2023-11-07-Discerning Effects of Progress

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Topic: Discerning Effects of Progress

Group: Zoom Contact Group


Teacher: Machiventa

TR: Simeon



My friends, I am Machiventa. Thank you for having me this evening. I am engaging with you for multiple reasons, one being our resonance with your discussion this evening, and the other because I had already planned to visit and share.


I would like to utilize your discussion of the Lucifer rebellion to afford some perspective regarding how we operate, which at times may seem slow and plodding compared to where you think this world needs to be, but as we have been finalizing the response factors to the resolution of the rebellion and quarantine on a spiritual level, we know that there is no magic wand or snap of the fingers that could both sustain the mandate for your free will choice and the quick resolution of the distorting influences on your world as manifested by humans engaging in age old patterns.

Instead, our mission, if you will, from Michael, is to implement alternate or competing patterns, much like Jesus as he lived sought to replace evil with good rather than to emphasize his efforts on the evil. For there to be real meaningful change and progress toward the plans of Michael there has to be an awareness of alternate patterns of behavior that encompass the greater realities of truth, beauty and goodness.

If you look closely, you can see various patterns emerging that are beginning to compete with ideas of top down hierarchical capitalistic exploitation. Instead, in various pockets on your world, leadership is emerging that recognizes the importance of the community and the input that is necessary to build sustainable positive leadership that attends both to support the hardworking citizenry with infrastructure, while also protecting with safety nets that allow for less fear of the future and the accidents of time and more focus on the needs of the present and how to be successful in the moment with one’s given tasks. You can also see measures throughout your world that are promoting more egalitarian efforts, yes between races and genders, but also those with means and those with lesser means.

Of course, you might say that the effects at the current time seem small and perhaps even pathetic, but from a global view there is real progress in the last century, particularly to bring about patterns that produce the positive exchange of ideas. This is the model of Michael, not to simply force what is right and true upon his children, but to do what is necessary to make it self evident what is true and good to pursue.

The chaos, conflict and struggles you witness are the result of many poor decisions over long periods of time and in some ways the fears of those who have control, that they might see it slip away, fears that in a few generations are probably well founded.

So I encourage you in your discussions to consider how these patterns that are being implemented play a part in the world and why we seek to have you stay connected within and to act upon your inspirations. For you, my friends, are also an important part of creating these patterns for your world. They do not come out of thin air, but often as a response to individuals and small groups of people stepping up to provide an alternate perspective and demands for change.


Thank you for allowing me to converse. I am cognizant of the contact’s limitations this evening, so I will leave it at that. We look forward to conversing with questions and answers at another time.