2023-10-19-Your Destiny From the Start
Topic: Your Destiny From the Start
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa
TR: Mark Rogers
Machiventa: I accept the invitation provided by your creating this opportunity and the environment conducive for it to manifest. I am Machiventa, here to respond to some of the thought patterns expressed prior to this opportunity for sharing. One topic of interest I would like to address is the observation made that there are significant discrepancies at times between different voices for their spirit encounters. This is, of course, to be expected. Each instrument has a tone of its own. Each instrument used to express the divine qualities has its own signature, its own special frequency and tone that are distinguishable in the great orchestra of life. So messages received are received through individual filters and individual lenses are used to focus on individual components. Many of these individual components are shared and overlap with your other fellows and therefore there is a resonance and a relevance to the expression of truth.
When the messages from on high were delivered by the instrument that was Michael of Nebadon, the tones were unique and special and uplifting as such an instrument had gained such a resonance and such a tone that many heard the calling of this instrument. Many could relate to the tones of this energy signature. Many were drawn to seek the origins of such divine tones. Other great communicators have had mortal origin but have resonated and reflected such divine awareness, such tones of divinity that they transcended all mortal limitation and were able to exist in spirit context. In the times we find ourselves, many opportunities are destined to arise for many to adapt to the frequencies and wavelengths of spirit communication and connection.
This has been your destiny from the start. This earthly sojourn has merely been prepared for you as the right opportunity for you to choose to grow in spirit and pursue your eternal career. Such is the plan, such is the grace of the plan with such loving parents to have provided unlimited potential, unlimited opportunity, and unlimited ultimate achievement as the pursuit of your eternal career brings you the ultimate results of achievement, brings you closer and closer to your Divine Parents. Such a journey as you have embarked upon is glorious in its graceful opportunities. Once you become aware that this is so, you can gain much control over your trajectory by choosing wisely among your opportunities, knowing that they are gifts of grace, opportunities to grow and move forward.
I applaud you for developing this sense, the sense of willingness and curiosity and this interest in playing the best game with the highest values in the current circumstance immediately before you. This is how divine values become infused into the fabric of mankind by the act of executing them, investing these values by bringing them into the fabric of the paradigm. Such are your opportunities and your choices before you. What will you bring to the circumstance, what will you infuse the environment with as your contribution, what values will you bring and demonstrate with your choices? These are your cards to play, your choices to make and your consequences to endure.
The fact that you have been made aware that changes are afoot throughout the universe is really no surprise. It’s only confirmation of your own observations and feelings about the circumstances that surround you and certainly those on our side of the veil would agree with you in your assessment that circumstances are strained, conditions are stressed, and you’re wondering where is the love? I think each one of you knows the answer to that question. Each one of you are the bearers of love, each one of you are the conduits, the instruments of peace. Each one of you are the light anchors enabling the light to transfer from one dimension to another. Each one of you are the great spark plugs that ignite potential all around you. Yes my dear ones, you are the light, you who have come to know of this love are the bearers of this great truth. Surely it’s a joyful message of reconnection, reestablishment and of joining together different aspects of the whole and bringing together separate components with purpose.
Bringing the light is the answer to your prayers and your seeking to find how you might be useful and how you might serve your Divine Parents in this grand process. Certainly you have offered yourselves as instruments and they have been taken up and utilized. With the awakening of the layers of circuitry, there will rise this great curiosity of what it is your mortal companions are experiencing. What it feels like for you will be the greatest comfort to them. How has it been for you to take on this mantle of spirit awareness and this perspective that allows for you to include multiple dimensions of your being. The ability to allow for this inclusion should provide you with the attitude to also allow for the inclusion of your Onboard Partner. Certainly if you can invite others in spirit you can also choose to include your Inner Guide.
These choices are being confronted even now by each and every mortal of the realm. There is some consideration given to whether such a spirit based perspective is proper when so much of a mortal life is material and manifests in the material plane. Certainly you have all recognized there are other dimensions beyond the body and beyond the mind. There is another dimension altogether which is your eternal dimension. Surely knowing this, one might choose to invest in the developments of their spirit and its connection that are available as this is the direction of pursuit in your eternal career. Such is the game at hand and I would like to swing your perspective and point to the contrast that all of this important, significant, even eternal effort at spiritual growth, this effort that is so significant to make is made within in the spirit dimension.
The opportunities provided before you are endless in response to your desires to find them and have them. Whatever circumstances arise around you in your environment and they may trigger a response from you, the important component is not at all what the details of the circumstance happen to be. What is important is your relationship to it, how you process circumstance, through what lens will you see it, how much grace can you bring into the equation, how much flavor of goodness can you detect, how much goodness is felt throughout the circumstance. By going through this process of determining your relationship, your reference to all these things around you, you identify and determine your position in the constellation of all that is, your relationship to all that is around you determines your position and all of this growth, all of this movement, all of this purpose, all of this manifestation, all occurs within. It is all achieved by the work, the efforts of the seeker.
So perhaps one might gain a greater sense of peace with all the turmoil about you in your environment by understanding that every one of these circumstances is, as you say, either a cry of love or a cry for love and as such, you are granted the opportunity to choose how to respond, how to relate and how to approach or how to distance yourself. We have a deep gratitude for all those who are as pioneers in this experiment of attempting to bridge the gap and connect the two dimensions of material and spiritual. It is greatly pleasing that such an accomplishment has been made and sustained and utilized for such service as this. I honor this opportunity and step down after expressing my gratitude for such. Farewell.
Inner Voice: While the circuit remains open, I would take this opportunity in possession of the voice to once again make my presence known in this circle. I am this one’s Inner Voice and am grateful to be granted an invitation and be referenced in conversation. In order for you to interpret my communications you must grant me some authority, you must approve of my participation. You must welcome me as easily as you would welcome others you are familiar with. This represents a significant challenge before this generation of man. There has not been the universal idea or notion or dream that all mortals of the realm may in fact contact a Divine Fragment that is within them and that this spirit guide is destined to join them in an eternal career and to literally fuse together and become as one in this process of spiritual growth.
You, with ears to hear, have heard that this is the case, that you have an Indwelling Guide and that it is your destiny to not only associate but combine together in pursuit of the First Source and Center. Indeed, blessed are those who know of their connection. Blessed are those who know of their destiny and who can more throughly enjoy the journey. Blessed are you who have been exposed to these truths on which you can build your faith and blessed are you who believe these truths enough to manifest the truth itself, become this truth, not only the bearers of this truth but the examples by which others may see the benefits.
What will it take for this awareness to go viral? What degree of believers will be necessary to tip the scale until it can become free and common knowledge that all are members of the same family, all have a spirit destiny and all are bound together in this process of survival, and growth and awareness? This profound opportunity we share even now is a demonstration of a truth that is a reality that exists, a demonstration, a belief in action. Such seeds may be planted throughout your experiences, throughout your journey. Opportunities continually arise allowing for you to implement another choice, perhaps a choice influenced by previous choices and their subsequent outcomes. That is growth, that is expanding your awareness, that is pursuing the path from mortal to spiritual.
The journey before you is destined to be spectacular and for those with ears to hear, hear this message from your Onboard Partner. Hear this message over the Thought Adjuster Circuitry, hear this message of welcome from your Internal Guide. Feel this embrace of welcome and this encouragement to connect, to connect easier and better. Such prayers will certainly be answered in time and such actions will prove it so. Trust that you are never alone, even if you did not consider your Onboard Partner. They are there nevertheless, to assist, to provide perspective, to bring assurance of direction and to bring divine influence as you have the capacity to do so. I join you in drinking this cup of goodness and sharing it, enjoying the grace and sharing it with you. Recall that we are together always and will be together more as we strive to do so. All is well, be in peace, be at peace, and certainly I will help you be in peace. I am eager to assist as you so desire. Accept my invitation and follow me as I know the way to The Father. I am here to get you and bring you and together we will make this journey. Let us make it so.
Mark: I would just like to express my gratitude to my Inner Guide for being willing to step forward out into this abyss. Thank you, thank you, thank you.