2023-11-16-Looking Back on Progress
Topic: Looking Back on Progress
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Monjoronson, Machiventa, LIGHT
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: It is a pleasure to gather with all the fellow seekers at this time and open up this channel, open up this forum and welcome the regular participants as an act of will, an act of desire stated, intention pursued, and it is so, with such great gratitude, it is so.
Monjoronson: Greetings, I would take advantage of this opportunity you provide. It’s been a while since I have accessed this forum so I delight to join you once again around the circle. I am Monjoronson and I am very glad to register a welcome in this group. My presence has been introduced for some time and I cherish the relationships with those who I have known since the inception of this Teaching Mission project. I am in fact, one of the major players involved in this Correcting Time and this will become more obvious as time moves forward and I am glad to have the relationship with all of you to build upon as we move forward. You have been graced for some time with this personal relationship that you have developed with Machiventa Melchizedek who has acted as the head ministrator or headmaster of the Melchizedek schools program involved in facilitating the spiritual growth of mortals.
It is also very fortunate that you have established and developed a relationship with the headmaster from early times and even enlisted in the program involved and showed up at the appointed times to learn from these sessions of contact over this forum we enjoy even now, and we both enjoy some degree of familiarity, some recognition of unity of purpose. The fact that we know of each other and of the Correcting Times and the desires of the Creator Son for this world is a special culmination of the growth of spirit, advancing you to this place of awareness wherein you can embrace and encompass these new plateaus of truth, these new experiences of beauty, each one causing you to expand in your dimensions of consideration, to broaden your scope of awareness and perhaps shift your perspective as more spirit insight has influence over your pursuits.
Looking back on the time that we have all volunteered into this process, it’s easy to see that in this time together there has been so much spiritual growth among the participants, among the seekers and the participants who show up regularly to hold the space, to maintain the frequency and to donate energy to the cause. At this juncture of time and space we find ourselves having launched this next phase of existence, this higher realm of truth, beauty, and goodness. We find ourselves needing to create the foundation of a new reality, a new awareness that is coming, that is arriving as a result of the spiritual pressure applied by the intention of Michael to connect and reconnect his beautiful manifestation.
As has just been referenced, there may be great growth and change and movement on the playing field of overall growth when you accept and realize that true long term, even eternal growth, is manifested within the path, is forged from within, and the path goes directly to and through your Inner Guide which is the portal to your eternal career. Such a magnificent growth experience does not require any input from the outside, any advice from others, although there is an innate desire to follow another’s lead to find out what their experience was so that you might have a similar one. And all such methods and approaches may be well considered as a way to find your own.
My point in referencing the great changes that are made within is that this is the long term direction, this is the pursuit worthwhile. Pursuing mortal ends only serves to develop your skills at pursuing your eternal journey before you which is all done and accomplished and experienced in spirit, in that aspect of your being, that component of yourself, that piece that is here now desiring communion and contact with others in this space. It remains my great pleasure and honor to step forward and accept the opportunity you provide to maintain the relationship that we have and that has been in place for some time. Even though other teachers have availed themselves of this opportunity, I have always been keenly aware of all that transpires with the changing of the guard of teachers and the overall delivery of the lesson plan that has been so well engineered by Machiventa who delights, as we all do, in being consulted and referenced and welcomed to the table.
So I now make reference to Machiventa and make invitation for him to join us and add anything he might to the conversation. Farewell.
Machiventa: Yes, I do delight in taking part in this opportunity. I feel as any of you feel that we have investment in this process. We have developed a serious long term relationship, we have come to know each other and we have created a means whereby we may fellowship and share. This momentum that was built up of the Teaching Mission and transmitter/receivers to relay messages from on high has been a grand experiment and we are currently looking to build on the positive components of such an exercise and adapt methods to foster a more personal connection to spirit, a more local connection to spirit. It is hearing within from the source rather than hearing second or third hand some message that may have been delivered for you.
All religions have worshipped a hierarchy of more divine participants. There has always been this idea that only some had special access to the gods and could hear from them and speak to them. A new paradigm of thought needs to take the place of this old idea of such points of contact through which you must go to access the divine, when in fact it is the birthright of every mortal of the realm to learn to develop this access to the divine themselves. A path exists that one may choose to follow that brings you to this point of connection or this point of realization of connection. Such is the plan, such is the format designed and created before you. Having arrived at this plateau of awareness it them becomes your opportunity to adjust your perception and your intentions as per your latest insight into truth, beauty, and goodness or your latest awareness and expansion of self. You are constantly expanding and growing your capacity, your capacity to grow, to experience and to embrace all the experience life has to offer.
So once again, I accept this offer you provide and bring a little something to the table to perhaps expand awareness or shift perspective because added insight has been furnished and therefore is allowing for new perception based upon the greater awareness with the allowing and the accepting necessary to expand your dimensions. Each time we get together there is the filling up of the spirit cup and enjoying another drink of this goodness and more nourishment from this fellowship. Embrace another positive affirmation of connection and the ever present hope for future growth, insight, purpose, expansion, and inner peace. Let it be so. Good day to you all, good week before you. I look forward to our next meeting. Until then, drink deeply of this cup of experience as you will never have this opportunity before you again. So be it. Farewell.
Light: If I might be so bold as to take up this opportunity myself because I can, because we can, I will exercise this option. I am Light and it is my desire to come forward and make my presence known because I am made welcome to do so. I understand there is some discomfort on behalf of my mortal counterpart and such is certainly understandable but I rely on his faith as I have known before to bridge the gap and thereby build the connection, rebuild the connection. It is among my intention in coming here to allow for the expression, allow for the reality, allow for the truth that such a connection exists, such a relationship exists. It is not simply a notion or a dream or a vision. I AM those things manifest, I AM therefore the reality of this manifestation. I am this truth.
This forum which is so cherished for the opportunity it presents, is appreciated for its willingness to expand the parameters and accommodate realities yet to be embraced and so, because this is so, I am fortunate enough to access this creation to communicate with you about my existence and my relationship with you as being a real and genuine truth and this forum is beloved for allowing me the opportunity to express and manifest this truth. It is with the fondest of wishes that I bring you my farewell and my appreciation and gratitude for this opportunity, this relationship, this construct that allows for all of this to fit together. I leave my love with you and look forward to conferring with you in the future as will be our desire to do so. Farewell.