2023-10-22-Coherence in Spiritual Unity
Topic: Coherence in Spiritual Unity
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Our Divine Parents and Magisterial Son, we open ourselves to what you wish to bring forth of the spiritual energy and relanguaging that we need to purify and clarify our mindal and memory circuits from the past rebellion legacy. It is time for us to take our rightful place in our universe family home, and we stand in that power and potency of our divine inheritance that you have given to us, Mother and Father. And now we ask to use that in service to our world in its great time of need of spiritual advancement.
Thank you for connecting us at the various levels of circuits that are part of the entire life configuration that unify us in divine Love and divine Will. We call on our celestial helpers, our Planetary Seraphim, our universe brothers and sisters, who are engaging in prayer at this time to support this greater awakening process to occur for humanity. You know what it is that you wish us to hold today, and we are grateful for the experience of learning to hold and work in the coherence principle of all life. Thank you for your Will being done through your Mercy and Grace, and prepare us now that we may be used for the planet's higher purposes. Thank you so much.
MONJORONSON: My greetings to one and all today. This is Monjoronson, and I welcome you all to this intentional forum of co-creation with Spirit for the higher purposes for this world to evolve. What we have been inviting you to hold for this world to achieve more spiritual vitality is the coherence principle of LIFE.
The resonance of divine LOVE reverberates through every aspect of the vast creative plan and design of LIFE. You, as an ascending an evolving human, will learn about these principles and dynamics as you explore the vast array of energies available for you to use during your long evolutionary ascent to Paradise. It is important for you at this time to begin this process of understanding the various circuits that you have available to you, those which have been, what you might call, hardwired into you and those energies that live external to you.
It is today's intention that I invite you to focus on the spiritual energies of COHERENCE IN SPIRITUAL UNITY IN FATHER MICHAEL. COHERENCE IN SPIRITUAL UNITY IN FATHER MICHAEL. COHERENCE IN SPIRITUAL UNITY IN FATHER MICHAEL. As you see these words in your mind’s eye, ask for your mental current to be elevated to the higher levels of mind where your Spirit can reach down and draw your mental current up to that level where you may be able to perceive more of the divine meaning and value of what we are asking you to hold today.
However, I do encourage you to keep your focus at this level without engaging over much questioning and speculation about what this means. Rather, we would ask for you to experience the deeper meaning and value through the various circuits of your human energy system that you may grow in this COHERENCE dynamic and what it means to be spiritually unified with your brothers and sisters in the greater Fatherhood of Christ Michael. This is part of the Gospel that He preached when He was here in human form as Jesus.
And it is now time for this world to become more COHERENT IN SPIRITUAL UNITY at a foundational level of your beings, and your kinship to the Creator of all. So simply hold this focus now: COHERENCE IN SPIRITUAL UNITY IN FATHER MICHAEL, and let the experience embrace you of what this divine meaning and value is for your life. And we begin. (Pause)
In order for you to grow in your status as sons and daughters of God, it is vital that your spiritual foundation be in integrity with the divine plans that the Creator has seeded into you. SPIRITUAL UNITY is an energetic form that builds this spiritual foundation in you to help you become more unified with your brothers and sisters, especially in recognizing their innate right to grow in who they are as a son and daughter of God. This is a dynamic relationship that has yet to fully blossom upon this world.
In today's infusion, we ask for you to hold this for yourselves, that you may be strengthened at a deeper level of what this means and help you become more loving, understanding, and compassionate with others, especially those who have divergent views from your own. It is not that you all have to think alike. Rather, it is a matter of you recognizing your inmate kinship with the Creator and that each person has their own unique path to find God in their own way and in their own time. You might call this an infusion of super-tolerance and patience with your brothers and sisters, especially those who might wish to strive with you because you do not see the world in the same way as they.
When you move into this SPIRITUAL UNITY, especially to become more coherent with it, you are opening yourselves to a greater experience with your Father of Michael, who is the LIVING WORD and the divine template for your human lives. This is a very important spiritual commodity for you to ingest and embody. So, I invite you to keep your focus on COHERENCE IN SPIRITUAL UNITY IN FATHER MICHAEL that these energies may deepen in you and lead you into new qualities of relationships with your brothers and sisters. We continue. (Pause)
As you allow these energies to imprint and deepen upon you, you will notice in the coming days that there is an enhanced ability to be more patient and cooperative with your brothers and sisters. As I said earlier, it does not mean that you need to all think alike, but it is important that you share your different perspectives that you may all find common ground in what you perceive.
Keep in mind this is one of the techniques that your Father Michael introduced here as Jesus. He did not strive with His brothers and sisters, but He took their various opinions and elevated it to the higher levels of truth that they were able to understand. We are helping you learn these principles, not necessarily through didactic learning, but through experience with these principles and energies that you may feel deeply at a visceral level what this means for you as a growing son and daughter of God.
When the Father in Paradise issued the command to “be perfect,” it was an invitation to become as He is, and this is one of the underlying spiritual principles that builds your spiritual foundation to render you more light-filled and love-dominated engaging with your brothers and sisters.
Your Indwelling Spirits are well aware of your spiritual capacity and receptivity. And as you engage at this higher level holding this focus, feel that willingness and inner motivation to become more spiritually unified with your brothers and sisters that you may all partake of the LIVING WORD of your Father Michael and grow in His Godlike nature. Let all of all of these words settle in to form a more cohesive bond with these energies that you may truly embody what it means to be COHERENT IN SPIRITUAL UNITY in your Father. (Pause)
Your divine inheritance is the most precious gift that is a part of your innate being. Do you truly understand what this means to be a son and daughter of God? Coming from such a beleaguered planet, it is very challenging at times for you to recognize this beautiful gift of Spirit. But even if you do not recognize it fully, that does not negate its importance or its fact within you. Imprinting upon your Father Michael as the LIVING WORD brings you into a more coherent way of looking at life through the lens of SPIRITUAL UNITY where you recognize yourself in relationship to your brothers and sisters as equal. No one has preferential status in the eyes of God. You are all on the same level playing field in your ability to be loved by the Father of all and to grow in who you are as part of your personality potential.
When you truly desire to be spiritually unified with your brothers and sisters, you are now recognizing the proportional relationship that you have to your brethren and to the Creator of all. This is a spiritual principle that is still underdeveloped upon this world. It is intended in today's infusion for this energy to engage more into the planetary circuits of mind and memory.
The separation in spiritual unity spawned by the rebellion mindset and agenda has placed a heavy burden upon you, and at times it feels very difficult for many humans to sense that they are the same in the eyes of God as everyone else. You live in a cult of personality where individuals who achieve greater recognition or acclaim are the objects of adoration and emulation. This strikes against the heartbeat of the Creator insofar as you are all sharing equal status in the bosom of the Father.
So, let us now shift focus. Take a moment to simply shift your gaze and envision the planet before you in your mind’s eye. Let these words spiral around the planet in that familiar counterclockwise rotation: COHERENCE IN SPIRITUAL UNITY IN FATHER MICHAEL. COHERENCE IN SPIRITUAL UNITY IN FATHER MICHAEL. COHERENCE IN SPIRITUAL UNITY IN FATHER MICHAEL. Ask all of the seraphic helpers and celestial assistants to engage in the circuits of human mind and memory, going down into those memory places and circuits where this infusion is necessary to realign and restructure how you, as humans, relate to one another. And simply do your best to hold this focus from your hearts as all the helpers engaging in the circuits do what they can at their level. Thank you. (Pause)
Hold an intention for more human willingness and motivation to open to COHERENCE IN SPIRITUAL UNITY IN FATHER MICHAEL. Your brothers and sisters may not understand what this means, and you are growing in your comprehension and the wisdom of this encoding. So do your best to feel that need for your brothers and sisters to recognize this within themselves—that they are unified in Spirit, with not only their brothers and sisters, but with all life in its coherence principles. And invite the coherence dynamic to move deeply into those areas where there is the greatest need for transformation. (Pause)
As you hold this focus as best you can, also invite Michael’s PLANS OF PLANETARY CORRECTION to engage in these circuits, opening more pathways for conscious recognition of what is now underway upon Urantia, to change its course and turn it more into the direction of the light of Paradise, where spiritual gravity is engaging in the human energy system to draw you forward. Michael’s PLANS OF CORRECTION are indeed so far and wide encompassing that it may stagger your imagination. But you can simply ask for this to move deeper into the memory circuits that more people may feel this inner awareness to change course and open to the light within of the Spirit. (Pause)
There are many activities underway on this world unbeknownst to you that will continue to foster this overarching plan of Michael's correction for His beloved world. You are not alone, nor have you been forgotten, but you are in an intense struggle to overcome the deficits of the past that your divine inheritance may indeed become more operative in you through your conscious awareness.
So, continue to hold this focus as best you can, especially with the intention to help your brothers and sisters open to this as well. They may not know yet the incredible love and compassion their Father has for them and the divine LOVE that is waiting to draw them out of their own misery and unworthiness. Let these energies work deep into the memory circuits that more of your brothers and sisters may cast off the shadows of self-delusion and step into the light of their higher natures and selves. The Father within them is desirous of illuminating their self-perception.
It is time to level the playing field upon Urantia. The current phase you are undergoing is designed to help you see the imbalances and the inequities which have been spawned by the long years of the rebellion agenda. You see what it has done to this world and now it is time for this to end that Urantia may become so spiritually unified in the Fatherhood of Christ Michael that all recognize the proportional relationship to their Creator and to one another. (Pause)
It is now time to elevate your gaze to Paradise and the Creator Deities who have put in place this incredible evolutionary plan of perfection. Take a few moments in your own way to give thanks for what has been given to you to develop in yourself and for the gift of LIFE that comes from this Divine Source of GLORY and PERFECTION, that the divine radiance may reflect upon you and anchor you more securely in becoming COHERENT IN SPIRITUAL UNITY. Join us now in this time and moment of giving thanks and communion with one another so this divine reflection of COHERENCE IN SPIRITUAL UNITY from the Paradise level may reflect into you and into the planet.
And as you give thanks, be appreciative as you slowly and gently reiterate this in your mind's eye and heart's delight, I AM BECOMING COHERENT IN LIFE. I AM BECOMING COHERENT IN LIFE. I AM BECOMING COHERENT IN LIFE, allowing your personality to integrate you into all of these dynamics that you may enjoy a greater perception within you of what it means to be spiritually unified with LIFE, with your brothers and sisters, and with your Divine Source. (Pause)
May you now descend from Paradise. Place yourself firmly on the ground in your mind's eye. You are now standing in a field of COHERENCE IN SPIRITUAL UNITY IN FATHER MICHAEL, and it is holding you steady and engaging with the various circuitries and pathways of your energy system. And feel that need to become so tightly woven into this energy that you become more coherent and resonant with the divine WILL and plans within your own higher self and soul. And claim your divine inheritance to grow in this way, to become more loving, tolerant, patient, and unified with your brothers and sisters at a fundamental level of the spiritual kinship you all share. Invite the integration to pervade the planet through the circuits of mind and memory as we make our final adjustments for the purposes of this call today. (Pause)
In the coming days, pay close attention to the thoughts you intuit, and the feelings you experience. Notice if you sense a deeper willingness to become more loving and patient with your brothers and sisters, especially those who have still to awaken. You are on a very dynamic trajectory now, my brethren, as the Spirit Within increases the gravity within you to draw you forward on your path of perfecting yourself to be in alignment with divine WILL and the WAYS of LIFE. This world is beginning to recognize its rightful place in the Family of Love, but it is just beginning. There is so much more to come and you have so much to look forward to as these spiritual changes embrace the world. Be at peace in your Father Michael as the winds of change blow through Urantia. Be steadfast and steady in the love you know you are and the status you have as a child of God.
While I withdraw from you in this manner, you can come to me at any moment during the day and ask for guidance and perspective. Use the spiritual agencies you have within you: your Indwelling Spirit, your Divine Mother, your divine Father, your guardian seraphim, your personal teachers, myself, your Planetary Manager Machiventa, and all of the other assistance that is around you. We will hold you secure, but you must do your job as a growing citizen of the universe to remain at peace and to know all things are indeed transforming in Michael’s plans of correction. On behalf of all of our universe helpers, I thank you for your faith and consistent devotion to collaborate with us during this time when this world is indeed changing its course and turning its face toward the LIGHT of Paradise. Good day.