2023-11-13-The Positive Mission
Topic: The Positive Mission
Group: Zoom Contact Group
Teacher: Aaron
TR: Simeon
My friends, I am not Machiventa; I am Aaron. I am a servant of Machiventa, a student as well as a teacher, and we serve as one in the service of our Creator Father Michael and the universe of universes and the sources upholding us and manifesting all that exists.
Machiventa did desire to speak tonight, but he asked me if I would come in his place, one because of your comfort with my presence, and also because it is important to realize that it is less important who it is speaking to you than the message and the values contained therein.
As humans, you often attach import to titles and personages when the lowest of those serving our Father may provide the most critical piece of information you need. And thus it is necessary for you always to consider what is being said, what it is you feel, whether it resonates, more so than relying on the pronouncements and who is being asserted as the speaker.
It is true, your world needs an uplift, and there are various activities that could cause problems that you might consider cataclysmic, but this is not certain, this is not foreseen as the future that will progress you forward from where you are to the days of light and life. We are reliant on free will choice, thus anything is in the realm of possibility if choices are made so drastically against the will of our Father to dominate, exploit, or destroy, but these things seem more real in your human minds than they do in our spiritual minds.
What you consider most real and probable, we see as shadows, as potentialities yes, but we live in the universe of Michael of Nebadon who is manifesting his energy forth, not only through ourselves, but through you, each of you, and all of those who are entertaining such decisions. We are incredulous that he would allow death and destruction, albeit on a material level and not spiritual, but nevertheless this is not the way of Michael or our Mother.
You may have heard it said, “Where your treasures are, there your hearts will be.” Often what you focus upon is what you fear is most likely to manifest. I know fear is not the right word, for that insinuates it as a negative. But to offer you a flip of the switch, a turn of the coin, what you want to be true is where your treasures should be, not what you don’t want to be true. If you focus on the negative then you give energy to it, but if you focus on what it is you want to happen then you give energy to that. Your world and its people need this flip of the switch, need this positivity manifesting in personalities asking people to consider a vision and a future that is positive and progressing. Too many are caught up in distraction and despair, not having a good anchor or a good direction to pursue.
You, my friends, are anchors and beacons towards what is true each time you choose to reflect the positive message we have been sharing with you now for these many years. We ask you to recognize that although negative occurrences can happen, your mission is most definitely the positive, to provide the positive perspective, to look toward what can occur that is good and true and beautiful and to share that in whatever creative ways you decide so that more people begin to place their energy where it belongs rather than giving it to these perspectives that are less than productive.
This is the message my teacher, my friend, Machiventa wanted me to share with you this evening. I hope it is okay that I serve in his stead.
Q: I’m happy to hear from you Aaron, anytime. I am going to ask for my brother here who is in a low space, do you have any words of wisdom, guidance, encouragement, or points of focus for him?
Aaron: I feel a sense of warmth and a smiling energy as I thank you for your question. It is already happening, for I have already answered his questions. His heart is full and he feels a sense of direction already just from knowing that the world needs positivity. The world needs people who will step away from that which does not hold value to do those things which do have value. If you’re distracted, then step away, go within, get centered, and ask what can I do today? The answer might be to, as I have said before, to clean up your house, to be productive in your own environment, or to go out in your community as you go through your tasks and seek to engage honestly with others - not necessarily to be the teacher - but to be intentional in recognizing what you can offer and what you can receive in any interaction.
Be gentle with yourselves. This is a chaotic world, causing you to struggle with various levels of turbulence, but if your center is true and your desire is pure, you will do good things more often than not.
Q: Very nice and appreciated. Right on the money as always.
Q2: I agree.
Aaron: Remember, my friends, the universe is friendly.
Q2: Yes, indeed.
Aaron: And your world is part of the friendly universe. There are many who don’t completely know that yet, but our mission is to show that, reflect that and be that.
Q3: One of the things I’ve been learning recently is how important is to stand back or back up. Back up and just let things work themselves out. Father has a plan. They sometimes have to go through their process of completion and we can’t really do anything to change it other than to try to pray for those individuals and lift them up and be positive, as we can, when there is any opportunity to be that or to redirect the conversation towards a more positive outcome. So that’s kind of how I’m managing the day to day with all the chaos, is observing with compassion and trying to hold an understanding that there is a plan. It’s not all chaotic, per se. Things have a beginning, a middle, and an end.
Aaron: Nice, my friend. Your insight stands on its own. Thank you.
Q4: I’m listening more these days and things fall into place. I’m not forcing them. This is the third confirmation of that. The first was at our local group meeting last week, then our study group yesterday and now this message and it’s perfect that it comes through you Aaron. My gratitude is there for this happening tonight because I was counting the minutes until our next meeting.
Aaron: I am smiling again. Thank you for recognizing we try to provide things in a way that can be confirming as well as educational for those who are seeking understanding and clarity. My friend here had a quote flash through his mind and does not trust it was me, but the quote stands, nevertheless. And that is your poet Springsteen, who said, “The poets down here don’t write nothing at all. They just stand back and let it all be.” And sometimes that is what is necessary until you recognize what it is you can provide rather than getting blown about by the wind so you are angsty and uncertain and doubtful. Reside in that place of certainty and view the world from that perspective and then you will see what you can provide when it is necessary.
Q5: Aaron a thought occurs to me that when we hear a message communicated through someone with more harsh tones or negativity, it’s my thought or intuition that it’s probably their human side coming through and the spin or interpretation of what it is that’s going on. I know I’m trying to learn to T/R better myself and to be mindful of my personality spin and really trying to listen for your words, for authenticity in the original words, and not to stuff my words into the sentence, as it were. Does that make sense?
Aaron: Indeed, it does. This discernment is necessary. To perceive insight as a human in this way requires the filters of the human mind, thus perfection is not attainable. The practices you suggest are on the money , so to speak. Another consideration is to realize that doubts and fears play a part and so to the degree to which you can set aside these factors is the degree to which you can have clarity in understanding.
Many pronouncements over the years have not come to pass, and many are a mixture of communication attempts blended with various subconscious fears and concerns. This is part of your practice here, to work to eliminate the negatives before you listen for the message, to connect and to let go and to allow without condition. Yes, I know this is not completely possible as humans at your stage, but this is the desire in practice for you to attain so that when you receive you can more satisfactorily feel a sense of value in the message rather than inserting your energy that is not centered.
Recognize we do not deride any effort to receive truth from within by connecting with one’s spirit. We only seek to provide clarification and to help you forward in the process, to become more clear.
The reason there are various speakers rather than one person designated to be the mouthpiece for us is so there can be cross confirmation or the lack thereof. This provides a sort of community corrective ability so that no one can go too far afoul without having the support or guidance from their fellows in the community.
So as you hear these messages, place them in perspective with the various communications to find where there is both confirmation and perhaps sometimes correction. If you are pure in your intention, then hopefully the correction is well taken rather than seen as a slight.
Q5: Excellent, thank you.
Aaron: Thank you for the opportunity. We were prepared, knowing this could occur this evening. Thank you for responding to your nudges to be here. Each of you have added to the conversation, even aside from my communication to you. Know that the back and forth provides illumination for more than just you here with us tonight. Thank you for being part of the team.