2023-11-02-Port in the Storm of Life
Topic: Port in the Storm of Life
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: By way of invitation, I would set the stage for all of our spirit counterparts, our friends and associates who’ve been kind enough to join us and even form relationships with us. We are all in gratitude for the process and the participation of all the individuals. I stand in readiness to facilitate such a process as we have developed. So be it, even now.
Machiventa: I respond to your regular invitation once again. I am Machiventa and as you can imagine, I have been keenly interested in my assingnment to you, my assignment before Michael, my assignment to bring morontia truths and realities into the earthly plane with the participation of those willing to venture out beyond a mortal construct and explore the dimensions and boundaries of their very being. The task before me has always been the upliftment though the education of dedicated individuals to keep alive the grand scale and scope of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. As I am able to approach you now in these times, I see that my challenge of the ages is now our challenge to pursue and to engage with as the idea of one Creator God and one family of man has once again been eroded by many factions and approaches which lack this central awareness. Such an awareness allows one to find unity and harmony in the various reflections of truth, beauty, and goodness that are explored.
By returning to this project on a regular basis with you, I am allowed the opportunity to continually address current stresses and recent shifts and point out and reflect with you that these are recurring themes of change. They may take their own shape and have their own traits and identities but all are a part of the available opportunities before you waiting to be chosen and thus be made real by your bringing them life with your choice. So the mission, my mission, now our mission, remains very similar, to take a step back in a sense, a step prior in divine expression and to center and reflect on the core principles more so than the details of any approach or any ideas of assimilation.
Your spiritual growth is an inevitable ongoing process which becomes accelerated by these leaps that you make, leaps that are granted you because you extend your faith to grasp them, to find them, and to embrace them. Such distance is traversed only by your personal efforts and so your accomplishments remain an aspect of your developing personality, your individual self. The circumstances that are out there in the world are a matter for you to observe, a matter for you to reconcile your relationship to, and a matter for your prayerful consideration of how one could affect positive change. These opportunities provide you with a means to define yourselves in relationship to these matters of contrast that are out there.
Your primary objective as an involved mortal of the realm is your individual spiritual growth which then makes you an effective agent for change. When you can represent the truths of spirit by your very presentation, your very being, then things around you change. They attempt to become more like the pattern you represent, the divine pattern you portray. In this way, this act of intention may trigger a landslide effect and may offer a refuge and a point of reference for those who are in need of stability, in need of a port in this storm. The opportunity exists for you to demonstrate that you have found a port in the storm of life and a place of security as a member of the family of man, under the one God and Father Creator.
So now you may understand why this juncture of spiritual pressure is significant to me as an extension of my service to Michael and to the concept of One God and one people. It’s still the right message, it’s still relevant even now in these times and it is still the will of Michael to maintain its light to truth. Now I am here to ask of all of you for that which you have already freely given, and that is your willingness to assist with this important message. You are assisting as we speak. You are in training as you have mentioned. You have increased your capacity and become more aware, and all of this brings you to this place where you may act as the representative of these truths that you are. You have been through the training, you have received instruction, you have showed up for the training and put in the time to make the most of these experiences.
So I would confer upon you a sense of purpose in your merely being the light and demonstrating your connection to the light and your willingness to associate with the forces of light. Recall always of the assistance that you have at the ready within; that part of what you have gained and learned in this process is your connection, your portal. This is how you have learned all of this, this is through who you have learned all of this. This is in relationship with your Adjuster that all of this has occurred. So consider, all of this that you have gained so far has already been with the active assistance and guidance, even permission from your Inner Guide. So, for all this time you have had connection, you have enjoyed this portal through which you have gained much spirit awareness.
The challenge as a mortal of the realm in finding this Inner Guide, this Divine Fragment, is the differentiation from the self. You are in fact so closely involved that there is no great distinction of separateness between you. The distinction between you cannot be sensed as a different energy signature as you sense other life forms. There is no distinct energy signature of personality within your Inner Guide as they are not a distinct individual and they crave the experience that you are having as a distinct individual, a mortal of the realm. They are volunteering to join with you and sharing the journey with you is a sincere act of devotion and dedication for which they gain an eternal personality as they share yours. Such is the opportunity and even the destiny before you as you so choose.
When you discuss waves of spiritual energy that are contacting your shores, I am reminded of the flush of energy and interest in spirit that was infused around the time of Michael’s sojourn on earth. There were great waves of spirit influence causing increased interest in matters of the spirit. Likewise, there is a yearning that is undefined, a yearning for something more, something greater, something to belong to which is grand, something to believe in because it is true. These feelings and inspirations and stirrings of the heart prompt people to seek out where there are answers and solutions and contrasts to the problem. This is where you may come into the picture. This is where you may simply, by your act of expressing your faith in your position, in your destiny and in your truths, as such a demonstration is truly a reflection of divine pattern through you, the instrument of peace, a glorious flower to behold from the efforts of the planting and the harvest.
Again, for the record, I would state my gratitude and the collective gratitude of many for this platform that you make available by your own efforts to do so. Your having made your own efforts enables us to stand on such a platform and to have an environment in which we may share and fellowship and share this journey of experience together. Know that all your efforts are well received from the smallest petition of prayer of wellbeing to the grandest devotion of focused meditation, all contributions made in spirit are retained and all such efforts serve to grow the individual and to expand the capacity. So as we get together and reflect on the plans, the missions ahead, the missions beforehand, the preparations made over millennia, all of these are part of the overall tapestry of individual threads of intention and expressions of intention woven together to form a magnificent portrayal of all the combined forces.
So is the grand plan before us all and the individual and personal plan before you all, the building of your soul and the creating of your unique individual eternal spirit. The part is reflective of the whole, and likewise the part is destined to become the whole. And on route on this fantastic journey we are fortunate enough to have opportunities to stop and fellowship and discuss the parameters of these journeys and the values and meanings contained in all of these experiences. Such is this gift of grace in sharing, even now. I look forward to continuing our trajectory and keeping alive this expression of goodness, this avenue for truth, and this creation of such beauty. I commit to support and uphold this joint creation with you and look forward to this service together. Bon voyage my friends as in enjoy the voyage. Make it joyful because you are aware of the nature of the voyage and the ultimate destination. So be it until we meet again. Farewell.
Mark: Thank you Machiventa.