beginning but nonetheless are sincere and can help us.
We are free to do and to choose. And the first part of that freedom has to do with our personal practice. As we align ourselves with our Thought Adjuster's plan for our individual lives, you, of course, are free to choose to cooperate with that plan or not, but as we express our choice to cooperate with that, and as we devote our individual wills to doing the will of our Heavenly Father, then we become also free of the burdens of the blockages. We've become more connected to the spirit realm and to the spiritual energy that works within us to free us from the limitations that prevent us from being a truer reflection of divine love. And as we align ourselves with this energy, it of course seeks expression. We then become motivated to serve because we have experienced the joys of divine service. We've become filled with that compassion for others to also know what we are finding out.
So, we choose a way then to try and facilitate that energy with you, conduct that energy, and to focus it so that we might achieve the greatest good for the greatest number of people. So, I invite you to join with me this morning and let's discuss this. How can we do this? What do you think would be a good way to do it? What do you think would not be so good? Who do you think you might choose from amongst yourselves to be a leader? How can each of you bring your individual capacities and talents to the collectiveness, the whole of this to serve this process? So, I would like to open the floor now and be one at the table with you to hear this discussion and to see how you think about it. And we learn as much as we teach. And so let us have this round table and talk amongst ourselves about how we feel, what our intentions are, what we can add to this, and what our reservations may be. Where do we feel resistance within ourselves to this process? Are there unspoken fears or doubts that we can put on the table, examine, and help each other as we move along this continuum of doing the will of our Creator? Thank you. Let's open the floor.
JT: Thank you, Machiventa. Thank you, John.
I've gotten used to being a communications person so I can continue to do that. And even for new people, I'm thinking we can have Zoom meetings to introduce new people to the concepts on a regular basis, something on the website to invite people to it. But I kind of like Jeff Cutler's idea of a secular side and a Urantia-oriented, religious, or spiritual side and I would be more inclined to do the secular. I'm sure there's other people here who would be inclined to do the spiritual, introductory Zoom meetings to those folks. And I think we could follow Jeff to do the money. Some of you came late, but he was talking about the tax-free organizations he's set up or is setting up.
MM: Yes, we are aware of Jeff's work in that regard with the [501(c)(3)] nonprofit, and we approve of it, and we encourage him to continue. The one question that I would have as I look at your websites, is that there's a button there that says contact us. Right now, when you click on that button, there is nobody to receive it. There's no one; there's no way to respond to any individual that may reach out and want contact. So that's just one thing that we wonder if you guys have thought about and what you think about that.
Jeff: Machiventa, this is Jeff. I'm sorry I missed your call. You can contact me at www.thereisaplan.org. It says contact us and the contact for support is Thereisaplan.org@gmail.com and I will have Liz put that in bold on the website as soon as possible. Just a note to the group about Liz: her husband Al is approaching the final stages of his life and she's extremely busy trying to take care of him, their very small family business, their small farm, and travel a little bit with him to the places that he wants to see before he graduates. And so, I would like to run interference for her whenever possible. We talk often and we are absolutely connected philosophically with where we are and where we are going between the two of us to screen material that we think is appropriate, and of course we want to have the pulse of the group always. We are not trying to make monolithic decisions, but we do not have a design team in place that can put up fancy graphics and things on the two websites that we have. We're trying to just keep text for the moment because serious people are going to be, in our opinion, just as attractive to text as anything else. After all, our blue book doesn't have a lot of diagrams in it and not very many pictures.
MM: Now is it your intention, Jeff, to be the sole person to respond to inquiries or do you envision a group of people who can share that burden?
Jeff: Yes. This is not my project. I just stepped forward to get some things rolling because I knew how to do it. I don't want to own this singularly at all.
Marty: I have a question, Jeff. Jeff, you say that you have [501(c )(3)] status?
Jeff: No, I said we have made an application to the I.R.S.
Marty: I see, okay. Still in the application [stage]. Okay. And what's the name of the corporation?
Jeff: Thereisaplan.org.
Marty: Okay.
Deborah: Thank you. Let me take a note. Thereisaplan.org. Well, this is important for the organizational aspect of CTAG to hear about. We were wondering about what you had already started Jeff, and so it's good that we've got a [501(c )(3)] nonprofit already started, and there is no point in us trying to duplicate that. I agree wholeheartedly. We failed to even think about such a thing that you brought up Machiventa that we need to have a way for truth seekers to contact us. Now I'm in Toastmasters and in Toastmasters there's always a link on their website on contacting clubs in your area. So, we need to have contact buttons on pretty much every website we can think of that is even an affiliate, that wants to be an affiliate with CTAG so that they can get to, not just to a specific, particular organization, but also to the umbrella organization. And so now I can see that in our next organizational meeting, we need to come up with staff for those who are going to handle future donations, those that are going to handle inquiries, and so on.
I guess this isn't really a question, but it was something I wanted to bring up with you Machiventa because it seems like our organizational meetings are like we're slogging through mud and we're really struggling to get some energy going here and making some concrete decisions. We're not even making decisions. So, for all those who are here today, we need to know if you want to have a vote even in the decisions we're making in the organizational part of the group because we've got to move forward. We've got to have a decision-making committee so to speak, so that we can have our vision, our mission, and our staffing needs taken care of. So, if there's anything you wanted to add to that, Machiventa, I'm all ears.
MM: Thank you, Deborah. We do appreciate all the work that you and your organizational committee are doing. So, thoughts from our side are to begin to ask each one of you to consider what role you might play in creating a leadership group for the CTAG group. And that might take the form of a small executive committee, so to speak, with different officers that would be empowered to make the kinds of decisions that will bring some organization to this group, but that would also be in a place to communicate with me and my staff and also then to communicate to the larger organization. But as you well know, trying to make every decision by committee is an onerous process. It is sometimes necessary and can often be good in terms of getting consensus and uncovering biases and prejudices that may not have otherwise come to consciousness. But in the beginning, in the forming of an organization to have a smaller leadership group to assist in the guidance of these committees, to assist in putting some focus into this as far as a vision and a mission statement that needs to be put up on thereisaplan.org website so that people can know what is it that you're about, what is it that we want to do and to say to people. And this vision and mission statement should reflect that. And then to figure out how to handle inquiries, how to perhaps funnel them to as local an area as an inquiry comes from as we can because out of that eventually may grow groups of people within specific geographic areas that can get together and meet in person.
And so, we would ask you to think about that as a priority and to accomplish these little steps so that this website begins to become the face of our vision and begins to become a hub of this mission that we can then connect with all these other groups that are out there. And if someone contacts us from a geographic area where that group is, then we would direct them to those people and say, here are seasoned Teaching Mission students that can develop a relationship with you and answer your questions. So, let's continue here. Thank you.
Bea: Okay. I just wanted to say to the group, not specifically to anyone, that I would be willing to help in terms of if someone contacted the group, I could assist. I'm definitely not that seasoned and I'm not a leader, but I can certainly coordinate.
Deborah: I've noted that, Bea.
Bea: I mean I have some experience online and I already moderate groups, so I have some experience dealing with people who are seeking.
MM: One question that comes to our mind—one of my staff just raised—is that those who already have a ministry, so to speak, or a website presence and an active group where you're gathering, that I'm speaking to through other T/Rs, are you people willing to participate in answering questions and fielding inquiries from people off the website in time and including them in what you're also doing?
Bea: Is that a question to just the T/Rs or to everyone?
MM: That's a question really for anyone who is involved actively in the group at the moment and is receiving communication from me and posting transcripts of them.
Bea: Well, I mean I assist with that with the Facebook group, but it's not terribly active. There's another group I'm a part of that is a bit different. It's called Near-Death Experiences. I moderate it and I'm one of the admins of that group, but it doesn't really directly deal with this. I mean I try to put out, as a moderator, little tidbit ideas, but I'm not there to preach to other people. But it is definitely a group of people that is searching for various reasons.
MM: This is Machiventa. Thank you, Bea, for your energy and your interest and your devotion to this work. My question is particularly to those who are T/Ring me who also have current groups that they're working with and have been for a good part of their life, work, and energy. Are these people interested in a reciprocal relationship with the CTAG group as we strive to build an umbrella organization to allow us to weave together these many groups?
Bea: That's a great idea.
Byron: If I could try to answer that since you asked the whole group. Yes! I don't think there's any doubt about it, and I don't know if we need to discuss it particularly.
Deborah: Well. We need to take action. We need to make sure we know exactly, on paper, which groups are willing to kind of at least have a link on their website that will lead people who want to know more about what CTAG is doing and be willing to talk with these people and direct them our way. So, I'm thinking of Donna, but who else? Who else is transmitting for Machiventa?
Byron: I don't know if we need to list that right now.
Deborah: Well, I don't mean right now, but it's something we could address in our next organizational meeting.
Byron: There are a number of folks, and we know who they are. I don't see any issue here with getting their OK to be part of the effort. Does anybody see an issue there?
Deborah: And if there's no issue, then we want to make sure that they put that link on their website. That’s what I'm getting at.
Bea: Well, we have to invite them, right?
Deborah: Right.
Byron: We're going to have an organization that will invite them.
MM: This is Machiventa. I think that I agree with you, Byron. There's no point in this particular meeting and getting into the weeds of this. I only bring it up to suggest it as perhaps you might think of it as an action item, and that as the leadership of this group emerges, then it would be something that you would pursue or delegate to a committee to pursue to begin this idea of contact, asking if it would be okay if we listed them on thereisaplan.org and 7values.org websites and also ask if they might list our link on their website.
Byron: That's good. I had a few things to add to this amazing discussion that we're having where you're asking us questions instead of us asking you questions. That's quite something, and I'm still almost breathless by what Daniel wrote in that document and it's hard to even think. But, as you know Machiventa, I've been facilitating these meetings to get some coherence in the group, and the last meeting was one of the most difficult ones I've run, and I've been doing this kind of thing since I was in high school. So, I was a little bit despairing after that meeting. But we did come up with a vision statement and a mission statement. It wasn't formally adopted but it was left I think with Martha to come up with some refinements. But I think we made some progress in the idea of an umbrella organization that seems to be accepted by everybody, including I think you, Machiventa, seemed to be roughly endorsing that idea. And this would be not a ministry organization, but a coordinating, clearinghouse organization and letting others do the ministries as they wish and as they're guided. So, it would coordinate those ministries. So, I wonder if you have thoughts about how that meeting went. I thought it was not really legitimate to represent this effort with a small group and asked you about that, and a few weeks ago you encouraged me to find folks who were veterans in the TM and I just sent another 14 names to James to add. So, it's another 30 people we've added, but it still doesn't feel... well It's close to feeling like we've got most of the living people that are informed about this, but there are different levels of interest and different levels of knowledge. Some have been away for 20 or 30 years, and they don't even know of Daniel Raphael's work for example—some of them, many of them.
So, I think we have a lot of basic plowing-of-the-ground to do before we plant seeds, and we need time to get everybody on the same page before we make decisions in my view. We can have a decision to make decisions, but there's just not enough critical mass in my view. And even to have these meetings, I've had doubts about whether maybe it's my own skills, or we're not ready to have meetings of a general kind, but rather should have people opt in to be in a leadership group—meaning they're going to really work and they're really going to be in leadership—and maybe find a way to do that. Plus, I know I'm saying a lot here, but plus there has to be financing. And my last point is that when you're with volunteer work, it's hard to get anything done because you can't hold people accountable. They're not being paid. And so, if funds come in everything changes, and yet if too much money comes in, sometimes it's not beneficial. So, I will add this notion of a billionaire who's going to fund us sounds great, but working as a businessman, I've been in positions where there was too much money and also positions usually where there's not enough money. And I guess my question is, let me boil it down to this: If there is a funding agent for us, it seems that's almost the most important thing to be thinking about today. So, I ask you, Daniel just said some really general things about it in that document, but is that actually imminent for us as a donation?
MM: This is Machiventa. Thank you, Byron. We do appreciate everything that you're doing to help bring into existence the reality of a more coordinated effort on the mortal plane for our work. It's inevitable at some point that this happens. It's necessary that it happens. So, the funding will be there when it's ready to be there. You're very right in terms of being careful what you ask for because it can be a detriment. If someone wrote you a check for a million dollars tomorrow, what in the world would that mean to this group and how would that change things? So we have work to do before we're really ready to be able to receive any kind of major funding, and, from our side, what we really see is a basic facilitating organization that begins to put together a mission statement, a vision of weaving together all these different ministries and then begins a contact with these different ministries and begins to solicit from them how do they see themselves participating in a more coordinated effort? And they'll have ideas, and they’ll have experience because of this coordinating effort, if you look down the road (and of course our time horizons are much longer than yours) it's easy for us to see it growing. It's easy for us to see it morphing into several different major projects to assist this world with the amazing amount of information that you hold and hold in trust for the future generations of this world. So, this is the very beginning of trying to do something on the global scale in a coordinated way.
We have always had little groups here and there all over the place, each one kind of working independently on their own and some have survived the three decades plus of this Teaching Mission and are a tremendous repository of wisdom and service. Now the question in our mind is: how do we work with you—not you personally, Byron, but you as a group—how does your celestial administration, your spiritual administration, work to assist you, to coordinate yourselves, to bring you together into a more focused effort that can be a conduit for the kind of energy that will come your way when people really begin to awaken in larger numbers and begin to contact you and begin to ask for direction? When things get so difficult on this world and the general masses of humanity are caught like a deer in the headlights, and they're frozen, and they don't know what to do, and they're panicking, who can we direct them to? Who can we send them to and how then would that affect the organization? So, we are in the very beginning stages of trying to envision how to create a repository of expertise and make available to our brothers and sisters our collective wisdom and experience so that it's there when it's needed. And so this is the beginning, and I think that a leadership group coming out of those who are aware of what we want to do and are willing to put time in it is a good place to begin because then this leadership group will go through many iterations of ideas before there are some that will stick and that we'll build upon and we'll go forward. And at that time, you will be able to use and conduct funds. And so when that time comes, there will be the energy there to facilitate that. Thank you.
Byron: Thank you Machiventa. Thank you very much.
Bob: I want to mention or make a statement that my spirit strongly impressed on me when he mentioned about the separation of the secular and the spiritual. The spirit told me more or less that it's important to have a spiritual grouping and also to have a grouping for business and secular. That's all the comments I wanted to make.
MM: Thank you, Bob. Thank you.
Marthe: Thanks so much Bob. I'm really enjoying this as well, Machiventa. Thank you very, very much for asking questions. I did come with a question, and I've loved listening to what you've been saying because my question was about the workspace that has been created by two of our Spanish-speaking colleagues David H. from Mexico and Juan R from Venezuela. What they've come up with in the last few weeks, and we still require a larger meeting to demonstrate this, but they're using a workspace called Mana and it is in the Notion application, which is something that transnational companies around the world use when they have 150,000 employees and they want everybody to work on a single space. It's an incredibly exciting tool and I wanted to hear from you, Machiventa, whether you think that it is something that will last us into the 300 years, for the beginning of the 300 years that you say this will take to get this plan worked out. But is this something that is sustainable in the long-term given that it has a cost of about $10 a month per person who participates. But because it brings together all the different websites of all the people who are currently communicating with you, it just seems that it is using an already available earth tool to great effect with two people who really have the expertise but they're not very active on our group because their language ability is not equal to their technical ability. So, I'd love to hear your view on this beautiful tool that they've created and how it can help us coordinate such a workspace between all of us on four different continents or five if it needs to be. Thank you.
MM: This is Machiventa. Thank you, Martha, for your questions. Thank you for your efforts and your thinking of how to facilitate this on a global basis. Now 300 years is an interesting number. For us it's a blink of the eye, but for you, if you think 300 years back where you were as a civilization, where you were as mind evolved on this world and now you can kind of have a laugh about things. This one who I'm T/Ring through can think back not that far when he was a child growing up and being on a party line telephone, and then there were dial phones, and so on and so forth. And now, of course, technology has done so much in so little time that 300 years from now the tools that you will have at your disposal to use, you can't even imagine them. And in 300 years’ time, if you think about some of the other worlds in our local neighborhood of Satania here that did not suffer the ravages of rebellion and that have had a guided administration from the minute that there was human mind that could worship, the technologies that we're talking about in our day and age now are bridge technologies. They will bridge us to a point where eventually our world will catch up with more established worlds. And the idea of communicating with people worldwide has a lot to do with the evolution of mind and the ability of human beings as they grow spiritually to reach across time and space and communicate directly, you might use the word telepathically, with one another. So, we're bridging ourselves to a point in time and what I would ask this group to do is to be able to think in the large picture like that while also focusing on the immediate moment as to what is needed to get there.
I think that there's a great deal of promise in this work that others are doing, but I don't think that, as an organization, we're at a place yet where we can really embrace that kind of technology. It'll be almost too overwhelming. We don't have a central place, a decision-making ability to really contain and to foster that kind of work yet. So that is what we're looking to do in the short term—to create a functioning leadership group that can act as a bridge to all these other organizations and conduct the kind of energy that that will bring to this organization. And then things start to grow. Then we'll have issues of how we do that, how do we interface with people, how do we coordinate, how do we grow? But right now, we're very happy on our side to see this group even wrestle with the very beginnings of what it would take to eventually create that kind of an organization. So, I think that putting together a way and using two websites that are already there to act as a coordinating influence and connect with these groups and list links back and forth as well as in the background trying to lay a solid organizational foundation under this effort is the immediate focus. And when you who [are] of great experience, great awareness, and maturity can do that with us then it opens up a lot more effort and energy from our side to assist you to grow.
So, we co-create with you, we will work with you in a co-creative way, and we expect that you will also then respond to us and that you will use your many talents and abilities that you have to see how to help us without us giving you a detailed organizational plan. That is not our intention because it would rob you of the struggle and through that struggle of the growth and the experience that will add to your individual eternal careers and status as agondonters, but also would teach you much and provide you with a great deal of opportunity to grow as an individual, as a spiritual being. And so, we work with you, we encourage you, we provide general direction, but at the moment some of these details we would like you to wrestle with, see what it is, and then we'll get together and we'll talk some more about it. Does this help?
Marthe: Thank you. It does Machiventa. I just also wanted to mention that I think my strength really is in helping to establish a learning center for sustainable families in South Africa. And I do think the organization I work for has the expertise and the networks to help implement that and also the financial knowledge and expertise. So, I think that is what I can offer in terms of, and obviously I speak Spanish so it's easy for me to communicate with the Spanish speaking members who have also worked in the same field. Thanks.
Jeff: Machiventa, I have a question for you. The original intent of having Thereisaplan.org as a spiritual side was to give you your own website where you had control of the material that you wanted to be there and everything else could go to the 7corevalues.org website. Is that still your intention?
MM: This is Machiventa. Thank you, Jeff. We do so appreciate your efforts and your willingness to devote the kind of energy that you are devoting to this work of ours. It's an interesting word that word control. I originally tasked the CTAG group with announcing my presence to this world, to make it more broadly known that I am here, that there's a spiritual administration here and that we have a plan. And this plan is for preventing, in the short term, the complete collapse of western civilization into another dark ages and in a more medium term to begin to underpin the civilization with the knowledge and a beginning seed group of individuals who understand the seven core values and how that can work to create sustainable institutions including families. And then in the long term of course the sustaining of this effort into the burgeoning of first, peace on this world, worldwide peace, and with that many things will change including the arrival of a Magisterial Son. And you cannot imagine the changes that will bring to this world when he literally incarnates as a Magisterial Son here.
So, this is a progress that is envisioned by us. It's the plan that we are working for. And so, the seven core values website contains a great deal of the how to [do that]. The context for all of that is thereisaplan.org because you cannot really introduce a spiritual administration and guidance without it being a spiritual conversation. And by it being a spiritual conversation, of course, it draws into that effort all the Thought Adjusters on the planet and their circuits and of course their influence, which is not to be underestimated by any means.
So, the idea of controlling what goes on there, again, there would be people within this organization that might reach out to these different T/Rs that are out there whom I'm speaking to and through and look at that material and begin to decide what is appropriate. And that may be something that I or someone on my staff assists you with and then get that material up on that website. But it is not something that I personally am going to dictate to anyone and say "Here, put this on there." And there's a reason for that, Jeff. We don't work that way. We simply provide opportunities to allow you to grow into. How would you do that on that thereisaplan.org website? What material would you put on there that would announce to people that would flesh out, that would begin to build a picture of how a celestial administration, a spiritual administration works? Now it is necessary that it gets done through the filter of human minds and effort as opposed to me or my staff directly dictating to you what should go on that site because you do not understand completely and appreciate, I don't think, what all the decades of reading these transcripts, applying yourself, and involving yourself in stillness practice has done for you. I mean you can look back and see your growth and your progress, but it's a little bit harder for you to see that in relationship to the average mind on this world.
So, they need your decision-making, your choice of material to relate to so that the gulf isn't so great that it's beyond their ability to really internalize and to use. So, we're not being evasive, but we are trying to help you understand that this is your world, this is your mission. We are here to facilitate and to assist with it, but by no means are we the chief executive officer of this mission on Urantia. We are simply guidance, and we do everything we can from our side to create the atmosphere for it to be fruitful. But without interest, without a herculean effort on the part of such a very small, at the present time, group of mortals on this world, there is nothing that will prevent this world from falling into a deep dark hole that will take millennia for it to climb out.
So, we are not here to discourage you by any means, but we are here to be real and to make it clear that for all the help there is, it will matter nothing if mortals don't step forward and own this. And so again, there are a lot of different groups I speak to, there's a lot of material out there that is Machiventa. Somehow that needs to find its way to thereisaplan.org. Perhaps it needs to be screened, and things that are supportive of this kind of understanding us and what the plan is, needs to get put up there. How that happens, who does it, the form it takes, this is what your business groups need to decide. This is what leadership needs to begin to organize and this is what we're here to help to guide you with. Thank you.
Raymond: Machiventa, I'd like to ask you for your guidance on what we should do first here. I've worked in the nonprofit industry for quite some time and it's my opinion, the first thing that needs to be done here is to select a board of directors. And also, in my opinion, there are two types of people we should be seeking out. One is business people, business builders, which I feel should be part of a board of directors, and that their focus is primarily on finding the necessary funds to support the missions. The second type of individuals I think we should seek out are those on the spiritual end that perform and try to do what's necessary for the missions. The board of directors I think need to have a special type of skill set, primarily entrepreneurial types that understand finance and understand how to correctly run a corporation. So again, what is your opinion of this? Do you feel that primarily the number one step we should take is forming a board of directors?
MM: Thank you. This is Machiventa. As you can see, a good round table discussion like this begins to shake some good ideas out of the trees and begins to help solidify thoughts and begins to formalize or to make a little more visible the direction that needs to take place. So yes, I think that as this group grows and as more people perhaps tune into these meetings it will become, even as it is presently unwieldy, to try to make these kinds of concrete decisions within a type of meeting like this. So then to use the experience that is represented here in those of you who have worked in organizations and who have struggled to build organizations and to conduct the energy that an organization will eventually be dealing with, you know what needs to happen. And you know how you did that.
And so, it's obvious that yes, you need to have people with an entrepreneurial spirit who have some experience in leadership and creating these kinds of roles. There is a necessary component of it being aligned to the spiritual. And so, if I think back to the PMG group and to Daniel's work and to all of this effort that came into teaching you about co-creative design teams, the design team process, it's information that should be useful to you in beginning to figure out that perhaps a board of directors is a name you would use, we would look at it as a design team. How do you design an organization to facilitate all of this work? And would you have seven members, 11 members, all the different functions: inquiring members, recorders, consultant? I would suggest that you think about looking at that information and using it to guide you. It was not put out there to be forgotten. It was put out there to show you how to do this work. And I would love more than anything to see a functioning design team at the core of this foundational group who had a spiritual consultant, someone acting as a T/R in which I could actively participate with seven or eleven individuals and guide you as you work through the many difficult decisions that it would take to begin to put some legs under this thing.
So again, not to be evasive, but I am not here to make these decisions for you. I'm here to guide, I'm here to suggest, I'm here to recommend and draw your attention to things, but these are all decisions for you to make and to figure out, and you need to figure out how to organize yourselves to do it. And then you create an ability to receive a great deal of more energy because now you're in a position to conduct it and to use it. Thank you.
Bea: I have a question. You said in your introduction if we had any concerns to voice them. Okay, so I guess my concern is I think it would be great to announce your presence here, but I'm struggling with how that should be done because well we're in the context of The Urantia Book here. So, all of us here understand the language, but not everybody will be familiar with The Urantia Book. I feel as if that might be a prerequisite to understanding. If we say Machiventa is here, I'm trying to come up with how to introduce your presence and whether or not to name you. Do you know what I'm trying to say?
MM: This is Machiventa. Of course, Bea. I know how difficult it is. You can't imagine how many centuries we have dealt with exactly that same problem. And so, as you begin to try and formalize this work, you can use the text of The Urantia Book to give you a great deal of insight, and I'm sure that there are many here that have their own ministries and have had decades of dealing with just that—how do you appeal to people? And so, you have a great deal of resources at your disposal to send out as a leadership group exactly that and get their feedback. But never forget that those who will be attracted to this work and those you will end up talking with in the beginning are guided by their own Thought Adjusters. There are no coincidences in life. People will find this work when they're ready to find it, when they have the capacity to use it.
And so, it is important to keep in mind that you are not appealing to people on the strength of the revelations of The Urantia Book in its native form. What you are doing is using that information in that revelation. You have put it into 30 years plus of practicing to incarnate it. And that process, to those of you who have really worked at this incarnating a conscious contact with your Thought Adjuster, will then provide you with the wisdom, how to speak to and guide those who come to you for help and how then to attract them and to answer their questions and to tailor all this information that you have to be effective in that moment, in that one instant with that individual. Now the most attractive part of this is the lives that you live, the aura that you project, the energy at which you vibrate, the confidence in which you feel in your own faith journey with your indwelling spirit and how that has helped and guided you. So you're not bereft of how to speak to people because you simply are vulnerable and confess about your own experience and how it has helped you and how you can witness to this process that had been revealed first in the life of Jesus as he lived and spoke as that life is best or plainly revealed in the Urantia papers and then in all these Teaching Mission transcripts. There's a wealth of material here.
So, each of you has a process and I would hope that this process includes spending time every day in seeking the guidance of your indwelling Adjuster, and that when you seek that guidance, you will find these intimate and individual answers that you are looking for. And then we will guide you in general ways and support you. This is a Urantia project. This is a mortal effort. At this point we feel it is inevitable, it is necessary, and it's unavoidable that the mortals of this world who have heard the call of spirit need to come forward now and fight beside us for the continued sustainability of civilization on this world and to represent in this moment an unbeatable force of divine love and light that we can finally banish the darkness of rebellion from the minds and hearts of the individuals here and begin to put this world on a path towards social sustainability, spiritual growth, and alignment with the will of the Paradise deities for this world.
So, we solicit your help, we actively seek a way to join with you and co-create with you this effort, this organization that will be born out of these efforts in this generation but will last for many generations into the future of this world. Thank you.
Bea: Okay, well that helps.
JT: Well, we're out of time and that sounded like a closing to me. So, unless somebody has another pressing issue, let's end the meeting today.
Byron: I just want to say one thing. The next meeting Monday, which is on our schedule Monday evening, should be to talk about forming the design team for our work as Machiventa has suggested. So just putting that out there.
JT: That's good.
Byron: I wanted to also add for Bea that those of us with a lot of gray hair here can answer the question that you asked because I've been dealing with it for 49 years. How do we communicate this thing to people? So, we have a lot of experience here and be reassured that we're with you, we're building it, and come to us with questions like that. How do you get this to the public? Many of us have spent our adult lives on that—mainly failing.
Bea: Well, I already have my ideas, I'm just not certain of them.
Byron: Yeah. Nor am I.